Sunday [1 to 6]

(0230) Enjoying the night, folks? Aiming for around an 0830 start after a second sleep. (0327)


6. Steve drops at 941

Four: Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier, EU v Musk, Freeland v Carney, much more…..

Three: Liz Truss MAGA, Pence to attend, much more……

Two: Uke sit-rep, Kiev under fire, last Donbass holdout, more …..

One: Covid MHRA failed, ECB digital Euro, unpopular Left, more…..

5. Obama’s Fast & Furious

4. Shut up about it, us!

3. Another orchestrated, bussed in, pink pussy parade

2. Farce


1. Precautions

2 replies on “Sunday [1 to 6]”

  1. Hey kool 😺s!

    Oh I certainly remember Fast and Furious. I am still furious and baffled that anyone could have ( and why) conceived the idea, implemented the idea and and and for anyone to have even supported, in the slightest way, the stupidest and most ridiculous invitation to jeopardize our safety and assist our enemies. Yessiree, I am sure that group of well intentioned American leaders in office at that time intended it for our good. Oh yeah…uh huh…

    Oh hey there, you former Lord Whomever retired Whatever…Howzabouts your child or grandchild gets offered up in the place of a commoner little girl next time, ole buddy boy…I mean… Sssssssir ?! Or better yet, you Sssssir can be a stand-in Ssssir🫡! You might like it, Sssslur!
    Good grief.

    3. Good grief again!
    That’s like paying for mourners for your funeral. Real genuine!

    2. Could someone explain to me how it is that
    ‘Eyebrows Trucastro’ is still in office if he resigned? I have posed that question to someone, but if it was answered I missed it. 🤔 Puzzled.

    President Triumph’s inauguration and the no-shows is a very interesting situation. I wonder if they are planning some kind of surprise party for Triumph?

    Interestingly the last 3 ‘presidents’ (besides DJT)…ahem… ironically (each one)…ahem…suspiciously was…ahem …placed ( 😉 ) in office.
    1.) hanging chads and NM 2.) bth certificate and what that implies 3.)well you know!



    JH: Last three Prezes placed in office … like Trudeau still hanging on in a prorogued parlmt, plus Carney.

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