Monthly Archives: January 2025

Tuesday [1 to 4]

(0144) Middle of the night again. There are three issues straight off which need covering … mentioned in Tue [1] below. Post is up at (0224)


4. Andy at 936

3. Spiteful till the very end

Biden, in his last act of spite, has ordered … well you can read it yourself:

Just who do the Demonrats think they’re fooling? That funeral is over, it’s done, it has zero to do with inauguration day. It’s quite obvious what it’s about. Paxton’s not having it, I’d imagine nor would Florida. Tomorrow, an Unherdables patron has a birthday … protocol is calling again … namely that Unherdables does not have one.

2. Steve at 936

Five: Newsome: “We Already Have a Team Reimagining LA 2.0” … cauchemar (Fr) … Biden Regime Launches … he’s in no position to launch anything … much more…..

Four: FBI Declares ‘No Known Threats’ for Trump’s Inauguration — 25,000 Law Enforcement and Military Deployed … yeah, right … much more…

Three: Uke sit-rep takes up most of this…..

Two: Populist incumbent sails to victory in Croatia, Musk, JD Vance: Biden Has Left the Incoming Administration a ‘Dumpster Fire’, more…..

One: Ivermectin and fenbendazole, UK Markets in Turmoil, much more…..

1. Immediate issues needing some words on

  • In Mon [14], I mention a Farage post at OoL … to my mind, there’s a more important Brit issue;
  • That issue is gas running out this week, which will be the OoL post;
  • There’s the Texas flag issue across the pond … this is for Tue [3 here], with Andy Tue [4].

Monday [14 till close of play]

(1515) A bit out of it just now, nothing terminal, a bit yuk, that’s all … felt I should run something just to check in. Was talking to DAD earlier … better but still not a well cat.


22. Some of you good readers may have erroneously formed the opinion

… that we at Unherdables have a scathing view of politicians and the political class in general, especially in Davos. I’d like to point out, if I may, that nothing could be further from the truth … finest bunch of men and women ever to climb the greasy pole beyond competence.

21. Might try this

20. Someone put up an X

… asking who’s still listening to 70s music in 2025? I asked: “Wot, you mean like this?”

It was Buddy H in 1957, covered by Linda R in 1976, re-covered by this band in 2018.

19. A micro-roundup this time (1559)

18. IYE at Mon [10 to 13]

17. Steve at 936

And at Mon [10 to 13]:

Also at 936:

16. This 👇🏻

15. At Konstantin Kisin’s, I saw this

If the writer means what I think, then agreed … it’s not too far away from “tolerance is not a Christian virtue”. Post tomorrow morning here, laze and gem, not well enough right now.

14. This is from Lord T

… I’ll run a post tomorrow morning at OoL on the topic …

Monday [10 to 13]

(0904) Ladies at lunchtime at midday. (1026)


 13. Moosh corner

12. Mini roundup

11. Karens and their Woke Mind Virus

10. Digital control of humans

Monday [1 to 5]

(0059) Here we are again … one of these middle of the night jobs. Each one of us must do as we can with sleep, given our state of health, character, meds, beds … I’m finding this 8 p.m. zonk, 1 a.m. wake, maybe 3 a.m. re-zonk, maybe 8 a.m. restart is working for now. (0216) Going to hit the hay again, chaps and chapesses, sleep well. (0217)


5. This 👇🏻

Precisely … sounds like utter bollox to me too … yet some will lap that up and continue to comply.

4. LA reality quite divorced from reality

The fires are quite real, judging by the footage, the responses quite unreal … their idea of what we can take as plausible, when it is in fact anomalous, the uncaring type of explanation only psychos would give. We are in the hands of psychos.

3. Shape of things to come

2. Lainey … mind like a galaxy

First the screenshots, then my notes, a sort of impromptu op ed:


a. This is from Gab, which has it’s own increasing restrictions, just as X has … thus I had to split the quote … it’s counter-intuitive, non-predictive, poor IT but that’s what we have these days I’m afraid.

b. Lainey herself … one of two only gals left on Gab that I see, t’other being Julia, the one guy being Denileriverafter but not upfront … I have to use search to find him. Yet overall numbers, following-followed, are the same, more or less. Again, less user friendly than it once was.

c. Lainey, plus about three gals on X get the usual combination of alpha come-ons by would-be Adonises or else self-flagellating simps … and thus she’s taken to using a grandma profile pic … the gals get so much of this type of attantion … some is good, not this type though.

d. Overall, the guys are more succinct, blunt between ourselves, but friendly all the same. Gal to gal … I would not know, except what they let slip. Gals and our type … gals are definitely more responsive, caring, guys of our kind more effective, woke left men are really not good … can get vicious and bitchy.

e. During this post item, my engine room gave a warning signal, something indigestible to its good self, recovered … nice devices powering that, kudos to MMUTR. It does draw attention to how gossamer thin our connection to the net is and therefore the presence of HQ for you to read. It takes almost nothing for someone to interfere, from the providers to the hub to the platforms.

f. The warning from that is … not to panic too soon … this is a far more imprecise medium than it seems … in fact it’s a bloomin’ miracle it works at all … then there are the humans … you … at that end, in varying circumstances … me.

No DAD just now but he could well be taking a sabbatical, taking care of biz, whatever. Plus he’s in France, not here. So is IYE. Then our North Americans, Europeans, Antipodaeans.

My message is … no panic if things do disappear … they may reappear … they might not.

Best mindset is to just appreciate what we had and still have, think oh well if it suddenly alters, esp. with the Inauguration across the pond, plus the crash imminent, plus our poisoned food and water. Stay calm, carry on, find ways around things.

And the crazy solutions Jon mentions in comments … all good, they give not only the lads amusement but the ladies heart … all good in my book.

1. Steve at 936 … bumper edition

Five: Trump on Jack Smith, Vance on J6, Biden spending, much more…..

Four: Demrat fires per Alinsky, prisoners fighting fires, refusing NY help, much more…..

Three: Uke sit-rep, usual crew too…….

Two: MSM ignoring Syria genocide, DOGE, much more…..

One: Vaxx and cancer, mutton crew, Miliband, more….

Sunday [17 till close of play]

(1716) Evening all.


21. OPT

What began as a “short-term” program has morphed into a full-blown weapon against American jobs—just the way the globalists (looking at you, Bill Gates) planned it.

“OPT was originally a 1-year work permit for international students graduating from U.S. colleges to gain U.S. work experience to take back to their home countries. It was never meant as a permanent immigration pathway, but rather a short-term opportunity for skill development

In 2008, Bill Gates lobbied Congress to expand H-1B caps, claiming a tech worker shortage. However, there was significant pushback and it was pointed out that Microsoft was laying off U.S. workers while simultaneously advocating for more foreign labor.

When Bill Gates couldn’t get his H-1B dreams to materialize, he called in favors from his high-powered buddies to rework the system in his favor.

After Bill Gates failed to get Congress to pass an immigration bill expanding H-1B visas, he enlisted lobbyist Jack Krumholtz to devise a plan using the OPT program to bypass the H-1B caps.

At a cocktail party, lobbyist Jack Krumholtz met then-DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff under George W. Bush and pitched his proposal to expand the OPT program. He suggested extending its duration beyond 1 year, effectively creating a workaround for H-1B visa caps.”

20. Bringing up an old topic again

… and I’m well aware the obvious rejoinder is: “Just block the bleedin’ ads,” to which my rejoinder is: “Part of my job is to monitor ads which range from weird to sickening … only on centre to right sites, never on leftwing outlets.” At the latter, the ads are all feelgood, almost no DEI … the obnoxious ads are only on Gateway Pundit, other renegade or conservative sites.

One of the strangest is Rumble war room which I just looked at … very weird, some wimpy demi-man, no one like Bannon and guests whatever .. speaking gently about “manifesting”, whatever that means in its hijacked form … I waited for “Skip” and did. Another hijacking is “Wellness” … well that one we know about … more wokery.

I’m wondering if these hosts have any idea about this? They would probably do what one site did long ago when I complained … say they don’t determine ad content.

Really? To a point I agree, e.g. at NOWP, where at least I can flag, can report and it disappears for awhile. Were it not for that, or at these other sites … the Wail is one … with revolting body functioning ads … every single conservative site is flooded with them … the ads having zero purpose but to nauseate … were it not for being able to Skip or backclick, I’d have installed a blocker long ago.

19. Meanwhile, Alex with a very good question

18. Steve and war room

17. Ghost of DAD

Not having heard from the worthy chap for some time … DAD, not his ghost … I went back to one of his posts to find one of his sources:

It seems to be an aggregator of sources from all over France … some quite old (2015) but there’s a way to find the more recent ones, e.g.

I might start revisiting Le Figaro and Le Monde but both are Uniparty, so won’t help all that much.



“Howard Duff has picked up a couple of black panthers — the animal kind — which he is delivering by train to a circus in Germany. Little does he know that spy Märta Torén has hidden important microfilm in one of their collars. Other spies have gotten wind of this, so they derail the railroad car he is traveling in with the beasts, sending him tumbling down a Swiss mountain. When he awakes, he is in a hotel being tended by the owner, Doctor Walter Slezak, and various characters, all made suspicious by their non-American accents are showing up. Are they there for a newspaper story, or to sketch the beasts, hunt them, or to get the microfilm?”

Sunday [12 to 16]

(1313) Afternoon all … lovely day out there, people going walkies. (1430)


16. Steve from 935:7e

ER Editor: When Trump mentions something, albeit in a weird, hard to understand way, it’s usually true and it’s usually done. Second point, we surely know by now that ‘leaders’ are the front people for bigger forces and agendas. Even Trump.

Yes, there are given reasons … e.g. the strategic placement of GL, geographically, esp. if intending to open the NW passage as backup to Panama, not wishing Canada to get in the way, plus Britain … there’s all that, plus the LB article itself.

I’m thinking there’s another factor too, which is a combination of gender and wokery … Trump would never put down Giorgia or Danielle or Sarah … but he very much would humiliate von Leyen, the World Bank one, plus the Danish head … taking advantage of this DEI Wokery … but then he must change the armed forces of his own country to also get rid of woke appointments … that’s if the US is serious about winning conflicts.

15. Lord T and an Italian comedian


14. Too true

13. An American glances across the pond

12. Saw this on Gab