Tuesday [10 to 13]

(1104) Cunning plan is a bit of politics, then some baroque if I can find some good renditions. (1214)


13. Keep the eyes open

12. IYE in comments here

11. Always thought it was a big ask

… and Donny seems to have thought so too, word in his shell-like by Nole … let’s face it … a Brahmin class Indian, young, impetuous, mouths off, a techie too … hmmmm … big ask.

10. The fuel project is a vlog eries by the Young Scot Christian

… as I call him … not running the actual vlog as it’s too long but it can be easily found.

The utter ignorance is where the mentally vulnerable and impressionable are drawn in, generally not by choice and core instincts are played on by its system of oversimplifications … to the point where the disciples become devotees, without being shown the reality through history of such ideas … Net Zero is one of those.

Thick or young people are made to feel intellectual or powerful … Freeland, Cressida Dick, AOC, Lammy … where they’re suddenly feted, fed the lines, plus the stock explanations for failure … they really feel they’re Someone making inroads for Good …

… when in fact, they’re tools for the opposite. To aid the process, Weishaupt in 1776 identified six things which must be wrecked, in order to not let reality threaten the cult:

“1) abolition of monarchy and all ordered government, 2) abolition of all private property and inheritances, 4) abolition of patriotism and nationalism, 5) abolition of the family, and 6) abolition of all religion.”

Hang on, you might object … they’re core tenets of socialism, but Marx was not around for decades, plus that’s “illumined” satanism … whereas socialists are all good people with their pink pussy parades etc, they hug trees, love gaia. How could that be?


The blunt, bleak bstds we are on the other hand, anathema to the LibDum for example, have our own fractious vulnerabilities, esp. if nominally “Christian”. And the dark side knows how to set us at each other’s throats, excommunicating each other, burning at the stake, hurling cherrypicked bible verses in our arsenals at each other … piece of cake … thereby reducing the threat to near zero … go ahead, burn down those churches.

Trouble is … while cultural Christianity is fairly uncomplicated, the entire history of theological dogma is a minefield … it requires both life experience and maturity, just as people on the whole become more conservative as they age … which is why we’re being bumped off first.

Point 5 in The Pattern above is the damage caused before order is restored. Plus when it is, the danger is power going to the head of the strongest, producing a monster. Henry VIII. It’s the constant damage caused by knob-heads which is the galling part.

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