(0651) Fairly much on track with tempus fugitting, said 0730 resuming hostilities or bouquets. Thick fog or mist out there, a real peasouper. On the gulf coastline … well, look at the Wed 7 pics. (0823)
8. DAD at 946
”My few weks ‘restoration time’ has not changed the fact that France is becoming a NarcoState. Violece, blackmail, etc is used to ensure that those underlings comply.
*At a joint press conference, the police prefect and the public prosecutor of Marseille made the same observation. According to them, a form of “narcoterrorism” is gradually gaining ground in the Phocaean city, “gangrenous” by drug trafficking. While the number of drug homicides has halved in Bouches-du-Rhône in one year, magistrates and police officers are worried about facing a “globalized system” based on fear, corruption and the use of an increasingly young workforce.”
JH: We all really must have R&R, DAD, other chaps and chapesses … insane to see us driven out of our trees by the lunacy of others … our own mental health comes first, in order to be able to keep helping out somewhere down the track. Any ragtag like our volunteer unherdables, to be worth its salt, must be able to cover, not adequately, mind, for those on R&R.
At the same time, the tavern keeper here must stay well, in spirit, mind and body, in order to keep the tavern and grounds running. The bizarre thing is that tavern keeper himself is as eccentric as heck … not unlike John Connor in Terminator 3 … but he must do what he must do in the end … by the grace of God keep that light burning. Or something noble sounding like that.
7. Some more pics of the weird snow dumping
… at the edge of the Caribbean:

6. Mental health crisis
“These poor kids are so brainwashed, I actually heard some say that people who voted for Trump are not Americans anymore, and the country is being taken over by Christian fascists, and literal Nazis like Elon Musk (sic). They’re frightened and angry at the same time. What we are about to see unfold is a mental health crisis of unprecedented proportions, that could lash out in dangerous ways. Pray for these kids. The Democrats have caused irreparable damage to their psyche.”
Same over here with either serious lunatics or satanic mind control victims:

Going back to the earlier post Tue 10: The Pattern: 5, it’s there in B&W … the damage all this causes, esp. to impressionable minds. In 1985, Yuri Bezmenov, the Soviet dissident, spoke of stages of demoralisation of a society. He put it down to the Soviet SSes’ doing, all of it, not fun people to be sure … while much of it was actually being done to people by the home grown quislings … the left succumb to them but they themselves are evil muvvers, coming out with all this utter guff, ad nauseam.
Millipede is a lunatic, true, but so is AOC in America. Go and look for yourself whether Nole gave a “nazi salute” or not. I see just an autistic man, socially inept … have you read his background, his upbringing? What is AOC doing? Being angry online … having seen that Musk was making the same gestures that Clinton, she herself and others have made, she went hysterical in print, writing that she still hates nazis (in general) and what they’re doing to her.
You wot? Did you see this yesterday?

Talk about psy-ops … nowhere allow halfway normal people to have, say, a carol service … any representation at all of Christianity has to be either that lunatic woman preaching at Trump or AOC going out of her mind … or paedo priests … or nuns in Irish convents running homes for unwed teenage mothers or Bergoglio, Welby or whatever … relentless insanity, plus deep captcha of church buildings by the insane Woke left.
For a middle and working class rapidly shrinking via draconian moves by, say, Biden or this loony govt in the UK now, deep angst, fearmongering by the MSM, weather forecasters, weather engineers, the lot of em … people who would have traditionally turned to the Christian Trinity for succour … do not now … now people are beyond reason … and when they do turn to that in despair, what do they find? These lunatics mentioned above. Aaaaaaagggghhh, they scream … they turn and run.
All by patient design of very bad people pulling the strings.
Moving on … the Donald signing a release J6 EO … observe:

There’s hell going on in those places, those running them are not complying with the EO because they know very well that the mistreatment will quickly come out. Let’s just throw this one in:

Meanwhile, back over here, is it any better?

What’s with this “regulated ourselves”, Steven B? I’ve certainly not done any of that, nor has anyone I know, beyond day to day chores. This is all down to them out there … to those “in charge of us”.
And as Palin asked in Holy Grail … how’d you get that then? (The power position, he means.) By exploiting the workers … etc. etc. Not so far from the truth, I’m thinking. Where are any “good” people these days?
… to be continued sometime, chaps and chapesses.
A little 6 sec video meme. 🙂
JH: Uh huh.