Sunday [1 to 3]

(0337) A good time to start Sunday. (0507)


3. Back to Californication

… in no particular order:

I’ve not included her photo below, as she’s ‘orrible:

2. Steve at 935

Four: Jack Smith out, Biden deportation protections, Tina Paters, Vigano, much more…..

Three: Everyone wants invites, Justine Bateman (see tomorrow’s ladies at lunchtime), Mel Gibson, much more…..

Two: Sobering Uke sit-rep, plenty of that……

One: Army Intelligence unit agin Cv sceptics, Net Zero destruction, Danish doormat, much more…

1. Some sort of op ed

There’s a Uke/Russian song from the 90s, after the samizdat or resistance bands were finally able to come out of hiding and these bands are revered, using the folk rock pop idiom … I usually post the live version for you to see the massive following in Russia among the youth of the time.

Anyway, this opening paragraph above is hardly going to help non-Russkies or non-Ukes, plus the song is not in English … plus I do not today provide translated lyrics and that’s for a reason. Call me a right bstd but it’s an educational maxim not to spoonfeed the troops as they remain with lazy brains … the whole point is to get them off their backsides, exploring but more importantly … knowing how to explore.

The reason that song was mentioned was the recurring line “zachem tebye znat” or “for what to know”? To answer that, please see point “c” below.

Also … in this thang we do here at Unherdables, I need to play fair and provide sufficiently non-opaque clues so readers at least have a chance to find out, if they’re sufficiently industrious and with “ferreting minds”.

On the other hand, not all sidetracks, sliproads and rabbit holes lead anywhere useful … but some do … and that’s the thing … also bearing in mind that the enemy provides many a trap, many a fruitless diversion along the way.

There’s no easy methodology here, there’s hard work and learning how to apportion time fruitfully, esp. if we have not a lot of that commodity left. One sees clues, one sees sidelights on the main theme, there are some maxims to bear in mind.

a. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

b. Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings proceedeth much wisdom:

c. Sidelights and reflection have much to commend it:

There’s nothing whatever wrong with that reasoning … the Chinese are most certainly infiltrating, they’re also looking for ports to transfer armies through … where do you think China will land its armies? Where are the three weak spots? Yep … compromised California, Vancouver Island and Canada, the Mexican and Canadian borders … doesn’t take much thinking, does it?

But it’s not the main thang, is it? If you buy that one of the core reasons for our demise is that we, collectively, strayed from our faith, plus that is an individual faith, each and every soul, with his/her Maker … for 2025 years, it’s always been so, as Juan points out in his comment:

We deal with “only” provables here? Nope … we deal with provables, plus fly many a kite to see how they fly. It’s how science works … observe phenomena, hypothesize, test the hypotheses, discard or shelve the inconclusive, add the oft-confirmed or increasingly-confirmed to the canon, move onto the next topic or sidelight.

d. The key clue is oft-hiding in among the minutiae. A key part of ours at this group of sites is what our patrons bring, inc. Juan, IYE, Steve, DAD … Steve is up at 935 … this below is also up in comments here:

Distrust anyone feeding you a journo narrative. Either he or she’s a genuine guy/gal but does have his/her hobbyhorses, which can distract or obscure … or else it’s a prepared narrative of low merit, designed to sidetrack into false leaps, put in there by enemy forces.

Did anyone say this thing was easy, chaps and chapesses?

4 replies on “Sunday [1 to 3]”

  1. The endless attempts to distract the dim by banging on about the source of ignition for the fires is flourishing as usual. But the question of first importance is about the fuel. And the second is about the wisdom of building houses “of sticks” – with roofs too of “sticks” for God’s sake – in a country prone to wildfires. The houses themselves become part of the fuel. (The Aussie habit of roofs of corrugated iron is so much saner.)

    You want a house to survive – try concrete. You worry about earthquakes – look at the building rules in Japan or NZ.

    Or just accept that earthquake-prone, wildfire-prone territory is a stupid bloody place to cover with houses built cheek-by-jowl.

    The insurance fiasco is just politics as usual.

  2. 1. Find out what ironstone ridges are.
    2. Find out what pyrolysis trees are.
    3. Find out if these estates were built on or very near ironstone ridges.
    4. Find out if the gardens and wider land holdings were planted with pyrolysis trees.
    5. None of these fires are wild or natural. All set by humans.

    And a bonus, if you can see if you can find out how many fast growing gum trees from Australia were planted in these areas either as, ornament, street tree or plantation.

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