Saturday [5 to 9]

(0949) Morning all, back after some chores, inc. a snooze. (1151)


9. Melania

8. Romania

7. It’s not just the females who are fraught today

It’s not enough to see something bleedin’ obvious, like this:

… and to just leave it at that, not exploring further.

Situation’s also hardly helped by that Welsh gang or “council” advertising for the type of invader to come here and in that ad were white female kids. Why? How? Because it’s all broken down, innit now.

It’s not enough to just accept that … lay it only on the Pakis and deathculters … if you see yourself as any kind of investigative pundit, you must also look at your own people. Why are those girls even out alone? Why are they in parks, in supermarkets alone, walking to the shops alone? Out late at nightclubs?

Well firstly, it ain’t safe now out there for anyone western. Why? Collusion of the Uniparty, plus sexualisation of kids by the new heads and teachers, poor to no parenting, brat culture, Wokery, vilification of any who would protect kids, fewer fathers at home, as if single motherhood is acceptable as an aimed-for lifestyle, abortion at whim as a lifestyle, even to full term, so-called “entertainment” today, kids with phones with data, the whole tranny excrescence, plus feminazis influencing kids.

”Virtuous” is a dirty word for young females today … have to be super-heroines, kick-butt, stronger than any man … and female kids lap it up, it appeals to the very essence of femalehood, young or older. Why did females in film go from damsels in distress, not too bright … to know-all THOTs who take their pick at whim?

MMutR* (many females in the family),reacted to my telling him about the Pakistani mother of two rapist sons … “those girls throw themselves at my sons … all white, those girls, tarts”. MMutR said yeah … badge of honour the girls wear to have been laid by one of those imported bad men.

What can one say? Still not right for those police and social workers to ignore it, treat kids as adult prostitutes … still not right, criminal negligence in fact … but one can see why they thought that way. Why were those girls even free to do that? For a start … where were the fathers? It always comes back to that … why were the fathers not there?

Two part answer … the males the women went with were feckless, never going to hang about and then there was the hook-up self-worth of the women themselves. During my teaching days, two girls came out of a room once verballing each other with “you slut”, “you’re just a whore” etc. etc., laughing. That was clearly their summum bonum … “virtuous” having no place in their Cyndi Lauper, now Taylor Swift culture.

So, to go back to the opening screenshot … yes, true as far as it goes … but it does not go anywhere near far enough, does it? It does not turn the spotlight on westerners themselves. Recently, there was the 1057 men in twelve hours Bonnie Blue … obvious cougar with huge mental issues, as with that Lily Phillips.

Why did that go viral, by the way, with either wonderment from one mindset or tut-tut reproof but also wonderment from another. If you still know nothing about any of that … good, you’re still sane, not lost.

See, it’s not just those underage girls plus the predators, both white and deathcult, all sorts of demographics … just look at Westminster paedos now surfacing … in short, huge numbers right across society at it. It’s not just that. Why?

Because the old checks and balances, and therefore decent enough moral compasses, have gone the way of all things. This is not just about Pakis and “our” girls … this is about the whole sickness across western society, plus ….

… in hotels, B&Bs, on the Bibi Stockholm, flown and bussed into every town and village across the land are huge numbers of fighting age men, just awaiting the word from above. What else are they here for in those numbers, only males by the way?


*MMutR: my mate up the road

6. Uniparty on unwanted sectors of the population

5. Chagos Islands

A solution I see, perhaps you do too, in the light of Greenland, is that DJT sends in his son to conduct a referendum among islanders and if positive, they “sponsor” the islands without officially annexing them … thereby keeping them “western”.

Ball is then in Two-Tier’s court … declare war on the USA?

3 replies on “Saturday [5 to 9]”

  1. 6. Uniparty on unwanted sectors of the population

    As well as a two-tier justice system we have a two-tier state pension. Neither pension could be called generous, as amongst the developed so-called ‘first world’ nations what we give our retired folk is money to just about survive on.

    Anyway, Elon’s Starship had a ‘rapid unscheduled disassembly’ yesterday:

    But at least the booster made it home:


    JH: Oh dear.

  2. 7. While thousands of white girls, and they were mainly girls, not women, were being raped and abused by the Pakistani rape gangs, the white people of this country have been expected to quietly sit back and take it, “in the interests of diversity”.
    Can you imagine what would happen young Pakistani girls had been treated the way the white girls had? How many riots would take place? How many Police officers would be taken off normal duties to deal with this? How many politicians and social workers would concentrate on nothing else.
    If this current situation continues, I can imagine there will eventually be a backlash, and who will get the blame?

    • The political class in this country know Muhammadans can get very violent very quick – and it doesn’t take much either: a single image of their prophet and they’re apoplectic. After 70+ years of mass immigration England has more of them than the entire population of Wales. Politicians are scared to death of them; they also need their votes, which is worse.

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