Friday [1 to 4]


4. Roundup

Ben Leo:

Angela Rayner was gifted a five night News Year’s ‘personal holiday’ in Lord Alli’s luxury $2.5million New York penthouse overlooking Manhattan. According to her parliamentary declaration, she reckons the stay was worth £1,250 – or £250 a night.

Matt Gaetz:

The U.S. Army has wrongly told more than 10,000 soldiers that expressing pro-life views might make them TERRORISTS! Lieutenant General Patrick Matlock refuses to tell Congress whether anyone was fired, suspended, or demoted for screwing up this badly.

Jenkyns was not interested whilst in govt:

People across Europe and the UK are sick of the globalist agenda. They want to see a return to the nation state where we look after our own people.


So when Lebron James told the world with excitement that there ain’t no party like a Diddy party, was there a reason he didn’t mention the child sex trafficking and all the rape and torture?

Globopsycho Tusk:

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk informs Poles that German soldiers are arriving in Poland to help with the flooding disaster: “If you see German soldiers, don’t panic. They are here to help”

3. AKH and Victoria Sponge

Darren Grimes:

Starmer on the ferry to buy Victoria Sponge some goodies on Lord Alli’s credit card. On the way over, he explains to Lady Sponge …

Luv it. Must admit I’d missed the reference (slaps own face, hard) … so let’s run with this, from Nigella:

2. DAD, across at 814

a) The dissolution of the National Assembly caused by Emmanuel Macron and the early legislative elections that followed triggered a vast and costly plan of layoffs in the teams of the 133 deputies who were not re-elected.

b) Another Macron headache. A partial renewable curfew has been established in France’s overseas region of Martinique in the Caribbean amid protests about the high cost of living there.

c) Electric vehicles [EVs] are causing problems.

i) European car sales have continued to decline with the major markets in the European Union being hit hard …..

ii) Chinese hotels and property managers have begun to ban all electric vehicles – scooters, e-bikes, family cars or commercial vans – from their undercroft car parks.

1. The old “free speech” arguments again

It’s TDS again (blogrolls):

A free speech group has said it was kicked out of a Brighton pub after saying children should not be taught trans ideology in schools. The Telegraph has the story.

About 50 members of Free Speech Brighton were ordered to leave the Southern Belle, a hotel and pub in the city, during an evening of speeches on Tuesday, the group claimed.

The landlord is said to have disapproved of one of the speeches regarding the teaching of gender ideology in schools and asked security guards to eject the entire group.

The pub refused to comment on the incident and the security firm, Pagoda Security, did not respond when contacted by the Telegraph.

Free Speech Brighton, a sister group of the Free Speech Union, had pre-booked a back room of the pub for the meeting, and brought a microphone and speaker for members to make speeches. …

The incident prompted a furious reaction on social media, and the Free Speech Union has threatened the pub with legal action unless the landlord apologises and allows the meeting to be rebooked.

This is potentially explosive, esp. for us on the vaguely “free speech” side. On one side are those who say that “no matter how obnoxious I become, loud, smelly, you gotta lump it coz it’s my right to infringe on you” … libertine-ism, not libertarianism … then the classical liberal who says “maximum freedom possible, limited only by its harm to anyone close or within range”.

While the latter is the more sane option, it’s also the more notoriously difficult to define, codify, make laws for … esp. if one side is Woke-brainwashed and the other is us … and ne’er the twain shall meet halfway. But it’s also the only sane option of the two, steeped in reality. If someone’s being obnoxious, my options are to ask him to “tone it down a little”, “a little more quietly perhaps” or to vote with my feet.

But trapped in a space with that creature, the options change. Now, what about the normies in that pub? Obviously that day, private room, it was still an issue. Then there were the viewpoints. Seems to me they needed to do their homework a bit better, as did the landlord. On our nourishing unherdables sign out front, it’s clearly Woke-unfriendly … to my mind, that’s us … regressives can have their own Wokerati centre some other place.

That’s the sane way but the Wokerati aren’t sane … they’re fanatical about snuffing out our way of life, traditions, culture, history. There’s the rub.

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