I mean … seriously … I no longer have the patience. This is more an exercise in whether I can embed pictures with urls on this platform, more than asking you to see the YTs through.
The opening one with Charlie Kirk has some young ignoramus at the microphone and I applaud what they’re trying to do, the guys … to my mind, it’s a young person’s game (under 40 perhaps) to have the patience to deal with pig-ignorance and brainwashing … I once could, not now.
The second is a young teacher describing schools now … we know it’s so, we’ve been through it … seizing school admins, employing the wrong type, the parenting anyway today, the teaching curriculum and texts … I’d not put up with it … then again, I was at fee-paying or special schools, so it was far easier.
The third is about an arch karen with the frizzy hair and no sense of proportion … again, not so much to see it through as an exercise in url embedding.
Something I saw (no url embedded):
To my mind, the central issue is not just opposing views or how strongly they’re hardwired into that sort of brain … they could say the same for us … but that their lot are there to prevail, by hook or by crook, any which way and if they perceive that they’re not prevailing in an open forum … then they use other methods to prevail. The view itself is nowhere near as important as the need to prevail any which way, legal or not.