(1313) Afternoon all … lovely day out there, people going walkies. (1430)
16. Steve from 935:7e
ER Editor: When Trump mentions something, albeit in a weird, hard to understand way, it’s usually true and it’s usually done. Second point, we surely know by now that ‘leaders’ are the front people for bigger forces and agendas. Even Trump.
Yes, there are given reasons … e.g. the strategic placement of GL, geographically, esp. if intending to open the NW passage as backup to Panama, not wishing Canada to get in the way, plus Britain … there’s all that, plus the LB article itself.
I’m thinking there’s another factor too, which is a combination of gender and wokery … Trump would never put down Giorgia or Danielle or Sarah … but he very much would humiliate von Leyen, the World Bank one, plus the Danish head … taking advantage of this DEI Wokery … but then he must change the armed forces of his own country to also get rid of woke appointments … that’s if the US is serious about winning conflicts.
15. Lord T and an Italian comedian
14. Too true

13. An American glances across the pond

12. Saw this on Gab

Nasty, nasty people. Headline: Biden Regime Blocks Arron Banks from Entering US for President Trump’s Inauguration – The UK Reform Party Co-Founder is Holding a Ball with Nigel Farage That Night..
JH: Nasty indeed … to the very end.
That’s one out of what, 411?
Mind you they’ve got form in that party: