Saturday [5]



Best not to skip over this (h/t Steve):

How I see this panning out:

While the psychopaths Biden, Blinken, Nuland, Starmer etc. are perfectly happy to send nukes into Russia, Putin sends non-nukes in return, e.g. to Kiev … the issue is when it ramps up. To my mind, Putin wants to take out nuclear threats in the various countries, not just in the Ukraine and to do that, no-warhead missiles do not suffice.

That’s when the end begins. I’d expect Biden to be taken out, plus the others, by then … Starmer is the issue here. Labour must go … the question is … which mechanism can be used? A Cromwellian repeat?

12 replies on “Saturday [5]”

  1. Where is the evidence?

    It was a missile strike.
    It occurred when a Ukrainian said it did.
    From the Ukrainian military or its alleged Nato overseers that they can track missile flights.
    That they can track hypersonic missiles.
    That they can detect launch sites.
    That the missile was Russian in origin?.

    Aren’t missiles supposed to destroy themselves when impacting a target?
    And on the other “side” where is the evidence?
    Of the Russian military are capable of firing and guiding a hypersonic missile to impact a chosen target.
    After all we have all seen a “state of the art” corvette of the Russian navy sailing the Black sea with a mobile missile battery strapped to its helicopter deck.

    Why that specific target?
    Frankly the amount of damage it is said to have done is no different to damage inflicted by a plethora of other weapons.

    In short there is zero evidence presented that backs up any of the medias propaganda no matter which “sides” media is propagandizing.
    Also worth noting how all the propaganda of aircraft and “air superiorty” has vanished. Naval superioirity has also disappeared from the propagand stream. Drone attacks are following the same pattern.

    It is both sad and amusing to see so many people wise enough to realise politicians and media people are liars and therefore dishonest and unworthy of attention in the search for truth but when it comes to conflict this wisdom is parked and the liars are treat as though they are actually telling the truth.

    Bottom line in the conflict under the spotlight is. Does natural gas that is taken out of the ground in Russia still flow through pipes in Ukrainian soil to the people of “western europe” unmolested?

    Of course it does.

  2. Re the video with Alex Christoforou.

    The ICBM that hit Dnipro is new and was unarmed. Yes there was damage but that was purely kinetic as each independently targeted warhead were traveling at speeds in excess of 7,000 mph. It was a demonstration. The warheads can be conventional or nuclear. The next one will be live: Putin said as much afterwards. People need to wake the f*ck up.

  3. People need to produce, find research the ecidence rather than making claims of what a oolitican says the internet. I’ve looked and found nothing but propaganda, rhetoric and fear mongering. Alternative media is as devoid of evidence as the mainstram is but both are massive on fear mongering.

    Zero evidence of any missile hypersonic, balkistic whatever label the media and politicians (there is little difference beyond job description) stick on them, is available anywhere. People need to do some research instead of taking what a political leader says atface value and shitting themselves.

    Should a missile from anyone be fired at this island and it is anywherenear accurate it wiill impact this island. Nothing is going to stop it. If itdoesn’t hit the Houses of Parliamne,nt, Number ten, a nuclear power station, an electricity interconnector, air/army/navy base then whoever authorised the firing is in the business of fear mongering.
    These missiles are claimed to be so accurate they could impact one on an aircraft carrie. After all there is video evidence of the Ukrainians landing one or more on a floating dock containing a submarine amingst other small targets.

    Warfare is terible beyond belief for those involved diredtly. The horror is worthy of a place tartarus. The deaths aree agonising, then trauma lasts a lifetime and eats away at people over that lifetime. Fear of warfare is what the monsters that fund and run wars use to get away with what they do.

        • Hello Bill. The 58 sec video on X (Twitter) shows waves of missiles hitting Dnipro. This new weapon has multiple warheads arriving on target at speeds of Mach 10. It also has this comment from President Putin:

          “There are no defense systems in the world that can intercept Russia’s Oreshnik missiles.”

          • Thank you.
            No evidence of what the viewer is looking at is what the blurb says tells them what they are looking at.

            I recall watchig the beginining of the Iraq war when “the cruise missile” was the weapon we must all be afraid of and how it was sold to the masses by the media. Cameramen and indeed camera crews, all equipped with high definitioin video cameras, were perfectly placed to capture the passing of the cruise missiles.
            “How did these cameramen know where to point their cameras let alone at what time they should turn their cameras on?”
            Was my thought on the footage I was looking at.

            Cameras quality has increased exponentialy as has camera use yet the footage we are sold is often grainy, sometimes grainy and blurry and always sparse.

            As for Putins comment. He is a politician (I should say they as I dug deep, very deep into Putin footage when the virus yarn was running rampant and discovered there are at least three Putins in operation, ears never lie hint, hint) as proven over and over again politicians lie.

            Dearime brings up a key ppint in regards missiles, their accuracy. If they aree indeed accurate enough to hit precise targets then it should be a matter of programing a small number, maybe even just one, to take out very specific targets but it seems not, assuming the video content is evidence of an actual missile strike.
            I ask how could anyone determine the missiles were, new, hypersonic, unnamed, launched from a geographical or precise location by a specific military?
            Same goes for the video. How are such things verified by anyone?
            Does nobody bother?

  4. Apologies for the typos back on a bigger screen no..

    In the case of waking up. What do those who want others to wake up to a threat they deem is real to the point where they fear for their life and loved ones want those who aren’t awake to do?

    Realistically there is no hardware that can be produced quickly enough these days to counter any known to exist elsewhere hardware. The numbers of people skilled enough to operate the current hardware aren’t there. (RFA & RN manning issues being the most obvious evidence.)
    The ‘on island’ resources to produce said hardware are not there.
    Steel for warships and submarines for example is all imported.

    The populace has been disarmed over many, many years, is chronically unhealthy, uneducated, community has been destroyed, abilities have been reduced to trapping a screen or a keyboard. Expertise in anything is a rare beast and it is being supplemented or replaced by low quality people from various countries both legally and illegally.
    The religion of peace is increasing its presence day on day just as Hinduism has been doing for decades.
    DEI, climate, green all infect every aspect of life in the indigenous population.
    The necessities of life including food are overwhelmingly imported

    So what precisely do the awoken do to counter the ‘Putin threat’?

  5. If Putin were to destroy the Brussels HQs of the EU and NATO I could control my grief.

    The Pentagon would be even better but a bit too risky for a Russki, perhaps.

  6. How big a target do these things need? I mean, could they selectively destroy say No 10, No 11, and Buckingham Palace?

    Or the centrepieces of British religion e.g. BBC Broadcasting House and Old Trafford?


    JH: I was thinking n10 would be rather nice.

    • If they coulld take out a single building with a single missile, as laser designation and guided bombs did in the Iraq war (the camera cannot lie) then a single missilem taking out a single small building, shio, infrastructure installation, group of people would be all thats needed to send the message to any agrressor that they are actually very vulnerable, but it never seems to happen.

  7. How do we know the videos of any conflict are not clips from old movies, demolition sites, CGI or now AI?

    We don’t!

    Fear-mongering on both sides, as Bill stated, esp the likes of Alex Jones, is great. Tune it out. Stay calm, pray as normal and get on with life – ’tis what I intend to do.

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