Friday [20]


(1345) Anomalies abound (1422)

The trouble as a pundit, in my particular case, is that I’m lineball on so much … increasingly so with more experience.

Take one of our main men, Steve, for whom I have huge respect. He is probably our most proTrump tavern patron … incidentally, Steve’s just posted this at 947:

Take one of our main men, IYE, for whom I have huge respect. Not so enamoured of Trump’s doings in all respects and in this post, you’ll see some of these brought by me.

Toodles is a protestant Christian, yet she comes to similar conclusions to Ann Barnhardt, a fierce Catholic warrior. Both imho are real Christians at ground level … therefore they do see through the fog. Look at this from Ann:

That’s no antiTrump diatribe but it sure notes anomalies which should not even be there. Now look at this one:

Mike is straight MAGA, has been for as long as I remember … so I stopped, thought … 🤔 … then looked for his next piece … but what’s this? As I clicked like and retweet, plus others were pressing like as well, it was rejecting my clicks. Uh huh, I went to post on it:

I’m not saying Nole is doing that, nor even Yaccarino, but the algorithm, overseen by the Yaccaminions, certainly is kicking in … I’m not alone … others were unable to view things either and were checking with fellow Xers. A bit too much command control … then in comes Nole, tweeting that X is the free speech platform. Uh huh.

I mosied on over to Last Refuge (Sundance), a clear proMAGA, with reservations about the boss:

Referring to the JFK etc. Request? Not order? Meanwhile, those we’d expect to backslide are:

At the same time, this:

Why do I have this vague unease that we’re being played by one or more of them? Meanwhile:

5 replies on “Friday [20]”

  1. I did listen to 47’s address to sovaD and posted it here y/day. Overall sticking it to the weffers which was good.
    That doesn’t address other concerns and if it wasn’t for the eagle-eyed they would slip under the radar in the triumphalism of his return. For instance his pick to replace Yellen with Bessant- which I also left links to y/day -and this morning re the AI/mRNA jib-jabs. Those two are huge red flags, imo

    • Time will tell. There are folks around him I don’t like but this administration (47) is not like the last (45) so hopefully the wrong’uns be outed PDQ.

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