(0449) Weekend! https://orphansofliberty.blogspot.com/2025/01/mad-nad-on-tories.html (0619)
4. State Pension

First thing s … don’t expect any compassion or understanding from the young … all ages see what’s coming to them themselves and who’s standing in their way … sort of an extension of the karen principle … with or without justification.
With justification is playing by the rules all your working life, how much income tax and NI contributions you’ve made, what you were promised back then and what you had to give. Without justification is the younger benefits culture, plus the new freeloaders … beware anyone speaking of “wealth” and its “distribution”, as if some greedy-eyed pot for freeloaders to dip into. The Woke left.
Issue is … how ready are the current generation to honour commitments from long ago? I’m looking, for example, at mid-boomers … it’s daunting to think how time passes … look at succeeding generations … Gen X, Millennials, Gen Z and now Gen Alpha. Four generations.
All right, let’s go back the other way … War generation, Crash and Depression onwards gen, post-WW1 onwards, pre and during WW1 … that’s four generations before boomers. Now my question is … let’s say that, post-WW1, returnees married, made agreements, expecting those agreements to be honoured. Would boomers have been happy to honour those, had they known the fine detail?
I’m answering yes, in principle, given that they, the boomers, stood to gain by their own agreements with the Man. But what of a generation today where all bets are off, insane policies have shrunk the pension pot producers through taxation?
I read a news story decades ago … MSM … where Gen X, feeling hard done by, were saying any agreements with Boomers would have to be re-evaluated later. Interesting how they were quite happy to dispossess, by the stroke of a pen, any who’d made legal agreements … as long as it was not them of course.
My point is how much time really had passed in each case. I mean … how concerned are you about an agreement that part of the pension pot was due newly married and working post-WW1ers … simply because it had been agreed? Does it bind you or does it, as with Gordon Brown, mean greedy eyes can raid it whenever they want?
What’s equitable here?
3. A few snippets

2. Alberta and secession
Trump had a chat to Danielle and pointed out the autonomous republic model, which Russia also runs … to my mind, the most sane solution … I saw it in operation where I was … also in Victoria, Australia. From what I can gather, Canada tried to be too Ontario and Quebec centrist, historically, esp. when it comes to resources … always it comes back down to resources, e.g. lithium in North Carolina, resources in the Donbass.
There’ll always be secessionists, e.g. Catalonia and these are the sorts of things they’ll point out:

1. Steve drops at 940
Four: FBI Quietly Closes DEI Office, Merrick Garland, Nethanyahu, much more….
Three: Ceremony moved indoors, Kristi Noem, self-deportations, more…..
Two: Uke sit-rep in detail……
One: HART group, Alice Weidell, Iron Rachel from Accounts, much more…
4. The undermined family seems to have undermined a sense of bonding between generations. Each generation once knew what was owed to other generations in a way which has been fading for a long time, perhaps since the comfortable chattering classes saw to their own comfort and little else.
JH: In one, AKH … more coming up, obliquely, in another post.