Tuesday [1 to 5]

(0122) Well, one of these middle-of-the-nighters again … a first sleep ending around now … another later … it’s working for now but it does alter anything bloggy after, roughly, 1930 of an evening. As with the Trump admin … we shall see. (0220)


5. Changes in so many directions

4. Monsters in medicine again

3. Manufacturers, Canada, Danielle Smith

2. Steve at 944

Five: Prince Harry’s US Visa, Fauci, much more……

Four: Inaugural Speech, Trump Team Desk — Executive Orders, much more…..

Three: Uke sit-rep, Russia, China, much more…..

Two: EHRC: Pak problem, EO 13961 is Revoked – Why It Matters, more…..

One: Pharma payouts, 5 eyes country probs, Lagarde monster, fire, more…..

1. First celebrate, then rain on a parade?

There’s no wicked pleasure in noting anomalies such as Monday 25 after celebrating something through the early evening … overall, far more positive for the world, such as looking at those EOs, inc. pardoning 1500 J6ers, commuting 6 others … many good things … but there is still Monday 25 … and not just religiously … it also has a profound effect on, say, middle-east diplomacy, the Balkans etc.

Our brief at Unherdables, for better or worse, is as aggregator and analysts and so let’s start with (further detail in comments):










2 replies on “Tuesday [1 to 5]”

  1. 1. First celebrate, then rain on a parade? – Stayed up to watch Trump sign those Executive Orders and was deeply impressed by the way he handled the press. He was constantly signing and talking, only pausing to make a point about his actions. Incredible stamina when you think he’s been going all day and remember he’s 78 years of age. One of my favourite moments:



    JH: Indeed Steve.

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