4 replies on “Sunday [6 to 11]”

  1. Reagan airport and Roosevelt shopping centre were the accident sites. Hmmm. Two deceased presidents. Probably nothing in that.

    Happy Sunday, btw. Frosty and sunny with temp currently -2C. Two brave daffodils and a crocus showing promise. 🙂


    JH: All koinkydink say the three wise monkeys. Have a good Sunday.

  2. If she spent the last two years at the White House does that mean that her much mentioned 500 hours of flying experience were of limited relevance? Maybe her skills were pretty rusty?

  3. 6. The third Blackhawk pilot

    First time I saw one was the summer of 1982. The location was Westdown Artillery Range (SPTA) and I was about a week or so into a forward observer course at Larkhill Garrison. It was a technical not tactical day, so during breaks we just sat around having a brew. A helicopter appeared; flew over us at about 200 feet, pretty slow, no more than 60 knots. My mate Dave said: “Was that a Black Hawk?”. I concurred. None of us had seen one live before as they were fairly new then even in the US military. The UH-1 (Huey) was still in service throughout NATO and we’d all flown in them at that point. The sound they make is unmistakeable. Turning to our training officer for an answer he informs us that the SAS wants them so the RAF Special Forces Flight is doing evaluation missions out of RAF Odiham. They didn’t get them. You can guess why.


    JH: Uh huh.

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