(0538). Morning all. (0619) Back to bed for awhile. (0808) Back to it again, from bed. (0830) Upandattem. (0856)
8. Too good to hope for?
7. The nation needs its Enoch Burkes
6. The power of the meme
5. (After a snooze) Kathy G
“HE DOESN’T YET know it, but I have essentially handed over this week’s ‘in review’ to Douglas Murray. No one says it better on the non-revelations (having been in the public domain for years) that have come fast and furious about the Pakistani rape gangs (now we are allowed to call a spade, a spade) since Elon Musk started chucking his truth bombs from the other side of the Atlantic.
It was all done ‘to make it utterly impossible for anybody to discuss this’ and, in particular, to crack down as hard as possible on anyone who was white, working-class and felt voiceless: ‘Instead of giving these people any sympathy or any hearing, most of the media, most of the political class turned away[…] What we’ve been seeing in recent days is one perfectly predictable repercussion of that.’
He has little time for the Labour MPs and others who are now saying, ‘But don’t you know we’ve had lots of inquiries into this. Don’t you know lots of people have gone to jail?’
The various inquiries, as we know, meant very little in the end, doing nothing to sort out the actual problem.”
All well and good, quite agree, and now I’ll digress to one of my constant hobbyhorses … men and women. Kathy writes “He doesn’t know it yet …” and it underscores something about women, underscored also by Kate and Small Dead Animals blog in the right column of blogrolls (navbar).
There are two extreme models of the balance between men and women … the destructive deathcult, Hindu and Japanese model where women are pretty chattels to be used and abused …. across to the equally destructive feminist model where women see themselves as equal or better in every way, not needing men in the least … which is a complete lie … hence the broken women in the west now.
The model somewhere between the two extremes needs both to leave their egos at the door and acknowledge that despite the foibles of each, the limitations of their own sex mean that neither can entirely do without the other … nor should they … but the ego MUST be left at the door.
The man should be the rock who keeps the bullocking work going as boundary riders, the ones out there protecting the perimeter defences, doing the dirty work, while the women take care of the important things like home, family, interrelationships, networks of friends … and so it goes on … the internal infrastructure.
Insanity is imagining that each can be the other … I’d go so far as to say that there’s something of the satanic, of possession, in imagining otherwise. When you feminise or “wimpise” men, they become useless … when you put a woman in charge of a ship, plane, fire department or try to put them on the front lines of battle, your defeat is assured.
Which is precisely what is looming. Just why are all these imports in cushy accommodation, of military age, hardened, thuggish men, with a ready supply of white meat children to abuse? Why is Wales advertising for them to come on over? I mean … think it through dispassionately. Without scrambled brains.
The west is about to be overrun, people and most refuse to face it.
4. TDS plus my comment below
Focussing just on items 2 and 3 above, the bureaucratic admins of now increasingly privatised medicine have worked themselves into a corner of culpability and their only chance is to suppress comment across the land until people forget or die (can be arranged in this profession) … or a new generation, knowing less than the previous one arises, to be met with this “we’re experts, we wear the stethoscope, obey us in all things” shtick.
Most impressive, the 1500 doctors agreeing that Big Pharma is great … until some pundit pointed out that these were all Demrat doctors gathered for this purpose.
Anyone wishing to do a bit of ferreting should look at “Cambridge Education and Training Center Ltd”.
Juss sayin’ like.