(1545) Almost evening all. (1650) Violins at the ready, chaps and chapesses … then I’ll begin self-whinging. You see, noble lords and ladies … I missed the 3 a.m. to dawn sleep altogether, am paying big time now. At 937, there are Steve, IYE, Andy, Doonhamer (missed anyone?) and I can’t focus on text … cream-crackered. Can lie back and listen to Grifty though (up till 2:30 so far … very, very good, she’s outraged, ha ha). There were funny things on X too. But signpost from here? Not without three hours kip first, kool kats. Steve’s about to start and I can hardly see. See ya t’other side of shuteye, ok? (1658)
19. The Peter Principle

18. They continue to get it criminally wrong

17. Quick check as of now

16. As with polls … complete bollox

17. I would question the first example. Recording ITV, Channel 4, or Dave does not require a tv licence. Live streaming does, as does recording BBC or iPlayer, but the rest are not funded by, or are part of Al Beeb. Willing to be corrected.