4. Dismantling the deep state
… if the Donald is indeed serious about it, is a vast task, as it’s not just the players, is it … it’s the complete restructuring of even the way govt central to local is organised … this is brought out nicely in the episode of Clarke and Dawe which follows this post. It’s getting everyone who is involved to start even thinking differently as to what’s normal and logical.
And those who’ve invested everything, all their working lives, to restructuring things such that the shekels fall into their coffers are not going to take kindly to Trump/Hegseth’s “peace through strength” … it makes no big money through human misery.
“In the second part, Benz starts to explain the scale of Donald Trump’s task of deconstructing the Deep State and its censorship ‘mercenaries’, not least because of the mutation of democracy into institutional consensus building and imposition, suiting these interests but no longer representing the will of the people. He continues this discussion using as an example of the US’s control over Ukraine’s supposed democracy in this third part.”
I can only refer back to the Clarke and Dawe piece later … nail … head.
Which brings us to women themselves and Gillibrand yesterday in the Senate. It’s deep in female genes to get hold of an idea of what’s good and bad … she then fearlessly chases her notion of good, allowing nothing to stand in her way.
If you can get her to start supporting something through a sort of linking up of feelgood phrases … the Woke mind virus … you can get her supporting all sorts of wrong … vehemently … like a heat seeking missile … and so she acts like Patty Hearst, Meinhof, the girl at Beslan happy to mass murder for a cause … every aborting late teen as a lifestyle choice … if you are so evil you’d organise it to appeal to all the wrong things in a female … you’re a Charles Manson or Jim Jones.
Such monsters know that ladies have just gotta be part of the action, depending on what the action is at the time … its in her genes to do so … love in a cottage, the male ideal? No way, Jose.
A woman who marries, has children, is running a home economy, is protecting her patch … she’s the sort that this blogger immerses himself in … you see them quoted the whole time and there’s one of women’s core strengths right there … getting messages out articulately. If those are good women, dedicated to holding good things together, knowing their limitations, not some stoopid bint having 1027 men in 12 hours … yes, very sad case … then things fall into place, start going well.
Here are some perfect examples on the question of women in the front line, in charge of ships, organisations (LA fire dept) … posted by women:

Why is it so hard to get esp. young, unmarried, childless (at that point) females to see reason? One answer is that they’re so physically adept … I’ve seen, you’ve seen, young females do astounding things with their bodies … gymnastics, dance, with a ball, whatever … sheer class.
Plus feminazism dictates that girls must NEVER concede limits, coz “they’re every bit as good, if not better, blah blah” … and in certain ways … the female is simply not … esp. in perception, peripheral vision etc. Gals are just different.
Part of that is fearlessness … yep, I was too as a child, understood not what could actually happen. Not now, matey.
In regard to women in the armed forces, the IDF is an interesting case. Israel faces a never ending existential threat, surrounded by nations and a religion that actively use rape as a weapon of war. I recall reading about the 6 day war, the Egyptian soldiers were looking forward to the battle with great enthusiasm as they had been promised that when they defeated Israel they would have total freedom to rape all the women. So whether they joined the IDF or not Israeli women live permanently on the front line of combat, as October 2023 proved. Being able to fight and shoot is a necessity in such cases. But that is very different to sending women into, or flying over enemy territory.
JH: In one, Bob.
On the women in combat thing the Canadian armed forces did some sterling work on fitness back in the 1980’s that included comparisons between male and female soldiers. The big takeaway for me was that only one woman in a thousand was as strong as the average man. Going back to my own experience returning to Lympstone Commando (CTCRM) for a few days, only helping out this time. Back then they called it an ‘acquaint’ for the All-Arms Commando Course. Three days of hell more like.
Anyway, one morning I was down at the ‘bottom field’, adjacent to the River Exe, and what I saw was a group of young women doing the fireman’s lift: a commando test timed over 100yrds. Clean fatigue first (no equipment) you pair off, do the 100yrds, swap over and return. Crucially the timing demands that you run all the way. About half of the girls were able to do this. The actual test is you do the same again, only with equipment (Full Fighting Order, or FFE) and rifles. None of the girls passed.
To this day I don’t know why this was done but a couple of civvies with stop watches and clipboards were present – I heard they were from Loughborough University. Remember this was women carrying women, not a woman carrying a man – which they would have to do in combat. To make a point the Petty Officer PTI asked the best performing female to do the run clean fatigue with him on her back. Smiles all round she couldn’t even lift him off the ground. All the girls were athletes from the Devon area.
JH: Ta, Steve. Who is pushing these women to do this? Ideologues without the gals’ best interests at heart. Why not play to the gals’ strengths? Oh no, they have to be better than men at men’s things? It’s nothing short of evil.
Remember that girl Violet with the trick bike? It required female body configuration to do some of that. Even if I learnt it, I’d not be able to do it.
When the USMC first allowed women to train for the Corps it was found that after extended load-carrying exercises many of them complained of deep pain in their pelvic area. Turns out it was micro fractures in the pelvis. Never seen before in male recruits so what did they do? They lowered the weight of the pack.
It’s bugger all to do with gender, race, age or anything but once people get selected on anything other than suitability for the task the organisation is a goner. Incompetence is the killer.
I should add cronyism and promoting people to get them “out of the way” rare close seconds to incompetence.
JH: Right.
That should say rate not rare. I missed the typo.
JH: We all do, Bill.