(0310) Just one more item before trying for sleep part deux. (0857)
8. It’s all about satanic agenda
… but people constantly turn away from the only all-encompassing explanation:
“ONE of the most infuriating things in politics is when leaders accuse voters of ‘misinformation’ while simultaneously hiding information from them. You see it all the time. On mass immigration. On crime. And, as we’ve recently been reminded, on the rape-gangs scandal.
Such is the disdain and contempt with which politicians and civil servants treat ordinary people that rather than be transparent, open, and honest about the information they have, they either conceal it or refuse to collect it.”
Not the slightest disagreement about the way pollies operate, not the slightest disagreement with academic sociologists or even classic philosophers about all the truisms they cling to … quite rightly, as valid explanations, in the main, of what they observe. That’s certainly how it operates … money too in large quantities … the pushing of credit, debt, fiat money, the essential valuelessness of bonds.
And this is the issue … I agree with all that … but it’s not a zero sum game. After you’ve finished patiently laying it out and asking if I comprehend … yes I do. And do you, in turn, comprehend what physical and metaphysical means?
To head off on a tangent for a moment … I was looking at the Pettibone sisters (three of them will be back on Friday in place of Ladies at Lunchtime, which will then resume the Monday following), explaining what girls get wrong, including the mania for “independence”, the hookup culture, single men brought in to service single mums as and when, pushed by schools from above, through heads, through karen middle management, to young teachers, to peers, to the culture out there now.
As good Catholic girls, they were listing reasons girls go astray early now, impossible to get them back on track.
There’s an Xer, Tessa, we mutually follow, she is belting out “independence”, don’t tell me what to do, the old clarion call. I did not say to her … welcome to your cats twenty years from now, childless or single mum, just as bad.
That Pettibone vlog was actually being shown in fragments by a MGTOW, who declared, in a zero sum way … these girls have a blind spot … it’s called hypergamy. He could fully see where the Pettibone girls “had it wrong” … they flatly did not ustd hypergamy, he concluded. Therefore all their female intuitive comment was as nought in his eyes. No doubt they’d argue with him in turn, two different species, no attempt to bridge the ravine.
Why can people not see an “in addition to” scenario, a “both” explanation? And throw in messed up young men today too. All safeguards gone, all underpinnings.
Why? Because of Schultz? Come on … what of the Lincoln School at the turn of the century 1800s/1900s (Wundt)? This thing is ancient, way before the Frankfurt School. The Khazar zionism, as in Nethanyahu? No argument. The death cult roots? No argument either.
At what point do supposedly rational thinkers with this a priori rejection of the metaphysical look seriously at accumulated evidence over millennia?
All right, let’s come at this from another angle. Cobalt is an element and as one lady explainer put it … it is not part of arsenic but tends to “hang out” with it. They’re seen closeby quite often. Susceptibly maybe? Maybe not. Anti “religious” Scientists look at that and say aha, you see, the mediaeval always explaining cobalts as sorts of goblins …when in fact, there are chemical reasons why.
There are superstitions, yes, and physical explanations, yes … and thinkers move into adversarial camps … always. Zero sum. I’m no way arguing for the presence of cobalt goblins but I’m certainly asking why superstitions arise in the first place? Ignorance only? Inability to clearly think?
Just saying there is very much a malevolent force or something which draws in and possesses … countless examples over millennia.
And after a deed … remorse, guilt, feeling of worthlessness. Why? Sheer coincidence? Come on … really? There is certainly a malevolent influence on this earth … it has the WEF in thrall, the upper echelons of the Templars, the Kali-ists, it reinvents as communists, anarchists, this cult, that cult, Jonestown etc. etc. … when humans are essentially left undefended, their defences now thrown away.
Humans do NOT rise to higher moral levels, no way. Think of the 1962 film Lord of the Flies. What’s all this depopulation too? Net Zero?
Human sacrifice, innit, for real … tricked out as something geophysical. Gaia.
How to stop this bollox? Only by each adult human in him/herself, finally tumbling to what’s been lost … causing a certain massed coming together in the way we think, unherdably, of each’s own volition, in each’s own time, when ready, on most issues … for a certain window of time. Such as with this MAGA landslide.
Everything has its season and if the window of opportunity to course correct is lost, the society is also lost.
7. And the award for the 1000th comment at this new site
… goes to IYE (prize is a naughty weekend with Kamala Harris or Rachel from Accounts):

6. Carrie Underwood

Ok, not strictly my thang … I looked at a music vid of hers … nothing wrong if you like early Millennial singing, seems a good bible belt gal, just one generation too far for mine but hey … go for it, gal. Nice that her fairweather fans are attacking her for singing at the Inauguration … also, Donny does have an eye for a lovely lass, Melania and Ivanka seem to approve.
5. Birthday and other occasions
Even the most insensitive male (and I have my share of that commodity, plus a shocking memory) knows there are certain bdays one does not ignore … not entirely … such as our Senior Patron and two ladies. Our other males (inc. me … my own is coming up) … wwweeellllll, may I say it’s not as life and death?
Some time back, I ran these:

Artistically, I’ll also stay oblique tomorrow, dropping not a hint, unlike Julia’s Feb 23rd.
Logically, if Jan 7 was Orthodox Christmas, there has to be a New Year in the Julian calendar, and there is … Old New Year on Jan 14. For Unherdables though, it may well be one holiday too far.
More personally:
For me in Russia, somewhere around the 10th, or if that was a Friday, then on, say, the 13th, it was back to work and that was that until Vosmoy Marta or March 8th Women’s Day. In the west, that is a non-celebratory day as it’s the day of communist feminazism, which Unherdables are against … but in Mother Russia itself, esp. after 1989, it became far more general for women, a revered day. Men’s Day is on Feb 23rd.
Though it was a bit of a downer after Jan 10th, the snow was usually still deep and crisp and even, so it was still a winter wonderland.
7. I’d rather have a weekend in Syria…
It is being reported that Sir Charisma Two-Tier Free Gear Granny Harmer Bypass Kneeler is not being invited to the upcoming inauguration across the pond. How petty! 🤣🤣
Weather update that nobody asked for – -4C, clear blue sunny sky, light breeze. Brrrrr! My sort of day…. 🙂
JH: Yum.
7 again. What is strangely coincidental about that screenshot is the time – 9.37 a.m. That is the exact time of my birth as recorded by those who witnessed it.
JH: There ya go. Poor mum. 🙂