Tuesday [12 onwards]

(1414) Afternoon … hope you’re enjoying it.


14. Fair summary, methinks

13. For how much longer?

12. The answers

These quizzes seem to have lost takers … maybe they’re best as research for a day or two, then I’d give the answers I have here, such as with yesterday’s:

  1. Which number stood for England in Nelson’s signal? 253
  2. What was: “L’Angleterre compte que chacun fera son devoir”? England expects etc.
  3. What was Lieutenant John Pasco’s job? Signalman for Nelson
  4. What in the ground caused the Aberfan slurry slide? Springs underground
  5. Significance of the Danville train in the Civil War? Munitions south
  6. What did Cornwallis later do in Ireland? Act of Union
  7. Where was the US v France Quasi War mainly fought? Caribbean

2 replies on “Tuesday [12 onwards]”

  1. Keep ’em coming James. If I’m around I’ll join in. I get the impression that folks such as your regulars have squirrel like minds, hoarding away nuggets of information on the most obscure topics.


    JH: One trusts so, Andy.

  2. For various reasons, I don’t read your blog till the late afternoon, or early evening, when a lot of answers have been made by the clever people, though occasionally, I still manage one or two. I agree with Andy.

    Ta PSVT.

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