Monday [10 to 13]

(0920) Time … it fugits. (0950)


13. TCW (blogrolls)

12. The criminal Khan

11. Starmer and the Killer Clown … 100 year deal

10. Catherine Herridge on something else

Havana Syndrome

”The US government refers to it as “Anomalous Health Incidents” or AHIs. A previously disclosed National Security Memo confirmed intelligence information about “a high-powered microwave system weapon that may have the ability to weaken, intimidate, or kill an enemy over time and without leaving evidence.”

The memo continued, “The 2012 intelligence information indicated that this weapon is designed to bathe a target’s living quarters in microwaves, causing numerous physical effects, including a damaged nervous system.” ”

5 replies on “Monday [10 to 13]”

  1. “k1ll an enemy over time and without leaving evidence.”

    Time to define ‘enemy’ methinks and who decides 🤐


    JH: Indeed.

  2. If you don’t mind James a few comments on this historic day from yours truly 🙂 Regarding the Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp, I’m thinking the worst of the worst illegals will go there, and soon. So cartel members will be targeted with extreme prejudice and those who survive will be transported to the island. Ditto known terrorists who are on the run in the US, or hiding in plain sight. It won’t be just ICE doing the work either, expect some involvement from US Special Forces as Trump will declare a national emergency later today regarding the border(s). It will be a rolling thunder enforcement of American sovereignty.


    JH: Got that.

  3. Milley has said he’s ‘deeply grateful’ for the (pre-emptive) pardon he got from Biden this morning. This is a bloke who totally ignored the chain-of-command when he was chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: he phoned his opposite number in the People’s Liberation Army of China to inform them, if he had to he was willing to interfere in decisions made by his President. That is treason. He only revealed what he’d done after Trump left office. You can add coward to treason as they invariably go together (Benedict Arnold). So what can Trump do? He can recall him to service whereupon he can reduce him in the ranks to private – which can be done in public as per the military Code of Justice.

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