(0017) At this stage, probably around 0700 resumation, give or take. (0205)
5. Pray that he stays a force for good

4. Have forgotten where I saw this

3. Steve at 945
… in no particular order this time, not numbered, just separated by dashes:
Battle Hymn of the Republic – Rubio – Judge Cannon Blocks DOJ From Sharing Jack Smith’s Classified Docs Report with Congress – Elon Musk to Fund T**my R**inson’s Legal Costs – Trump’s early actions – Uke sit-rep, Trump’s figures v Putin skewed, badly advised – EcoHealth Alliance fires Peter Daszak – WHO – Carney – much more………
2. Source Connor Tomlinson
Once you can take on board the lobbying thing in n1, it’s hardly surprising that similar might happen over here, which raises obvious questions – what about when influence buys not just MPs but has always bought the FCO (see Yes Prime Minister), plus other influential bodies like quangos etc. etc. – whilst funding suppressive groups are one way to buy targets, e.g. HnH, BLM?
Usually in history, change can only ever occur when – a leader of influence over people is financially independent enough not to be bought – plus he develops a sense of mission over the attempts to control him, e.g. Lincoln, Kennedy, Trump – the more the attempts proliferate, the more determined he becomes – he also latches onto an issue, e.g. silver standard instead of gold or fiat which will elevate him to statesman status, almost messiah status, initially figuratively but after time, believing his own manifest destiny – he has, by definition, in the early years, been placed by interests, e.g. ruling families but over time he, frankly, betrays that in favour of “the people” or his place in folk lore – this is reinforced by his initial eccentric independence becoming fullblown sigma-tism – there’s only one way after that, called rogue – he was never fully accepted by peers as full-on mbrs of “the gang”.
For any pundit too – not him/herself controlled by the interests controlling the MSM – plus showing similar tendences to the rogue, inc. some charm coupled with jugular tearing if crossed – for some reason immune to being bought – with a sense of mission and team, genuine not faked – more centrist in politics or even centre right, trad in other words – therefore willing to look at the dirt on his own side, as well as the other’s … then he’s useful for “we the people”, less so for the “special interests” – but still open to influences not monetary, e.g. susceptibility to a woman, to a club he wants to be in, whatever.
He’s a problem in some ways as he can look deeply into one side’s doings, e.g. HERE, and then maybe go to Gab to see the other side’s – there are people reading him who also have their own reasons and should they mostly get their notes together, the sky’s the limit. He must develop four things – not being bought by anyone but God (and close people in his eyes) – plus antennae of a sort, some foresight but not enough to avoid his course – plus be as clean as a whistle – plus not the slightest messiah aspirations, knowing it can all end just like that as a result of someone else moving the goalposts.
In DJT’s case, his age, this therefore being his last throw of the dice, plus a sense of destiny, he must leave some sort of Sydney Carlton legacy to justify his place in the firmament … at least in his eyes. If a greedy and tactical shadow govt try to rob him blind of his financial power … he has already allocated to family and close people early in the proceedings, he’s already signed things over.
1. Source Wall Street Apes
“Matt Gaetz exposes how Lobbyists buy Congress – In the morning they hand them thousands of dollars IN CASH each to vote their way on legislation – They bypass campaign finance laws by “hiring people’s otherwise unemployable family members” – “The number of spouses and children of members of Congress who become lobbyists is astonishing” – Lobbyists are in the halls of Congress daily, they “work the halls throughout the day with staff members who hope to one day become lobbyists” “Senator Richard Burr from North Carolina, his wife and son both became lobbyists and he was the chairman of the Intelligence committee — Do you think that they had special persuasion skills or was it their familial relationship that they were monetizing?”
”Roxi USA – Gaetz shares just one of the many ways Congress is corrupt and compromised. Most of them sold us out to the highest bidder. We need severe reform.“
”Joe the Pharmacist – Similar thing happened at FDA, eg, Generic Drug Scandal. Drug lobbyists would walk about the Parklawn BLdg and drop off cash to reviewers. Problem solved by security checks and only allowing escorted visits.“
”Debwin – We need to look at laws regarding non profits also. I was a volunteer for one. I saw large amounts of donations coming in. Very few paid employees because they use volunteers as staff. Very few expenses. So where does the money go?“