(0720) Misty out there. Awkward evening till morning today for lil ole me. I have a delivery around 1100 which involves being at the ready now, shan’t go into details. This needs time now, what with the blog etc. This meant no later awake and up than 0730. This involved middle of the night work at HQ and NOWP. This involved sleep after Evets 1. Many ifs but so far according to schedule. (0743) Yep, that delivery has now gone live and first substitution needing yea or nay. (0750)
8. A victory or just partially?
7. I’d always thought Sarah C had turned good … hmmmm
6. Very true
5. Further to DJT’s reply to the ruling in Fri 1
I’m no lawyer but I can read a legal judgment, as can you, if an Unherdable. On the other hand, the vast morass of US and each State precedent is way beyond your humble pundit.
Barrett based her siding with Roberts and the Demrats on “let’s see it play out”. Roberts is a known-known … the Epstein Island factor …many iffy judgments. If Barrett is serious about “let it play out”, she’s either naive, as it’s a known-known, also as to why … or else she’s in with them … or else she is coerced.
Mike Davis is, of course, partisan … straight MAGA and pro Trump.
In the url
Now do the other places of whir-ship. Be even handed otherwise people might get the wrong idea…..
JH: Right.