(0855) Just surfaced after the second kip, “sleep” is a topic later, also “anxiety.” Morning all, by the way. Steve and DAD will be covered in the next post after Ludgate Hill. (0955)
8. Tommy today

Old story yet again … is Tommy a Mossad asset or just a rough working class boy, loved by many?
7. TCW today
6. Of Hezbollah commanders and 2ICs

Now, seems to me there are various “cultural group” reactions. It’s obvious that the oppressed Lebanese, e.g. Brigitte Gabriel the pundit, plus all her countryfolk, were delighted that Mossad took them out but for me, there’s a complication … look up Operation Cyclone and you’ll see that ISIS was a three letter creation, funded by the psychos above … Saddam, Gaddafi, Hamas, Hezbollah … one lot of the psychos being western, the other middle-eastern.
According to this pattern, guess which Ukie clown is next on the list? You’ll see that pattern in the James Bond film Quantum … in plain sight. Just how could a club or agency get into a nation and do that? Moolah, yes? And where’s the biggest moolah? The psycho elites’ child sex thirst, adreno. trafficking, all of that … plus gunrunning or as Ike called it, the MIC, all the more weird with those sickos at the top, the top brass. Oil, natural resources, inc. water.
So, getting back to groups happy to see Hez and other nutter groups taken out … well yes, the ordinary Iranian, Syrian, Lebanese as one group. Another is sane westerners, matters not which of our nations. Ok, that’s that.
On the psycho side are western students and kids, boomer catwomen, feminists, river to see idiots, the three letter sgencies, the baddies above, inc. masons, the illumined, uberpagans, the lost who’ve been brainwashed etc. etc.
Now us … meaning the unherdable subset of “the sane”. Well you see … neither do we buy Israel’s Net Han Yahoo on Oct 7, nor 911, nor 7/7. We’re sure the dome was shut down for the event.
How does that affect our reaction to this Hezba-hit? Mixed. For mine … delighted but maybe for IYE amd others … not so delighted as you don’t love Mossad. I’m middling on it all … loyalty to God, Britain, England, the Western culture, plus good friends … that’s where I am.
5. The Big Game
Were it Wimbledon, the Eng v Oz Test, the football or Rugby World Cup or the US Pres-Elect … maybe I’d also stay up through the night. Had not intended to but something made me. The scores:

I fell asleep at three-quarter time, before the last stanza (to mix sports) and as you can see, that caused Bama to also go to sleep and only just hang on at the end … Toodles called it “eking it out”. Haven’t yet seen what the Donald thought … hope he had enough Maccas to survive.
The “sleep” topic. Some of you will recall I was on a medical course (in England this time) but a group of us remained, long after it was over coz it just happened that way and I’m the only male. So I’m no expert on male sleep issues … sorry, boys … but I do know a fair bit about the ladies’ internal issues and one is anxiety or at least overthinking late.
That is, they can’t flick that switch and crash, zonk. Now one is not too bad, she says, she has her method, but the others tend to be worrying about this or that or what’s coming up. On the other hand, the few (antiWoke) males I know closely “suffer” from that “couldn’t give a s***” syndrome and crash easily. Me? Half and half.
I do have a method … first wake around 0400 and work through the day, on and off, crashing between Steve’s second and third items at NOWP … unless there’s something unusual going on.
And the coup de grace is I have two youtubes, each lengthy, in which a lady drones on and on (highly interesting of course, fascinating, girls, rivetting I swear) … and it either zaps me out like a Hezbollah commander (or 2IC) … result … three hour sleep.
Now, providing I can get another three hour stint sometime, all is well. Well ok, just had the second now. So yes, I’d love to know how your sleep pattern is.