Monthly Archives: January 2025

Sunday [9 to 11]

(0950) Back again, after the megachores have been done at this end. (1101)


11. Does it require explanation, folks?

10. Social gradings

Advertisers are primarily interested in your purchasing power but the correlations below don’t fully cover it imho:

For a start, it makes more sense to me to designate A1, A2, B1, B2 … also, what of the tradesman … he can almost name his price. I’d say I’ve been B2 in the past, at my highest, hobnobbing with the A2/B1s now and then, today an E with elements of C1 … weird setup. The American model is a bit different, particularly around LA.

9. Palisades again … via IYE

Miles Mathis, to his credit, admits he lives nowhere near LA but I’d assume he’s been through it far more more times than I have (maybe ten, twelve times for me overall), both of us I presume by car. He also admits he doesn’t know exactly why, as we don’t, but he has put up an excellent hypothesis about it:

Yes indeed … makes sense … and that ties in with Svali from 2000 who pointed out that they eat each other, not just dog eat dog but stronger dogs eat weaker dog in a pack, sniffing meat and blood like sharks or deathculters from savage lands. No beg pardons.

We witnessed this within our hearing, though we did not see it, did not want, in Russia, my darling and I, coming home after an evening out … they must have been behind the stalls and boxes of the minimart, the dogs … the sounds were horrible, esp. the victim’s.

To my mind, Miles has hit on it … someone above in that vicious cult will not abide anyone “below” having any airs or swagger … millionaires are nobodies compared to billionaires. And again … that word satanic very much fits it, the diametric opposite of the Christian model, the Good Samaritan etc.

And to make sure the James Woodses are ruined … well watch that girl further down the page speaking of the new rules on real estate in California.

Sunday [4 to 8]

(0538). Morning all. (0619) Back to bed for awhile. (0808) Back to it again, from bed. (0830) Upandattem. (0856)


8. Too good to hope for?


7. The nation needs its Enoch Burkes

6. The power of the meme

5. (After a snooze) Kathy G

“HE DOESN’T YET know it, but I have essentially handed over this week’s ‘in review’ to Douglas Murray. No one says it better on the non-revelations (having been in the public domain for years) that have come fast and furious about the Pakistani rape gangs (now we are allowed to call a spade, a spade) since Elon Musk started chucking his truth bombs from the other side of the Atlantic.


It was all done ‘to make it utterly impossible for anybody to discuss this’ and, in particular, to crack down as hard as possible on anyone who was white, working-class and felt voiceless: ‘Instead of giving these people any sympathy or any hearing, most of the media, most of the political class turned away[…] What we’ve been seeing in recent days is one perfectly predictable repercussion of that.’

He has little time for the Labour MPs and others who are now saying, ‘But don’t you know we’ve had lots of inquiries into this. Don’t you know lots of people have gone to jail?’ 

The various inquiries, as we know, meant very little in the end, doing nothing to sort out the actual problem.”

All well and good, quite agree, and now I’ll digress to one of my constant hobbyhorses … men and women. Kathy writes “He doesn’t know it yet …” and it underscores something about women, underscored also by Kate and Small Dead Animals blog in the right column of blogrolls (navbar).

There are two extreme models of the balance between men and women … the destructive deathcult, Hindu and Japanese model where women are pretty chattels to be used and abused …. across to the equally destructive feminist model where women see themselves as equal or better in every way, not needing men in the least … which is a complete lie … hence the broken women in the west now.

The model somewhere between the two extremes needs both to leave their egos at the door and acknowledge that despite the foibles of each, the limitations of their own sex mean that neither can entirely do without the other … nor should they … but the ego MUST be left at the door.

The man should be the rock who keeps the bullocking work going as boundary riders, the ones out there protecting the perimeter defences, doing the dirty work, while the women take care of the important things like home, family, interrelationships, networks of friends … and so it goes on … the internal infrastructure.

Insanity is imagining that each can be the other … I’d go so far as to say that there’s something of the satanic, of possession, in imagining otherwise. When you feminise or “wimpise” men, they become useless … when you put a woman in charge of a ship, plane, fire department or try to put them on the front lines of battle, your defeat is assured.

Which is precisely what is looming. Just why are all these imports in cushy accommodation, of military age, hardened, thuggish men, with a ready supply of white meat children to abuse? Why is Wales advertising for them to come on over? I mean … think it through dispassionately. Without scrambled brains.

The west is about to be overrun, people and most refuse to face it.

4. TDS plus my comment below

Focussing just on items 2 and 3 above, the bureaucratic admins of now increasingly privatised medicine have worked themselves into a corner of culpability and their only chance is to suppress comment across the land until people forget or die (can be arranged in this profession) … or a new generation, knowing less than the previous one arises, to be met with this “we’re experts, we wear the stethoscope, obey us in all things” shtick.

Most impressive, the 1500 doctors agreeing that Big Pharma is great … until some pundit pointed out that these were all Demrat doctors gathered for this purpose.

Sunday [1 to 3]

(0337) A good time to start Sunday. (0507)


3. Back to Californication

… in no particular order:

I’ve not included her photo below, as she’s ‘orrible:

2. Steve at 935

Four: Jack Smith out, Biden deportation protections, Tina Paters, Vigano, much more…..

Three: Everyone wants invites, Justine Bateman (see tomorrow’s ladies at lunchtime), Mel Gibson, much more…..

Two: Sobering Uke sit-rep, plenty of that……

One: Army Intelligence unit agin Cv sceptics, Net Zero destruction, Danish doormat, much more…

1. Some sort of op ed

There’s a Uke/Russian song from the 90s, after the samizdat or resistance bands were finally able to come out of hiding and these bands are revered, using the folk rock pop idiom … I usually post the live version for you to see the massive following in Russia among the youth of the time.

Anyway, this opening paragraph above is hardly going to help non-Russkies or non-Ukes, plus the song is not in English … plus I do not today provide translated lyrics and that’s for a reason. Call me a right bstd but it’s an educational maxim not to spoonfeed the troops as they remain with lazy brains … the whole point is to get them off their backsides, exploring but more importantly … knowing how to explore.

The reason that song was mentioned was the recurring line “zachem tebye znat” or “for what to know”? To answer that, please see point “c” below.

Also … in this thang we do here at Unherdables, I need to play fair and provide sufficiently non-opaque clues so readers at least have a chance to find out, if they’re sufficiently industrious and with “ferreting minds”.

On the other hand, not all sidetracks, sliproads and rabbit holes lead anywhere useful … but some do … and that’s the thing … also bearing in mind that the enemy provides many a trap, many a fruitless diversion along the way.

There’s no easy methodology here, there’s hard work and learning how to apportion time fruitfully, esp. if we have not a lot of that commodity left. One sees clues, one sees sidelights on the main theme, there are some maxims to bear in mind.

a. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

b. Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings proceedeth much wisdom:

c. Sidelights and reflection have much to commend it:

There’s nothing whatever wrong with that reasoning … the Chinese are most certainly infiltrating, they’re also looking for ports to transfer armies through … where do you think China will land its armies? Where are the three weak spots? Yep … compromised California, Vancouver Island and Canada, the Mexican and Canadian borders … doesn’t take much thinking, does it?

But it’s not the main thang, is it? If you buy that one of the core reasons for our demise is that we, collectively, strayed from our faith, plus that is an individual faith, each and every soul, with his/her Maker … for 2025 years, it’s always been so, as Juan points out in his comment:

We deal with “only” provables here? Nope … we deal with provables, plus fly many a kite to see how they fly. It’s how science works … observe phenomena, hypothesize, test the hypotheses, discard or shelve the inconclusive, add the oft-confirmed or increasingly-confirmed to the canon, move onto the next topic or sidelight.

d. The key clue is oft-hiding in among the minutiae. A key part of ours at this group of sites is what our patrons bring, inc. Juan, IYE, Steve, DAD … Steve is up at 935 … this below is also up in comments here:

Distrust anyone feeding you a journo narrative. Either he or she’s a genuine guy/gal but does have his/her hobbyhorses, which can distract or obscure … or else it’s a prepared narrative of low merit, designed to sidetrack into false leaps, put in there by enemy forces.

Did anyone say this thing was easy, chaps and chapesses?

Saturday [9 till close of play]

(1801) Evening all.


13. Consider this

12. The fires

The question of why, if you can take on board “deliberate” after Ohio, NC, all the others with huge anomalies … that question is coupled with who. Take your pick:

a. Global agenda meaning massive funds to keep the national destruction going, as well as protection from being exposed over deeds already done.

b. As part of this or even the three letter agencies justifying their dark money … they send out arsonists, either paid functionaries, not unlike Antifa/BLM or brainwashees from colleges.

c. Or perhaps it’s random … just some of the feckless and dissolute going out to show their power over people.

d. Any number of other groups … deathcult, Chinese, Indians etc behind it.

e. Crossing the line into the metaphysical, the demonic … after all, the Statue of Ish*** in NY harbour is a monument to satanism, innit? Is it the demonic out of control … or something else?

f. Obvious question is why does God not stop it? Have you considered that He’s washed his hands of a people who have washed their hands of him? See Juan in comments … not much time left, people.

Whichever you buy above, or even your own theory of civilisations … Christian eschatology in most cases holds that an antiC appears near the end, is most popular, is seen as a saviour of the world, Israel believes he is the Messiah returned, he rebuilds the Temple, goes in and abominates it.

I’ve read a few scenarios which say the AC does not know he is until just before … that is, he could still be a goody until then … but you only need reflect on all “leaders” occupying positions of power … maybe idealistic to start their parliamentary careers but sooner later, the sickos behind the scenes get to them.

So if that’s the case with pollies and other power holders, why not with the AC? For mine, I’m not sure it’s DJT, possibly Barron eventually … I thought Wills for quite a while, because of his mortal wound while still young, plus his birthdate. Whatever and whoever … can’t see it being Elon … the person doesn’t know it before it starts. Might even be a fine person many love and trust.

Anyway, one point I am certain about … if there is a God and people ask why He won’t save them … well why would He if they don’t believe He exists, or that He even can?

11. Greenland, Greenland, Greenland

… it’s the country for me.

10. Shaken, not stirred

9. Steve at 935

Try these


  1. What’s significant about Maria Corina Machado?
  2. Which US Senator resigned a short while ago?
  3. Which platform banned proLife ads in 2018?
  4. Which headlight usage is illegal in the UK (110/111)?
  5. Wood, Wagner, Walken at the end … who on with whom?
  6. Which day is Australia Day?

Saturday [6 to 8]

(1035) Health iffy, temp plus one. (1213) Healthier! (1241)


8. Julia’s been on at me about what to have with the fish

7. IYE on anomalous goings on.

Why now?

“…a dedicated effort to address anomalous health incidents reported by our colleagues…
….found that a subset of anomalous health incidents cannot be easily explained by known environmental or medical conditions and that pulsed electromagnetic or acoustic energy remains a plausible explanation in certain cases…..”

Who is doing what and to whom?

6. Tulsi and the nomination

Juan adds this link to Tulsi’s turnaround.

I had this previously:

Not sure how the Donald is going to do this. Yes, he concedes the battle to win the war later. How? Get Tulsi in … then disband the three letter agencies. In 2026, all opposing RINO Senators are retired or primaried.