Wednesday [1 to 3]



3. On asterisks and euphemisms

From Napoleon v Russia to WW2 to today, there’s knowledge of war history from a scholar’s point of view … then there’s what we learnt at officer school. One thing both drummed into general staff was that the chance of falling out over tactics, strategy, was quite high, esp. if there were unherdable mavericks there … the American Civil War was another.

There’s a place for the sudden assault after the show of strength or else stealth approach, there’s a place for waiting … look at Tobruk and how the different sides approached it, how the Germans were fooled … there’s a time to show yourself and a time not to.

To call the latter cowardice is imbecility … look please at the background to the site name nourishing obscurity … it’s all about conserving, building strength, then choosing the right path to attack … I can’t put it more clearly than that. There’s also a place for the hothead, the beserk, the maverick, who can often carry the day. When I coached rugby, it was about tightly disciplined forwards, three-quarters who could suddenly switch, then one or two beserks, esp. in the second half.

Biding one’s time is crucial in this war we’re in … conserving ammunition, not taking the bait … as the Donald is learning just now, with occasional outrageous remarks … his “transition team” this time is first class … fascinating to watch the build, the hemming in, the devastating move. Someone there knows what he or she is doing.

We are, none of us, of any use incarcerated, TRed we could say … unless it’s for a specific purpose, e.g. yesterday’s farmers, plus TR’s last rally where he wasn’t.

So to finally get down to it … the euphemism is the best approach strategy … yes, we can reverse letter order, we can put asterisks in, there are a few ways … directly like that … including using inverted commas … but there’s another way as well and that’s what the enemy do … they call it, say, diversity, but what they mean, the head honchos, is anything but.

One good expression is Beloved Leader. Another is welcome guests. I know it sticks in the craw to be forced to restrain ourselves but in this country, for a month or two, the stakes have been raised to thug levels and some of us have not adapted. My dad once told me that in WW2, in Egypt, in the ORs, among themselves, they referred to worthy oriental gentlemen … to my mind, that was unnecessarily over-clever and they must have supposed there were no clever Egyptians around.

One difficult thing for me, at unherdables, is to have to go near anyone’s text … I can’t just substitute a buzz phrase, I have to signpost that I’ve done it, a bit like “Chad (or Kilroy or foo) was here” … so today I used the asterisk to show where I’d, regrettably, tampered. Bottom line though is that we’re in the UK here, different rules to outside the UK, as has been highly publicised … we are under full blown communism now here, not a doubt of it.

Put up with it? For now … bide our time, snipe when safe so to do.

2. Andy at 884

Just gotta share this little ditty with y’all …..

1. DAD drops at 884

a) …..and they found “20% of boys use 80% of the playground” …. The solution for this completely natural activity is “65% of playgrounds will be planted with shrubs in Strasbourg by 2026. This will help change the habits of pupils, who mainly play more masculine sports such as football or basketball”….

b) The Spanish left-wing government announced on Tuesday, November 19, the adoption of a regulatory reform that it says will facilitate the regularization of tens of thousands of additional welcome guests* per year over the next three years.

c) A ….. culture-enricher stormed a chapel in the Swiss town of Einsiedeln and attacked the beloved Black Madonna statue of the Virgin. The confused youngster (that’s the monastery’s characterization, not mine) …..

One reply

  1. “more masculine sports such as football or basketball”….

    The idea that basketball is masculine amuses me. Basketball was abandoned at our school when we started playing rugby because it degenerated into great rolling mauls – which were much more fun than basketball.


    JH: They were good … I imagine you were a lock or n8 by your size.

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