Monthly Archives: January 2025

Thursday [1 to 5]

(Wed 2351) As we’re as near as dammit to Thurs, may as well call it that. (0140)


5. Steve at 946

Ulbricht – pre-emptive pardons – Markwayne Mullin – DHS overhaul – Southern border – ICE – FBI director abrupt resignation – Kursk – Christoforou – Gudadze – Donny’s wrong numbers (notice anything about the url) – Covid refusenik troops to be reinstated – out of WHO … (south) coastal snowfall – much more……..

4. Across at Churchmouse

3. What to make of this one?

2. Some will know why this is funny

… plus the collages of all the hypocrites also at it (maybe AI):

(Cough) It’s easy enough to go with our antiWoke flow against AOC in that matter but I’ve looked over and over at the Nole clip since then … hmmmm. I’m less convinced now that it was not intentional. Not going to make too much of it, coz those collages were funny … but but but.

Nole … hmmmm. Reminds me of that episode of WML with panellist Johnny Carson and Tuesday Weld (posted at the previous blog) but I said take a look at Carson’s signal to her (he was a panellist, she the guest) … and the reaction from some readers was predictable … no chance it was a signal.

Sorry, but there was every chance. She was the abused lolita from a young age, also at that Buddy Holly Don Maclean time a witch, spending time a bit later at that Chateau Marmont, the induction venue in town for the dark side … the other venue being Laurel Canyon … plus the Beatles song about her. I also know he propositioned her later backstage at WML … she did go on his own show, only to be banned forever … remember Buddy Holly and Ed Sullivan? There was every chance the clumsy Carson gesture was not only deliberate … it was noted by her, which raised her defiant hackles.

But how could I ever hope to convince our readers at the time of that?

1. Resist clickbait, have an escape route

“Female Prison Inmates Supported Trump for One Vitally Important Reason, And It’s Not Early Release”

It’s a mark of the true dissident, usually a right pain in the A to others, that the moment he smells manipulation, he goes the other way … which is, in itself, predictable.

A soldier learns, as does a rugby team, that concerted, disciplined action together often carries the day, that individualism doesn’t cut it in that situation. On the other hand, patrols use their scouts and tail-end-charlies to protect the platoon … there’s a place for both. What am I blathering on about?

About red flags, alarm bells, red buttons saying “press this” or “don’t press this”. It can be an obvious trap but on the other hand, it can be a protection. I’m already careful not to go into Epoch Times or Gateway Pundit, precisely because of the clickbait, not unlike panels suddenly appearing on the screen to say there’s a virus or malware … or else inviting me to click.

There was a warning about Charlie Ward in comments and I’m taking it … it would be the same with Napolitano or Bow Tie Martin, also anyone with Dr before or PhD after the moniker. One learns.

Digressing a bit, there are trusted sources, trusted couriers of snippets … but then again, there’s one’s own past horrors and that’s the case with me with a film such as Butch Cassidy, ostensibly about an outlaw but actually with sodomistic undertones and I for one flee from it, holding down the bile.

Why? Because of what happened to me as an adolescent at the hands of “gay” men … you can legislate for me to have to wallow in such things out of “tolerance”, with heavy penalties if I refuse but you can’t change my revulsion … this is a psychological defence mechanism, not a philosophical stance. There’s an expression “once bitten, twice shy” … how about four or five times bitten by a specific type, forever shy?

I also have a bad reaction to cougars but they were easier to avoid, plus Woke-left or me-me-me, crow-voiced harpies, esp. the young brainwashed … the package might be pretty(ish) but I’m outta there. As for that demonically-possessed “bishop”:

… yes, I’d have got up and gone, however tactically better it was to have stayed there, an advantage he then lost with his truth social post later … which The View had been waiting for … to invite him her it “bish” onto the show.

Mention was made a few times about taking breaks … I called it R&R last evening … look, it’s not weak to strategically retreat if you feel the need … it’s better, as we then get a refreshed tavern patron or landlord later.

Wednesday [15 till close of play]

(1531)(1848) Evening all. (2018) Pegging out now.


23. Mandelson

Vance says Trump will reject PMd as Ambassador.

22. JFK

”Trump to release JFK Files TODAY – some sources say could happen as early as 3 PM” … 8 p.m. GMT.

21. IYE here

20. Can’t name who

19. Inheritance tax

18. Chemtrails still being laid

17. Steve at 946

16. Badenoch

Real Prime Minister material?

15. Yet another atrocity by Them

Wednesday [13]

(1200) Two bills coming up to devastate Britain


a. The first is today to get into your bank account legally

… to just take as they deem is their due, no middleman … you:

Interesting from a Labour govt, particularly one as feckless and incompetent as this one.

The former case, above, looks on the surface to be a just way to stop benefit fraud and thus many readers will shrug and say so what? As always with this gummint though, there are other factors … sheer incompetence, greed, and error … which will see people on the street who lost businesses, jobs due to DEI, all sorts of things … will see them wrecked when they were never crooked or feckless in the first place. What could possibly go wrong, eh?

The one below is simply wrong, based on a wrong premise to start with, pushed by criminal loonies, all about money grabbing, plus devastating a nation, particularly after the USA is now doing the diametric opposite.

b. The one on Friday with ramifications for all in the UK:



Now, there’s a lot more to this than just a “filler” vlog while Ruairidh and Jago or the history animation guy have nothing on offer … they don’t but that’s not the main motivation for running this Swedish girl (who has a big, strong boyfriend by the way, no DMs).

Right … for our girls at this blog, esp. birthday girl who is crafty and Bama snow girl who is differently crafty, both on projects right now … this is a nice vlog, more to come by the way from a girl named Marlene, friend of the last knitter girl … there are things in this below which might interest them.

For our boys … here below is a softly spoken girl, no Woke left harpy, plus the jumpers are nice … knits, not crochets … but overall, I’m stretching it to think it would really interest you.

For li’l ole moi though … it’s a major thing … I need relaxing girls doing half hour or hour long vlogs MINUS ADS … and the ads are the critical thing. If I crash out after a frenetic list of domestic chores or posting, I need either ad-less music, which I have … just one or two … or I need the next best (for me) … crocheters and knitters, so that I have to neither look nor think. Yes, I could run a Paul Temple radio play I suppose but that takes thinking, concentrating … and the voices ain’t lullaby, which is what’s required.

Solution? Run a few knitty-crochety vlogs, then go back to one when required.

Wednesday [6 to 8]

(0651) Fairly much on track with tempus fugitting, said 0730 resuming hostilities or bouquets. Thick fog or mist out there, a real peasouper. On the gulf coastline … well, look at the Wed 7 pics. (0823)


8. DAD at 946

”My few weks ‘restoration time’ has not changed the fact that France is becoming a NarcoState. Violece, blackmail, etc is used to ensure that those underlings comply.

*At a joint press conference, the police prefect and the public prosecutor of Marseille made the same observation. According to them, a form of “narcoterrorism” is gradually gaining ground in the Phocaean city, “gangrenous” by drug trafficking. While the number of drug homicides has halved in Bouches-du-Rhône in one year, magistrates and police officers are worried about facing a “globalized system” based on fear, corruption and the use of an increasingly young workforce.”

JH: We all really must have R&R, DAD, other chaps and chapesses … insane to see us driven out of our trees by the lunacy of others … our own mental health comes first, in order to be able to keep helping out somewhere down the track. Any ragtag like our volunteer unherdables, to be worth its salt, must be able to cover, not adequately, mind, for those on R&R.

At the same time, the tavern keeper here must stay well, in spirit, mind and body, in order to keep the tavern and grounds running. The bizarre thing is that tavern keeper himself is as eccentric as heck … not unlike John Connor in Terminator 3 … but he must do what he must do in the end … by the grace of God keep that light burning. Or something noble sounding like that.

7. Some more pics of the weird snow dumping

… at the edge of the Caribbean:

6. Mental health crisis

“These poor kids are so brainwashed, I actually heard some say that people who voted for Trump are not Americans anymore, and the country is being taken over by Christian fascists, and literal Nazis like Elon Musk (sic). They’re frightened and angry at the same time. What we are about to see unfold is a mental health crisis of unprecedented proportions, that could lash out in dangerous ways. Pray for these kids. The Democrats have caused irreparable damage to their psyche.”

Same over here with either serious lunatics or satanic mind control victims:

Going back to the earlier post Tue 10: The Pattern: 5, it’s there in B&W … the damage all this causes, esp. to impressionable minds. In 1985, Yuri Bezmenov, the Soviet dissident, spoke of stages of demoralisation of a society. He put it down to the Soviet SSes’ doing, all of it, not fun people to be sure … while much of it was actually being done to people by the home grown quislings … the left succumb to them but they themselves are evil muvvers, coming out with all this utter guff, ad nauseam.

Millipede is a lunatic, true, but so is AOC in America. Go and look for yourself whether Nole gave a “nazi salute” or not. I see just an autistic man, socially inept … have you read his background, his upbringing? What is AOC doing? Being angry online … having seen that Musk was making the same gestures that Clinton, she herself and others have made, she went hysterical in print, writing that she still hates nazis (in general) and what they’re doing to her.

You wot? Did you see this yesterday?

Talk about psy-ops … nowhere allow halfway normal people to have, say, a carol service … any representation at all of Christianity has to be either that lunatic woman preaching at Trump or AOC going out of her mind … or paedo priests … or nuns in Irish convents running homes for unwed teenage mothers or Bergoglio, Welby or whatever … relentless insanity, plus deep captcha of church buildings by the insane Woke left.

For a middle and working class rapidly shrinking via draconian moves by, say, Biden or this loony govt in the UK now, deep angst, fearmongering by the MSM, weather forecasters, weather engineers, the lot of em … people who would have traditionally turned to the Christian Trinity for succour … do not now … now people are beyond reason … and when they do turn to that in despair, what do they find? These lunatics mentioned above. Aaaaaaagggghhh, they scream … they turn and run.

All by patient design of very bad people pulling the strings.

Moving on … the Donald signing a release J6 EO … observe:

There’s hell going on in those places, those running them are not complying with the EO because they know very well that the mistreatment will quickly come out. Let’s just throw this one in:

Meanwhile, back over here, is it any better?

What’s with this “regulated ourselves”, Steven B? I’ve certainly not done any of that, nor has anyone I know, beyond day to day chores. This is all down to them out there … to those “in charge of us”.

And as Palin asked in Holy Grail … how’d you get that then? (The power position, he means.) By exploiting the workers … etc. etc. Not so far from the truth, I’m thinking. Where are any “good” people these days?

… to be continued sometime, chaps and chapesses.

Wednesday [1 to 5]

(0017) At this stage, probably around 0700 resumation, give or take. (0205)


5. Pray that he stays a force for good

4. Have forgotten where I saw this

3. Steve at 945

… in no particular order this time, not numbered, just separated by dashes:

Battle Hymn of the Republic – Rubio – Judge Cannon Blocks DOJ From Sharing Jack Smith’s Classified Docs Report with Congress – Elon Musk to Fund T**my R**inson’s Legal Costs – Trump’s early actions – Uke sit-rep, Trump’s figures v Putin skewed, badly advised – EcoHealth Alliance fires Peter Daszak – WHO – Carney – much more………

2. Source Connor Tomlinson

Once you can take on board the lobbying thing in n1, it’s hardly surprising that similar might happen over here, which raises obvious questions – what about when influence buys not just MPs but has always bought the FCO (see Yes Prime Minister), plus other influential bodies like quangos etc. etc. – whilst funding suppressive groups are one way to buy targets, e.g. HnH, BLM?

Usually in history, change can only ever occur when – a leader of influence over people is financially independent enough not to be bought – plus he develops a sense of mission over the attempts to control him, e.g. Lincoln, Kennedy, Trump – the more the attempts proliferate, the more determined he becomes – he also latches onto an issue, e.g. silver standard instead of gold or fiat which will elevate him to statesman status, almost messiah status, initially figuratively but after time, believing his own manifest destiny – he has, by definition, in the early years, been placed by interests, e.g. ruling families but over time he, frankly, betrays that in favour of “the people” or his place in folk lore – this is reinforced by his initial eccentric independence becoming fullblown sigma-tism – there’s only one way after that, called rogue – he was never fully accepted by peers as full-on mbrs of “the gang”.

For any pundit too – not him/herself controlled by the interests controlling the MSM – plus showing similar tendences to the rogue, inc. some charm coupled with jugular tearing if crossed – for some reason immune to being bought – with a sense of mission and team, genuine not faked – more centrist in politics or even centre right, trad in other words – therefore willing to look at the dirt on his own side, as well as the other’s … then he’s useful for “we the people”, less so for the “special interests” – but still open to influences not monetary, e.g. susceptibility to a woman, to a club he wants to be in, whatever.

He’s a problem in some ways as he can look deeply into one side’s doings, e.g. HERE, and then maybe go to Gab to see the other side’s – there are people reading him who also have their own reasons and should they mostly get their notes together, the sky’s the limit. He must develop four things – not being bought by anyone but God (and close people in his eyes) – plus antennae of a sort, some foresight but not enough to avoid his course – plus be as clean as a whistle – plus not the slightest messiah aspirations, knowing it can all end just like that as a result of someone else moving the goalposts.

In DJT’s case, his age, this therefore being his last throw of the dice, plus a sense of destiny, he must leave some sort of Sydney Carlton legacy to justify his place in the firmament … at least in his eyes. If a greedy and tactical shadow govt try to rob him blind of his financial power … he has already allocated to family and close people early in the proceedings, he’s already signed things over.

1. Source Wall Street Apes

“Matt Gaetz exposes how Lobbyists buy Congress – In the morning they hand them thousands of dollars IN CASH each to vote their way on legislation – They bypass campaign finance laws by “hiring people’s otherwise unemployable family members” – “The number of spouses and children of members of Congress who become lobbyists is astonishing” – Lobbyists are in the halls of Congress daily, they “work the halls throughout the day with staff members who hope to one day become lobbyists” “Senator Richard Burr from North Carolina, his wife and son both became lobbyists and he was the chairman of the Intelligence committee — Do you think that they had special persuasion skills or was it their familial relationship that they were monetizing?”

”Roxi USA – Gaetz shares just one of the many ways Congress is corrupt and compromised. Most of them sold us out to the highest bidder. We need severe reform.“

”Joe the Pharmacist – Similar thing happened at FDA, eg, Generic Drug Scandal. Drug lobbyists would walk about the Parklawn BLdg and drop off cash to reviewers. Problem solved by security checks and only allowing escorted visits.“

”Debwin – We need to look at laws regarding non profits also. I was a volunteer for one. I saw large amounts of donations coming in. Very few paid employees because they use volunteers as staff. Very few expenses. So where does the money go?“

Tuesday [14 till close of play]

(1553) Almost evening all.


23. Quick look at 945 before crashing

DAD and Putin’s message to Trump … can only wait and see.

Steve’s Paul Thorpe interview … yes, these things do bring people together, have a pint.

22. Toodles just now

Near Gulf Shores, Alabama … Gulf of America!

It is a real proper snow! Just starting ….confectioner’s sugar atm but building up! Oh get this…Gulf Shores on the Gulf of America is supposed to accumulate 5 inches! We are to get 3. 

21. In comments just now

20. Arizona corruption

19. Natalie’s onto it

18. Jacqui Deevoy on Isabelle Oakeshott

… Richard Tice’s distant darling now living in Dubai:

17. A bit fishy to me, fisherman’s tale

16. Melania’s hat

15. IYE at 945 on the indoors Inauguration

“The Secret Service has a zero-fail mission, and there is absolutely no room for errors. The USSS operates in extreme weather environments all the time — but it’s different when you have hundreds of thousands — if not more — people converging near a protected at an outdoor event after two assassination attempts and several long-term known threats.”

14. Tommy Robinson site admin, via Steve

1. Prison Treatment & Human Rights Violations: This case challenges the treatment of Tommy while in prison, including violations of his human rights and his classification as a Category C inmate. Despite being a civil prisoner, he is placed in isolation under this classification. 2. The ‘Terrorism’ Case: This involves Tommy being charged under a Schedule 7 offense of the Terrorism Act 2000. The charge stems from his refusal to grant police access to his phone, which contains privileged information—such as details of survivors of child abuse, sensitive information on politicians, and confidential legal documentation.