(1111) Happy elevenses. Time for a kip => (1230)
19. Rather than analyse this about Germany and the vote loss
… Alice and the anti-immigration vote failure … I’ll certainly look at it or one of us shall … I’m ready for a post-prandial kip but it does remind me of a time back in 1989 I think it was when I was in Klagenfurt or was it in 1980, can’t recall, standing near the Woerthersee, near Minimundus, must have looked forlorn, as a lady of around 40 years started speaking with me and we got along, she showed me some sights, speaking partly English, partly Deutsch.
Something possessed her to ask me if I’d like come to some festivity or knees up or whatever, never caught the name, she phoned someone and resumed the conversation, I asked something political without having any side, she went cold, said it had been fun, she’d see me around perhaps.
Now I’m perfectly happy if people do not seek my company, even pretty ladies … but this had not been so till then … so what had I said? I was thinking the Austrians were pretty sensitive about some things … yet it had not been a total loss … she’d been a bit scathing about Germans … apparently this place was like our Blackpool, Scarborough, Brighton or Bangor … except not for Austrians … the Germans came here in droves for their holidays. Had my German been too Haupt-Deutsch? Who knows.
Anyway, I just remembered it now before exploring what went wrong in Germany yesterday or whenever.
18. EU fun

17. New broom

16. Drax

15. Net Zero bollox
14. Kathy’s newsletter today (also via blogrolls)
“Another fight back caught my eye, less newsworthy but I bet no less fraught: that parents at a Secondary School in British Columbia had forced the school to re-open single-sex bathrooms. So what, you may say? Well, in gender-neutral, trans-mad Canada, where the odds are totally stacked against any dissent, it must have taken courage, organisation and persistence.
There’s a lesson in it, I thought: moral courage. President Trump’s one signature sweep executive order to end gender ‘indoctrination’ and critical race theory in US schools was a message to the world, like his very effective tariff threat to Columbia when they refused their deportees. It was like an adrenalin shot; all the human rights excuses shown up as balderdash.”
13. Candlemas today.

(Pic: myriad natural toys & crafts)
12. Two recommended by YT to watch

With the deepest respect … er … no thanks … pass.
It appears that John Ward has gone quiet. No post for a week, and my comment enquiring after his wellbeing was unable to be uploaded.
JH: Does appear so, Andy. Maybe age gets us all.