(Wed 2351) As we’re as near as dammit to Thurs, may as well call it that. (0140)
5. Steve at 946
Ulbricht – pre-emptive pardons – Markwayne Mullin – DHS overhaul – Southern border – ICE – FBI director abrupt resignation – Kursk – Christoforou – Gudadze – Donny’s wrong numbers (notice anything about the url) – Covid refusenik troops to be reinstated – out of WHO … (south) coastal snowfall – much more……..
4. Across at Churchmouse

3. What to make of this one?

2. Some will know why this is funny
… plus the collages of all the hypocrites also at it (maybe AI):

(Cough) It’s easy enough to go with our antiWoke flow against AOC in that matter but I’ve looked over and over at the Nole clip since then … hmmmm. I’m less convinced now that it was not intentional. Not going to make too much of it, coz those collages were funny … but but but.
Nole … hmmmm. Reminds me of that episode of WML with panellist Johnny Carson and Tuesday Weld (posted at the previous blog) but I said take a look at Carson’s signal to her (he was a panellist, she the guest) … and the reaction from some readers was predictable … no chance it was a signal.
Sorry, but there was every chance. She was the abused lolita from a young age, also at that Buddy Holly Don Maclean time a witch, spending time a bit later at that Chateau Marmont, the induction venue in town for the dark side … the other venue being Laurel Canyon … plus the Beatles song about her. I also know he propositioned her later backstage at WML … she did go on his own show, only to be banned forever … remember Buddy Holly and Ed Sullivan? There was every chance the clumsy Carson gesture was not only deliberate … it was noted by her, which raised her defiant hackles.
But how could I ever hope to convince our readers at the time of that?
1. Resist clickbait, have an escape route
“Female Prison Inmates Supported Trump for One Vitally Important Reason, And It’s Not Early Release”
It’s a mark of the true dissident, usually a right pain in the A to others, that the moment he smells manipulation, he goes the other way … which is, in itself, predictable.
A soldier learns, as does a rugby team, that concerted, disciplined action together often carries the day, that individualism doesn’t cut it in that situation. On the other hand, patrols use their scouts and tail-end-charlies to protect the platoon … there’s a place for both. What am I blathering on about?
About red flags, alarm bells, red buttons saying “press this” or “don’t press this”. It can be an obvious trap but on the other hand, it can be a protection. I’m already careful not to go into Epoch Times or Gateway Pundit, precisely because of the clickbait, not unlike panels suddenly appearing on the screen to say there’s a virus or malware … or else inviting me to click.
There was a warning about Charlie Ward in comments and I’m taking it … it would be the same with Napolitano or Bow Tie Martin, also anyone with Dr before or PhD after the moniker. One learns.
Digressing a bit, there are trusted sources, trusted couriers of snippets … but then again, there’s one’s own past horrors and that’s the case with me with a film such as Butch Cassidy, ostensibly about an outlaw but actually with sodomistic undertones and I for one flee from it, holding down the bile.
Why? Because of what happened to me as an adolescent at the hands of “gay” men … you can legislate for me to have to wallow in such things out of “tolerance”, with heavy penalties if I refuse but you can’t change my revulsion … this is a psychological defence mechanism, not a philosophical stance. There’s an expression “once bitten, twice shy” … how about four or five times bitten by a specific type, forever shy?
I also have a bad reaction to cougars but they were easier to avoid, plus Woke-left or me-me-me, crow-voiced harpies, esp. the young brainwashed … the package might be pretty(ish) but I’m outta there. As for that demonically-possessed “bishop”:

… yes, I’d have got up and gone, however tactically better it was to have stayed there, an advantage he then lost with his truth social post later … which The View had been waiting for … to invite him her it “bish” onto the show.
Mention was made a few times about taking breaks … I called it R&R last evening … look, it’s not weak to strategically retreat if you feel the need … it’s better, as we then get a refreshed tavern patron or landlord later.