(1231). Afternoon all … sunny but chilly.
24. Cynarae St Mary’s next two hats
Other pic of her current fave:

And my second fave:

23. The Communists at it again

22. Dale Vince is the latest solar miscreant
… money into Labour coffers at the expense of this country.

21. Businesses, manufacturing => Britain now truly 3rd world
… Labour, Tories, Libdums, Greens ecstatic.

20. Utterly disgraceful medical crime
”WHAT IF the vaccine you received had not been in a clinical trial? For millions of people worldwide, this is precisely what happened when they unknowingly received a covid vaccine manufactured using a process where the end product had never been trialled in humans. This manufacturing shift resulted in significantly higher rates of adverse reactions – 13 times more in some cases – representing a regulatory failure with profound implications for public trust and safety. Yet, the UK Covid-19 Inquiry tasked with investigating these critical decisions has avoided addressing this issue, which lies at the heart of the controversy on regulatory failure.”