Sunday [25 till close of play]

(1711) Evening all.


34. Truman

33. A European family

…. or from North America or from the Antipodes, maybe even from South Africa … who knows?

32. More lies from Them

31. MASA

30. Fentanyl flow

29. Comparative tariffs


27. The lies go on

26. We may have had this one

25. AK Haart

Javier Milei in Argentina:

“One of the most interesting aspects of Milei’s radicalism is that governments of the developed world already know reforms like his do work. Their problem is that genuine reform downgrades the role of government. They prefer fake reform. 

Governments don’t see radically slimmed-down and more tightly focussed government as a price worth paying for the plebs to gain prosperity and freedom. They can vote for it, but they ain’t going to get it.”

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