(1848) Evening all.
13. Bondi sticks it to Schiff

12. Chagos

11. Steve at 938

10. IYE again … we can only wait to see

9. IYE at 938

JH: Not sure what ceasefire agreement he means but shall try to find out.
(1905) Ah:

(1848) Evening all.
13. Bondi sticks it to Schiff
12. Chagos
11. Steve at 938
10. IYE again … we can only wait to see
9. IYE at 938
JH: Not sure what ceasefire agreement he means but shall try to find out.
(1905) Ah:
(1042) Time fugitting yet again. (1222)
8. TDS
7. Tulip
6. Yes
5. Useful models for explaining things
There are three models or scenarios I like to describe our human situation:
a. That one from MMutR who used the canal or riverboat idea heading downstream … far from travelling down the middle or within a lane slightly to one side, the craft crashes first all the way over to the left, realises it’s in a mess, so swings across to the right bank, crashing into everything there. Does it then learn and resume down the middle? Does it hell … it crashes over to the left again … red … blue .. red … blue … and so it goes on.
b. The model used here a few times to describe the Unherdables group of sites … lighthouse, carpark, tavern, chapel, stables, outhouses etc. etc.
c. One I’ve used a few times now … originally from the Chris Rea idea of Road to Hell, it incorporates the notion of the road to hell broad and wide, paved with good intentions.
To paint the picure in words, imagine you’re headed up a gentle slope, sometime undulating, asphalt paved, safe edges, plenty of roadhouses along the way. We’re on the left side of the hill, the town being over the ridge and down the other side to the left, we dan see the glow of town lights in the sky.
This broad road up is curving left and after the ridge, will plunge downwards, sloping left down to the town below. People are dotted along the road at different points for miles, those nearer the top with a better overview, therefore understand differently to to those still further down the hill.
Near the top of the ridge is a fork but not an alternative road, rather a ramshackle path suddenly headed up to the right, through brambles, wild animals, it’s slippery, treacherous but there seems to be some light up that way all the same.
Only a few hardy souls are tackling it, most of humanity thinks that’s a crazy idea when the town’s so near now after the easy climb … they sweep over the ridge, and plunge down left towards the town and all its vice dens. The strange people picking their way up that steep hill to the right though have started helping one another over the tough bits.
What happens once you realise
… that the psychos above have fallen completely now … way past any sort of ethics, morality, any sort of compunction … in fact they’re getting a kick from all this … this power over little people, the power to make their lives a misery.
This is now way beyond mafia run towns, even PPPs, this now has a global conflagration feel to it … it possesses pathetic people like the Starmer type, Rachel from Accounts, that Tulip … the morally compromised but ambitious non-comps sitting in judgment over us all. How?
Designed to be like that, wasn’t it? Slowly, over time, clandestinely. People flatly refuse to call it diabolically driven … they recoil from such “out there” observations … those with brains though face the next hurdle … how to actually stop these bstds before they utterly destroy the earth, all life, all grass and trees … hellbent on pursuing some ideological utopia which of course is dystopia.
Flatly refusing to see a simple logic … if you want to stop a power so massive, so patient, so intertwined, so funded, in every country in the world … then shirley the only way is an equal or stronger force for good acting to snuff the dark side out or at least to somewhat protect the ordinary person.
Everyone knows where this is going … and no one wants to go there.
Back to the burning town below (AnonCon in blogrolls):
LA Mayor used fire department money to fund queer occult interests, ‘ebony theatre,’ trans cafe, and more. She had taken $17 million from firefighting to fund those other things.
The essential thing was, though it was NZ and Oz respectively in the satire, the themes were universal … and therefore prescient … they would hold up in another country, even in another era. To my mind, as with Defoe, Swift and Python … that is the highest form of satire.
There is no sane, genuinely sustainable energy policy … just markets and insanity:
4. Dismantling the deep state
… if the Donald is indeed serious about it, is a vast task, as it’s not just the players, is it … it’s the complete restructuring of even the way govt central to local is organised … this is brought out nicely in the episode of Clarke and Dawe which follows this post. It’s getting everyone who is involved to start even thinking differently as to what’s normal and logical.
And those who’ve invested everything, all their working lives, to restructuring things such that the shekels fall into their coffers are not going to take kindly to Trump/Hegseth’s “peace through strength” … it makes no big money through human misery.
“In the second part, Benz starts to explain the scale of Donald Trump’s task of deconstructing the Deep State and its censorship ‘mercenaries’, not least because of the mutation of democracy into institutional consensus building and imposition, suiting these interests but no longer representing the will of the people. He continues this discussion using as an example of the US’s control over Ukraine’s supposed democracy in this third part.”
I can only refer back to the Clarke and Dawe piece later … nail … head.
Which brings us to women themselves and Gillibrand yesterday in the Senate. It’s deep in female genes to get hold of an idea of what’s good and bad … she then fearlessly chases her notion of good, allowing nothing to stand in her way.
If you can get her to start supporting something through a sort of linking up of feelgood phrases … the Woke mind virus … you can get her supporting all sorts of wrong … vehemently … like a heat seeking missile … and so she acts like Patty Hearst, Meinhof, the girl at Beslan happy to mass murder for a cause … every aborting late teen as a lifestyle choice … if you are so evil you’d organise it to appeal to all the wrong things in a female … you’re a Charles Manson or Jim Jones.
Such monsters know that ladies have just gotta be part of the action, depending on what the action is at the time … its in her genes to do so … love in a cottage, the male ideal? No way, Jose.
A woman who marries, has children, is running a home economy, is protecting her patch … she’s the sort that this blogger immerses himself in … you see them quoted the whole time and there’s one of women’s core strengths right there … getting messages out articulately. If those are good women, dedicated to holding good things together, knowing their limitations, not some stoopid bint having 1027 men in 12 hours … yes, very sad case … then things fall into place, start going well.
Here are some perfect examples on the question of women in the front line, in charge of ships, organisations (LA fire dept) … posted by women:
Why is it so hard to get esp. young, unmarried, childless (at that point) females to see reason? One answer is that they’re so physically adept … I’ve seen, you’ve seen, young females do astounding things with their bodies … gymnastics, dance, with a ball, whatever … sheer class.
Plus feminazism dictates that girls must NEVER concede limits, coz “they’re every bit as good, if not better, blah blah” … and in certain ways … the female is simply not … esp. in perception, peripheral vision etc. Gals are just different.
Part of that is fearlessness … yep, I was too as a child, understood not what could actually happen. Not now, matey.
(0721) Good sleep it was, hope yours was too … we need to hibernate a bit maybe.
3. IYE at 937:8
2. Steve’s war room is at 937:5
… and a very good war room it is too but, apart from that darling Danielle (Alberta) at Mar-a-Lago, the one which really bought my eye was bleedin’ Gillibrand, the utter nutter:
“Unhinged Leftists Interrupt and Shut Down Pete Hegseth’s Nomination Hearing – Including Code Pink Communists – They Want Their Wars!”
IYE followed with something nice, coming up in Wed 3 if it “takes”, if it works.
1. Nice picture in the sidebar
I wonder what could be special today across the Pennines? Could we possibly be returning soon to lush, verdant greenery?
And summer minutiae?
Crafting flowers after the snowflakes?
Not dropping any hints today as to whose birthday this might be … suffice it to know our gals are very special here … in fact a little bird told me one sent the other a message.