(1200) Two bills coming up to devastate Britain
a. The first is today to get into your bank account legally
… to just take as they deem is their due, no middleman … you:

Interesting from a Labour govt, particularly one as feckless and incompetent as this one.
The former case, above, looks on the surface to be a just way to stop benefit fraud and thus many readers will shrug and say so what? As always with this gummint though, there are other factors … sheer incompetence, greed, and error … which will see people on the street who lost businesses, jobs due to DEI, all sorts of things … will see them wrecked when they were never crooked or feckless in the first place. What could possibly go wrong, eh?
The one below is simply wrong, based on a wrong premise to start with, pushed by criminal loonies, all about money grabbing, plus devastating a nation, particularly after the USA is now doing the diametric opposite.
b. The one on Friday with ramifications for all in the UK:

Two bills coming up to devastate Britain
This Labour government is shockingly bad. Thankfully the shift away from the insane politics of the Left is firmly underway. Furthermore the influence of the new Trump administration will accelerate what is already happening here and in Europe. The shit we’ve had to put up with since at least the 1960’s has almost destroyed us. But the wheel is turning, the so-called progressives are degenerates whose only root to power now is through lying and cheating. That is all.
JH: Can’t come quickly enough.