Monthly Archives: February 2025

Monday [2 to 5]

(0656) This was a test of the Unherdables system … was always going to sleep right through the night once in a while … this was it, so no new post at NOWP for DAD today. Continued in n2 below……


5. Housekeeping Op Ed thingy, part two of two

Being locked into the Steve-DAD nexus of needing to wake up sometime during the night to publish a new post … that can fail at times, e.g. this morning … first reaction is what real damage?

Nichevo, not a lot. Are Steve’s items up? Is DAD’s? Yes to both questions … that’s the main imperative for readers … all the pretty numbering and formatting can be done in due course.

Second imperative is that I signpost at HQ asap, though regulars know to check out NOWP anyway … so again … nichevo.

Which is immensely useful as I do have some health/sleep issues just now, inc. dental. Having to be super careful, follow my own rules set in rock. If I do, then things are 65%.

I do have another RL issue upon me right now … involves this house, not a blogging topic … and it may well be terminal by the wording in the letter. But not immediate. My bday coming up too and for some crazy reason, for the last three decades … bad news day … some sort of divine retribution for my sins? I suspect the two issues will come together … Sod’s Law.

Far more important for all of us is the old fear and insta-blow torture Them so love, the psy-op people … might be this, might be that, we’ll “review it”. The stress factor is off the scale, people going mental across the land … it takes a seasoned warrior, to be frank, to wear all this and still function in a halfway jolly way.

Then there is the Slog Factor … poor bggr is a bit out of it just now … last post Jan 22nd. Hmmmm. Not good. Might be WP at fault (they don’t heavy me for some reason) or it might simply be age … he was showing signs.

(Cough) Look, dear readers … blogging don’t juss happen, there’s some work involved behind the scenes and it requires mental acuity to ride the bumps. I have vastly fewer bumps due to MMutR, thanks sir, plus the system works at the front end as well … hence there’s a blog here you’re reading, despite all the mayhem out there.

The bigger issue is my mental acuity … I see signs of early Oldtimer’s, to a great extent the poisoned air, water, food. Now this is quite real, tavern patrons, causing errors, delays etc., as I battle to stick to the current plan.

Write everything down … can’t stress it enough … MMutR taught me that … write everything down, notes to yerself, keep the notes in the same place, no new brilliant hidey places … keep them in the one place you can return to. Periodically go over your notes.

Which requires time, something I’ve not a lot of, having slowed down, everything taking twice the time. Hurtling towards my “shuffle off” day. Blog occupies huge time, plus cooking and cleaning … solution?

Solution is to go over your notes again, chaps and chapesses … and they need to be good notes too at the time. Plus schedule time for reflection … go for walks, looking out for jihadi ambush at all times … keep up an online social whirl, better busy than slowly dying in a rocking chair … methinks none o’ us will have that luxury somehow in the coming months.

Why still blog? Coz you’re there, as simple as that. A ready made social whirl while still being able to sneak off to the loo when need be. Not to be sneezed at … about to go over to AKH … I would hope he’s posted. Plus the ticker just showed me my NHS course buddy has just posted … must get over there, then write to Bob and Isilme, Amfortas, already wrote to DAD.

Request … do check in please … it means a lot to the rest of us … maybe not to you as such … but to the rest of us … immeasurable. End of for now at 0850 … brekky beckons.

4. Steve at 957

Four: ISIS Airstrikes in Somalia … Guantanamo Bay “Will Hold The Worst of The Worst” … Rebecca Lobach’s Entire Social Media Scrubbed … Uke $$$$ gone missing … more……

Three: Graham voting yes … Trudeau slammed by CEO … rich slam Euroleftist cold shower … Trump charges on … more…..

Two: Uke sit-rep … Uke’s still trying to take out Russ villagers … US iron dome planned … more…..

One: Czech Women Covid vaxxed 66% less likely to give birth … Pentagon’s role in bioweapon research … more…..

3. DAD at 957

a. French draft budget for 2025 now in final preparation stage after negotiations in joint committee … a compromise text was reached…..

b. EU already second corruption scandal of 2025. The shady money laundering business of former European Commissioner for Justice Didier Reynders……

c. France has confirmed its title of world champion of controversy hands down. By explaining that the French have “a feeling of being overwhelmed” on the immigration, Bayrou has caused a fire…..

d. (Windmill burning pic)

1. Uber returns … plus general op ed, part one

Long time patrons know of our esteemed Ubermouth … one in particular will be interested but as he never reads all my posts, I’m safe in knowing he won’t see this.

Tell you wot though … was re-reading my own housekeeping posts from yesterday … got bored and clicked out, ha ha.

Uber, who’s in eastern Canada, was asking what I thought of the tariffs and I gave an oblique answer. Good relations though, her and me … strange that, given polar opposite views on the world out there … I confess I did call the charlatan “PM” Soy Boy Castro.

Far more important to me was that she was alive and kicking, still not on the chain gang over in eastern Canada … she complained about the site being unnavigable now … all this Reader drop this and that. Ah … so she’d gone to ONO, had seen the notice by blgr, had gone to the failsafe … at that time in the past NOWP … had not checked out the navbar. Is not on X, that terrible far right platform.

Hmmmm, useful that … someone comes in cold to N.O. or to me and NOWP becomes the default, publicly … no bad thing imho. I put her onto UHC.

(There’ll be a part two to this in Mon 5 in a few mins … it’s 0811 now.)

Monday [1]

(0031) Classic case of surfing turning up possibilities (0102)


… on a different continent … but nothing conclusive in the end, just indicative.

It was a collision between a Piper plane and Bell helicopter over philadelphia town … the story which you can read at the end of the link. From our point of view, the question was who would want whom killed and why … also was there any incompetence in the flight crew … answer to the first was possibly and to the second … yes there was.

The immediate thought was Senator Heinz … moneyed family, Republican member of each House in turn, member of:

… which had some interesting members, including Nicholas Biddle, plus:

… which included a chap Lafayette, who was a French Mason … they were the ones presenting the Statue of Ish… in NY harbour. George Washington, President General, objected to the American Nobility bit, along with hereditary membership … in fact, George took a bit of a set against the illumined, who were big around that time infiltrating the Masons.

Heinz was part of all that, his widow four years later marrying John Kerry, Skull & Bones. In answer to the question … from this cursory research using sources kind to the subjects, was there prima facie of assassination … no, there wasn’t, not up front. Who knows what other tensions, conniving, deals and punishments were involved back then, inc. The Second Bank of the United States, the thwarted attempt repeated in 1910/13 under Wilson.

There was, throughout, a heavy European influence … nobility … inc. in 1910, the Warburgs.

Sunday [25 till close of play]

(1711) Evening all.


34. Truman

33. A European family

…. or from North America or from the Antipodes, maybe even from South Africa … who knows?

32. More lies from Them

31. MASA

30. Fentanyl flow

29. Comparative tariffs


27. The lies go on

26. We may have had this one

25. AK Haart

Javier Milei in Argentina:

“One of the most interesting aspects of Milei’s radicalism is that governments of the developed world already know reforms like his do work. Their problem is that genuine reform downgrades the role of government. They prefer fake reform. 

Governments don’t see radically slimmed-down and more tightly focussed government as a price worth paying for the plebs to gain prosperity and freedom. They can vote for it, but they ain’t going to get it.”

Sunday [20 to 24]

(1412) The jazz is ready, probably at about 1530, no filum, a series of short items instead. (1445)


24. Steve at 957

23. Andy at 957

22. pete at 956

And a musical gem

21. Two items I don’t want to run in full but shall link to



The second is curious … like Grifty but more scathing, really taking Whinge apart, not so much Ginge.

20. IYE’s American Grift


Candlemas [12 to 19]

(1111) Happy elevenses. Time for a kip => (1230)


19. Rather than analyse this about Germany and the vote loss

… Alice and the anti-immigration vote failure … I’ll certainly look at it or one of us shall … I’m ready for a post-prandial kip but it does remind me of a time back in 1989 I think it was when I was in Klagenfurt or was it in 1980, can’t recall, standing near the Woerthersee, near Minimundus, must have looked forlorn, as a lady of around 40 years started speaking with me and we got along, she showed me some sights, speaking partly English, partly Deutsch.

Something possessed her to ask me if I’d like come to some festivity or knees up or whatever, never caught the name, she phoned someone and resumed the conversation, I asked something political without having any side, she went cold, said it had been fun, she’d see me around perhaps.

Now I’m perfectly happy if people do not seek my company, even pretty ladies … but this had not been so till then … so what had I said? I was thinking the Austrians were pretty sensitive about some things … yet it had not been a total loss … she’d been a bit scathing about Germans … apparently this place was like our Blackpool, Scarborough, Brighton or Bangor … except not for Austrians … the Germans came here in droves for their holidays. Had my German been too Haupt-Deutsch? Who knows.

Anyway, I just remembered it now before exploring what went wrong in Germany yesterday or whenever.

18. EU fun

17. New broom

16. Drax

15. Net Zero bollox


14. Kathy’s newsletter today (also via blogrolls)

“Another fight back caught my eye, less newsworthy but I bet no less fraught: that parents at a Secondary School in British Columbia had forced the school to re-open single-sex bathrooms. So what, you may say? Well, in gender-neutral, trans-mad Canada, where the odds are totally stacked against any dissent, it must have taken courage, organisation and persistence. 

There’s a lesson in it, I thought: moral courage. President Trump’s one signature sweep executive order to end gender ‘indoctrination’ and critical race theory in US schools was a message to the world, like his very effective tariff threat to Columbia when they refused their deportees. It was like an adrenalin shot; all the human rights excuses shown up as balderdash.”

13. Candlemas today.

(Pic: myriad natural toys & crafts)

12. Two recommended by YT to watch

With the deepest respect … er … no thanks … pass.

Sunday [1 to 5]

(0541) The order in which I see items, good reader, is the order they’ll appear, that is … all over the place. (0741)


5. More Housekeeping I’m afraid

… this time as part of an Op Ed. If I’m going to do this noticeboard thang, better Sunday morn … get it all done at once. Take a look at this, pertaining to X:

There’s far more to what online pundits do than meets the eye … some are large traffic building, many “monetising”, thinking they can make a living this way … some do … down to those just putting mini-rants as and when, with some friends. Females can garner massive numbers coz … they’re female, aren’t they? Yet they have to watch the simps and come-ons 24/7. That’s online life.

My thang is building a timeline of stalwarts there and here, welcoming many without much comment, insta-blocking the unwanted who are awful and out to harm. Slowly, a pattern emerges. Traffic? Moderate, modest, enough to keep shills and bots away but sufficient to be worth our while.

Therefore, the aim is not to overly-argue, life and death, which some online are there to do, esp. some of the gals … past experiences too … more to find out “what is” and report on it, comment, for the X family, Gab, Unherdables here. It’s “clubby”, not in its exclusivity because most are initially welcome, but those who stick around derive some benefit, inc. it being socially pleasant. But it takes vigilance, it really does, on my part, on the part of our core people too.

On X and Gab it keeps changing … their algorithms, procedures, censoring … change … it also needs vigilance and adjustment. Done seriously, it’s a time consumer … you’d probably want to be retired or a housewife. Not all … but many.

The ones I lose interest in are those not willing to “one-to-one” at times, to be genuine, who are all into their own empire building, or into having a bevy of satellite simps or comer-onners … I for one am not remotely interested … just not enough time for soc-med as it is, plus RL house chores here, plus having at least some life, training too. Non-genuineness … waste of time, seriously.

There’s also priority order … we all have our closest, then fairly close people, then pretty close …. down to a nice “say hello in passing” … that’s esp. useful with the male-female thing. I’m closer to some onliners than to my actual neighbours here, though we neighbours have a laugh when we meet, occasionally text. My closest in RL is MMutR. I see one, two, three online people as ultraclose, just as real as RL.

Why not? These are fellow humans. I feel ultra-protective of our patrons at Unherdable Promontory … no way are you having anything nasty coming back on you.

And so it goes.

4. Steve at 956 from last evening

Five: Death of DEI? Hegseth cancels “Identity Months” … Belgium now rightist Government with Antwerp Mayor De Wever … Airmiles Epstein again … much more …..

Four: Leavitt announces arrests, Soros radio tips off miscreants … Musk and Trump strong moves on miscreants … much more…..

Three: Trump airstrikes kill many ISIS … cartels in sights … military whistleblowers … Venezuela developments … much more…..

Two: Uke sit-rep … interview with Uke border guard … Rubio unipolar again … much more…..

One: Argies, Indonesia to leave Climate Accords (?) … net zero collapse … car industry ditto … German migration bill fails … much more…..

JH: Housekeeping here too … priority order: summaries here first, numbering over there after that, more pronounced one, two, three etc., trying to keep each summary to two lines, so jot all items of news summarised … it’s just a signpost here.

3. DAD at 957, Life in France 2025

a. Bayrou announced to La Tribune dimanche his decision to use article 49 paragraph 3 of the Constitution to have the State and Social Security budgets adopted ….. more over there.

b. Around 200 people demonstrated against the presence of a Roma camp in the woods next to the town … .. more.

c. While the Chinese New Year celebrations were taking place with the Chinese Ambassador and many elected officials, a rap video ended in a riot….. more.

d. Senate inquiry commission depicting a France “submerged by drug trafficking”, result of the “democratization” of cocaine, corruption and violence, has led to a bill….. more.

JH: Just a tad more housekeeping … with DAD drops, I’m only signposting here, which is better done abridged, within two lines for each section.

2. Housekeeping

When it’s a procedural thing, cyber/blog … I’ll head it “Housekeeping”. When it’s more commentary on current events, it’s “Some sort of Op Ed”. Any illness, lurgy for example … that’s Housekeeping, as it affects the blogging that day.

Most times I’ll try to put it succinctly, in the opener after the timestamp.

Now, as for this current experiment with colours for quotes, the best hex code so far seems to be 007050 … I’d like to get the shade a bit like linked text over at NOWP. Any changes are cosmetic tweaking … zero intention of any big changes as it’s part of what we’re trying to do here … be consistent.

Been thinking this out, about quotes. WP have a messy method of quoting imho and not sure I like the look with this specific Theme … sometimes it’s been a teal or bluish shade, sometimes just plain, with “quotation marks”. Think maybe I need to state a standard way to do it (newish blog, don’t forget, still finding my way around it). Let’s do it this way:

If it’s just plain text, nothing added but a screenshot, then that’s usually me writing … or else one of you, e.g. “Microdave writes”. If the latter and I comment, it will be “JH: …”. If it’s a blockquote, e.g. Wall Street Apes, then quotation marks, plain text.

If it’s more vital it stands out, then I’ll shade it 007050. Anyway, that’s the cunning plan.

1. Corruption but sometimes the opposite too

Wall Street Apes:

“DOGE has just gained access to the US Treasury System, this is going to be insane The previous Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen was bribed by Wall Street, making over $7 MILLION in “speaking fees” She also openly worked to use US Taxpayer funds to build China’s Economy Janet Yellen encourages using Federal Funds for “The building of the Chinese Economy” Who have these people been working for? I think that’s very clear DOGE is going to find some INSANE corruption.”

The item heading says “sometimes the opposite”, meaning yes, there are monsters, their myrmidons, various margarets and karens … but at a lower level again … sometimes those under duress to keep their jobs. My feeling is that Homan and Co are not without compassion for these low level people … depends completely on history plus attitude overall. Shirley a case by case study.