Friday [12 and 13]

(1015) Brunch time. Ladies at lunchtime around noon. (1059)


13. Men and women

Consider this about us:

Men are certainly a handful, magnetic like-poles who can clash if too close (if proper men I mean), an utter bore when they drop into their male antics … save it, mate, not interested … or manspreading on public transport or mansplaining … all of that … but men are also rocks in a tempest, heavy lifters … it’s safer around guys if they’re of a certain maturity. Proper women know this.

Here’s a young woman below still susceptible to the flattery, still over body conscious, still to mature, imho overly praised by Bannon and Co, dazzled by the face coming up later in ladies at lunchtime. I actually agree she does herself a disservice dressing like that. Put it this way … how would she feel if Steve Bannon war slits in his top on camera to show his chest?

And women do have this temptation to make it about themselves:

Now look … we love Natalie here, her analyses are sharp, just as with Naomi Seibt (also coming up in L@L). I just don’t wish to see a young lady’s mammaries or backside if she’s trying to be taken seriously as a great journo/presenter. I asked the girls once in my university class to dress appropriately.

Right, now Toodles on the fairer sex

If it is a good look it should cross age barriers….well most looks. I do get embarrassed for women who wear young girl things…and really I have seen some wear the look well, but when you see their face and hair … then it is sad. It does not fit. Sometimes it is shocking. 😳 

Older women can look good and stylish without being juvenile. Same for older men. Especially revealing or very form fitting things. Also crazy jewelry…and real funky hair! Maybe in the same family look but tamped down…a lot!

Not saying older women cannot dress well or fun…please do MM, Ladies, but not in form fitting leggings and form fitting top to go with it along with  very high heels and all that other stuff. Even if the woman is in great shape…it does not work. But really I am sure I am a stick in the mud.

But you know I dress fun and somewhat chic, but hopefully appropriate for my age. Of course around here I dress like a homeless person ( no disrespect to the homeless)!  Sometimes running to the post office I might even look like a woman (of a certain maturity)! Frumpy…well not exactly frumpy but on the verge🤭!

12. You might like to take a look at this


Appearing on my X timeline now is a refutation, supposedly by this Jo Ellis … might be, might not … further updates, even change of tack later … this was said earlier:

And these:

You might also like to look at the resume (CV) of this person:


Important to point out that this was not a Kara Hultgreen, whose name became generic, despite woke Wiki defending her:


… nope, this was something much nastier, as it involves insanity in the first place. With women, it’s more a case of proving they’re as good as men, with interesting results but in Danica Patrick’s case, she was very good and that was that … a realist and a damn good one too. In Amelia Earhart’s case, it was one step too far, ditto with Amy Johnson … the higher the feminazism quotient, the more self-destructive it becomes.

This Ellis thing is nothing to do with all that, as mentioned … it’s mental illness, plus limited perception.

Add to that the IDE factor in the control tower and there’s a disaster waiting to happen.

2 replies on “Friday [12 and 13]”

  1. 12. Can that heli be operated remotely?
    Who was on the plane other than the skaters? They’re the main meejah focus by design, imo.
    The heli came out of L@ngley.
    The trans pilot is the just another distraction.
    The extra ‘info’ coming out each day further obfuscates the situation – usual tactic to cause confusion for the normies.
    Unlikely we’ll ever know what really happened. The speculation is another distraction tactic so what else is going on that they want to keep under the radar?
    The state of the deep didn’t evaporate on 20/1.

    • Also didn’t 47 authorise the sacking of all t-rannies in the military? If that is indeed the case when did it come into force? If it was last week then…….? Something else to consider, innit.

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