As I need to be putting together the OoL post for the day, plus just getting up after another sleep, best run this short, interesting piece now rather than later.
As I need to be putting together the OoL post for the day, plus just getting up after another sleep, best run this short, interesting piece now rather than later.
(0424) Greetings, night owls. (0546)
6. Ethics in Scotland
5. TDS today
4. US v China standoff
3. Andy at 982
This is getting ridiculous. If ww3 happens all bets are off what the sides are. |
Also Andy on Moorgate, Steve on the Zel meeting, IYE withGrifty.
2. Steve at 982
Four: Covers Kash on honeypot agent, Hegseth warning to Mexico, DoD removing DEI, Red states’ own DOGES … much more…..
Three: Covers WH red line on peace, EU diplomat seeking new leader of free world after Zel, Norwegian refusal to refuel US ship … much more…..
Two: Uke sit-rep, Zelensky again…..
One: Covers covid at five years, false info given to Congress, Gates’ GAVI slush and the UK … much more.
1. This is going to ramble a bit
Yesterday afternoon, I ended up talking at length with a Romanian who considers himself left of centre, which could easily mean far left or all over the place … for example he thinks “socialism” is some sort of benign thing helping people, instead of what it is … a giant state parasite sucking the lifeblood out of people from nation states and which ruins standards of living. Plus he wants free enterprise so he can build a standard of living for a new family.
I didn’t engage on that but more on Georgescu and that shows that we do need to be ultracareful. He laughed at “altmedia” but was respectful of my terming of the MSM as they have the same … media sanctioned by “the power”. We didn’t get to the established intergenerational families, the old royalty but did look at certain sections of ex forces and or mafia types who get behind certain leaders.
Georgescu, it seems, is not a “man of the people”, is privileged, freely came to Britain, even in Soviet days, is a bit controlled opposition pretend populist, as GB News are, trying to position themselves as the altmedia, also as Alex Jones and Breitbart pretend to do.
Is there any altmedia, as in people genuinely trying to find out the truth? Yes, but low level, not traffic whores, as are Dan Wootton, Laura Ingraham, Hannity, Shapiro et al. Fragmented and I’d say our model here is as close as we can get … for example, our main patrons here are quite disparate in many ways, different angles, sparks can fly. But the divergent angles can only be healthy imho, as long as it does not descend to shill and countershill … and certainly nothing Woke whatever.
Draino, who’d embarrassed himself with Pammy’s binder (see Lord T in comments re Pammy and possibly inc. Kash) took the fragment where Zelensky asked Vance what evidence he had of his thugs pressganging Ukrainian youth into dying in the meatmangler. Vance supplied this morning … footage after footage. Trouble is of course … it’s on X and I’m not running the clips here … you can find them … just find DC Draino on X.
There’s plenty in our comments thread about that clash, plus the dinner afterwards. But back to Romania … this chap likes the Mayor of Bucharest who is pro EU and presumably Zelensky. Younger than the “old men” who are maybe a bit like the Italian Vecchi, this mayor fixes infrastructure in the town.
Now, he had footage of Georgescu freely walking along, turning to a wall and being arrested … looked quite orchestrated … what then of demonstrators? Bussed in? See, it goes to show we never can tell. He’ll send me urls to their “altmedia”, who might be anything, politically. It all makes one pause and think … everything is orchestrated … by everyone … and everyone thinks he has his finger on the pulse, that everyone else is fooled and manipulated by … but not him. Think on’t dot dot dot. END.
(1804) Evening all. Marathon afternoon with a rare visitor. All sorts of topics covered. Totally cream-crackered old fogey, falling asleep already.
17. Moosh with chocolate
16. One last one polit comment
15. IYE, Lord T, Steve
Read em all, ta … too tired to say more.
14. Steve has War Room at 982
Natalie Winters: “Volodymyr Zelenskyy, You Are a Democracy Crisis Actor”
Rep. Andy Ogles On Judges Defying President Trump: “We’ve Got To Put The Judiciary In It’s Place”
(1141) Almost afternoon, folks. (1155)
13. Chemtrails are on again
12. Bye bye BBC
11. There’s also the little matter …
… of the UN army now sitting in every city, town and village in the UK, awaiting the call to rise.
10. Penny Mordor’s at it again
9. Mwynhewch Dydd Gwyl Dewi heddiw!
There’s a little of the Taffy in all of us?
8. IYE with Kyle Becker
7. Dearieme and Covid
An expert analysis of the lab origin theory of Covid. Conclusion: of course it bloody was.
Hat tip: Jessica Rose, a substacker heroine, a reporter and analyst of the whole fiasco.
6. TCW, Nelson and Cooper
Being the victor of Trafalgar and numerous other sea battles, saving Britain from invasion and helping to secure our safety and supremacy – in short, changing the course of history in the early 19th century – obviously cuts no ice with our dear leaders of today. Such is their contempt for valiant patriotism that paintings of Lord Nelson displayed in Parliament’s buildings have now been taken down, whilst another painting has been put up.
Who is the subject of the exemplary new artwork adorning those hallowed halls? Another military titan, perhaps? Er, no. The canvas depicts… Yvette Cooper.
We’re back to the same old same old again … do we view it generationally, the blame for … or geographically, culturally, ideologically? “A cultural set of edifices” maybe (must have been drunk on skunk, ha ha).
I’d say imported ideology through non Brits is very much the killer now but the rot started from about 1970 in British schools not to revere our history … there were always lefty teachers, yes, esp. in secondary, with primary having more Conservative Party women … but it worsened and worsened until Brit history as we knew it was simply no longer taught, along with the three Rs.
Now, can we pinpoint which generation? Well, let’s go back … Boomers were certainly taught properly … whom by? Not the diagonal generation ahead, our big brothers so to speak, but by our parents’ lot, born maybe 1920 to 1930/35.
All right … what about DAD, one diagonal gen ahead of me? Well let’s ask him … not if he was taught well, coz he was … but did his lot teach their kids well … Gen X I mean? Looking at Gen X, I’d say less so. Gen X was when the one earring in the guy’s ear appeared, acid house, raves, living till middle age with one’s parents. By the time of the Millennials, was education bad news?
Well that’s where I come in, as I was a head teacher by the early 90s and the killer was the National Curriculum … so it was quite sudden. Not with us in the Independent sector but in the State, yes.
Who were in charge of curriculum branches just then, with their Woke leftism? Younger than I was … late Boomer, early Gen X … I met these Osted people … bad news on the whole, on a Woke high. They were the ones. Yes, I taught the three Rs, spelling, about Nelson, Harold arrow through the eye, Agincourt … I was called antediluvian, the prat. END.
(0722) Morning all. Just before we start, here are some early animations posted by Rolf. (0744)
5. DAD at 982
Saturday {I understand that the Spiv of Kiev had a dressing down at the White House yesterday.}
a) The Algerian/French accord of 1968; The French PM says “reexamine all agreements between the two countries”.
b) Residents of certain districts of Eybens and Poisat had the unpleasant surprise of discovering advertising flyers in their mailboxes… for drug trafficking. On these leaflets, a detailed list of drugs and cigatettes that were available…
c) A secret meeting, and echoes of Benedict’s exit, have heightened talk that Francis could resign, too. But the possibility is anyone’s guess.
4. Steve at 982
Five: Bias of media … Biden coverup …coke at WH … much more…..
Four: Trump Vance Zelensky … Graham … Rubio … much more…..
Three: Starmer Zelensky … Uke sit rep … much more…..
Two: Georgescu … China in US … Tulsi MAGA … more Trump V Z … much more…..
One: ECJ consequences … Covid … Ferguson … Israel Egypt … much more…..
(0039) See you the other side of shuteye, hopefully. (0255)
3. Just going to run this as one long round up now
… then catch some more sleep, hopefully. Not running the Trump Vance Zelensky 53 mins or whatever it was … link is in comments here, “that went well” … I do urge you to look at Sat 1, copy the link from comments if you want and store in your own safe place for retrieval.
2. Bondi
Decades of dealing with gals have taught me things about all sorts, types. One type is the eternal girl/woman, always complicated if she is approaching classic beauty status in western eyes, which Pam was/is … it’s a double-edged sword and a gal becomes sly in protecting herself, her shortcomings … you see it in Pam B where she combines loyalty, plus bending people to her will, plus slyness … look at the eyes and set of the lips … she’s out to protect herself and increase her own stocks … there’s nothing untoward here, it’s the nature of girl/woman since ancient times.
And realising she’d been caught out, she slyly laid it on Kash via a very publicly posted letter, as public as Bindergate.
Pam was caught out, whichever way you slice/dice it … check out Kylie Jane Kremer, a major MAGA pundit:
This is the deal. Pam Bondi lied. Whether it was nefariously with malicious intent or naively & stupidly because she wanted to look like she was more informed, she said she had the Epstein files on her desk but the WORST PART is that SHE SAID SHE’D READ the Epstein files. She also stated there were sick people in the files after reading. Pam Bondi lied each way you look at it. Had Pam not lied, she & Kash could have figured out that people were withholding documents at the FBI or SDNY.
I’d suggest you look for any of our stalwarts’ references to Flynn … ball’s in your court.
1. Housekeeping
When you see something on some site you think needs preserving, you can go about it a number of ways … here are some.
The easiest, to my mind, is a thing called a USB stick which, in simple language, is a small storage disk … quite cheap, anyone can buy, plugs into a laptop or PC side or behind, not Apple products, which use USBC … I never store on Apple. Not perfect as these sticks do degrade over time. Have three, four of them.
A step up is a small, plug in hard drive, USB plug, also easy to buy, you can spend £40 or £400 and you only need the one. Whole idea is that you detach after using/accessing.
Both those are affected by your system, device, browser, storage when you plug in … this post item does not cover those, nor VPN nor other methods to cut through the barriers.
One oblique way is our stalwart’s here of internxx archxxx, effective.
My advice is to store at a few locations, not all situated at home. This involves a certain amount of taking responsibility for your own files but don’t forget on paper.
Keep diaries, A5 ideally, A4 more cumbersome and one can be your central index to where you put things. Or have a box for all your scraps of scribbled notes … lazy but at least they’re all there.
It’s a discipline, chaps and chapesses, to allocate some of your time every few days to store on disk plus on paper. What you really should categorically not do is rely on HQ here to return to … you saw what happened to N.O., similar can happen to HQ, in fact well might this summer, as my system completely changes. Not saying it will but it seems not unlikely.
It really is your responsibility, as your knowledge increases, for your own net safety, which can be attacked at any time by all the little Thems … plus the big ones.
I’d strongly avoid storing any nrop whatever … you’ll be hacked, it’s truly unwise if you’re also prone to polit finding out in your rounds. In this country, that in itself is increasingly seen as radical, even if innocuous. Insane making threats online too, euphemise what you say and store. Use multiple locations, avoid ones such as FB, Tikxxx … stick to storing just facts, data.
If a thousand readers were to do that, in all corners of the sphere, it multiplies exponentially. Also … keep unplugged in inclement conditions, as you would any vulnerable apparatus.
(1626) Good evening, readers.
22. Uke sit-rep
21. Steve at 981
20. One can only hope
19. Yet some are still heavily into denial
18. Housekeeping
Good reader, our league of extraordinary gentlemen has left copious links in the sidebar … I need to advise that there were issues even getting them posted there. When that happens, they’re best left in situ … I’ve just been through … and I do suggest you save the valuable ones to file, remotely, or use IYE’s advised method. Do you have a USB stick or external hard drive? Not expensive, detach when not in use.