(0903) Absolutely zero apology for being so lazy … I crashed again after Thur 6. Please everyone … let it be so with you too … have dollops of sleep and rest, drop in if you could be bothered … our human organisms require relief. (1031)
9. IYE again … can’t keep a good man down
Tinfoil hats at the ready!
This first:
“Executive of Tyler Perry Studios Dies When Plane He Was Piloting Crashes in Florida”
TP>P.Did he> Hazbean>Opr@h just a few connections}
JH: But further on, IYE adds:
Edit. Unfortunately at the end of the video in the second link dubious characters are inserted or insert themselves. One of them appears in the “Be careful” list. Does not detract from the main content of the video in this instance as most of the info is before his nodding mug appears.
8. Beatles and Stones
It was an interview with Lemmy on YT and the topic arose … what he said aligned with one comment below it which I saved:
7. IYE
He has one at 920:
Plus in comments here, the question of the Welby replacement. I (JH) did see something on X on it, didna pay much mind, shall keep my eyes open.
Just wait until the investigations begin and this will seem like nothing..
Former Clinton adviser and Former California State Senator warns that the Democrat party is on the verge of collapse: Gloria Romero: "I believe that in history we are seeing a major inflection point, the complete collapsing of the Democratic Party. This party refuse this to… pic.twitter.com/mlCiiGzJSJ
My attitude towards the Christmas thang, as in presents, cards, toasts etc., as distinct from the biblical side, was that this year was particularly good … the abode here looked festive, visitors found it not unadorned, plus there was a nice atmosphere between us neighbours here in the rabbit warren in the sky … in short, it was the best Xmas in years, maybe signs of a new trad hope out there.
As for the biblical side, the doctrinal points we could disagree upon are myriad, if we put those above past friendship … there are two cases here where obviously “other-denominational” friends seem to be no more but that immediately brings in that other major point …
Health. Seriously, chaps and chapesses … a dozen or so I know are doing this winter hard as the satanic commies do their worst … the chemtrail and vaxx poisoning etc.
On the plus side, we do have visiting here, plus the other way too, certain stalwarts whom I’d say, doctrinally, politically, just in general, might not be automatically thought of as our friends but we agree on quite enough, plus both parties care for the other. In the end, we are the sum of our attitudes and policy positions overall.
Plus huge thanks to those who add so much to what is able to be posted … even if I fall asleep, doesn’t mean it’s not appreciated.
Plus our belligerence level is off the scale out in public. Someone on X told us to stop with the Merry Christmas … it was upsetting so many it seemed … so a dozen MAGAs countered with Merry Christmas and I posted Onward Christian Soldiers, the hymn.
That’s pretty aggressive but we are what we are in this war for civilisation … we’re in a war zone called the West, even Christendom, though most readers here might advise to ease off a bit with the Christendom thing, others might shrug and say it’ll be done with as soon as Christmas passes.
In fact, I’ve Wenceslas, We Three Kings, Dame Kiri and the Baroque Christmas to go. Also held over is a youtube on Art Deco railways … just haven’t found a slot yet. There are two bdays tomorrow of our chaps … one is DAD, so it seems an auspicious day to bring to a close the Christmas season, even if this night now is the First Night of Twelve. Don’t intend to do those Nights as per last year, given Advent this year.
2. Steve at 919
Four: NASA near sun, Asheville kindness, Alice Weidel and more…..
Three: Xmas … what if Harris had won? Speaker poll, Ford for Trump, much more….
Two: Azerbaijan Airlines crash, sit-rep in the Uke, much more…..
One: Secret Santa, trad Christmas.
1. For those desperate to extend the festive cheer
… Andy steps in with this: “Jingle Bells Mongolian style. Quite catchy …”
Quickly checking on the release date of the film, long before I was even born, I was not correct to equate myself to Bobby, maybe by a decade and a half. Now to the filum.
Time of fear … yes but people were quite right to fear communism … from Senator Jenner’s speech in 1954 to Yuri Bezmenov to the evil WEF and all the other organisations, to the situation today in the west, one of the worst being Starmer … it’s indeed something to be feared … the communist mind virus, infecting and corrupting the young in particular, virulent, similar to cancer.
I’m thinking that while the leftist moviemakers were saying the Jack Rubys and Neocons in stetsons were menaces, the LBJs too … the “peace movement” was just as virulent for its part … and in the middle were ordinary people just trying to make a life. Just as it is today. Unaware, knowing nothing because of the mendacious MSM. Fearful, prone to their own lashing out at perceived menaces … orchestrated by the true menaces.
(1502) Wot … already? Saw some drops from Andy, Steve, Juan, Doonhamer … I’ll catch up, boys, asap, ok? Meanwhile, this film before it disappears. Not a Christmas film, though the message resonates.
This, to me, is not just some retro, nostalgic look back … in the sense that I was a kid like one of the cast when I saw it and thought the film gripping, plus it had been my choice to watch, not that of my parents.
Today I can look back and still say it’s a pretty classy film for the time.
(Midday) Interesting that IYE should recommend an American film for today but as we have our American readers … why not? My film in reserve is also American. Wondering if anyone would like to also see a British Christmas staple? Send the url. (Midday)
There’s the way I feel now about, say, the Beatles and the Beach Boys … in retrospect, can’t stand John Lennon’s manner and ideas, not so hot on Mike Love either … but that was not the case in the early 60s when we believed that there really were screaming hordes of young females mobbing them, out of their minds … at least far more than there were.
This is interesting, maybe a bit envious … which is silly really as the two bands were chalk and cheese …
Part one (1100)
The major thing I recall, particularly in summer, was that DJs were endlessly on about Elvis versus The Beatles and even as a kid, I was thinking … why? Why must there be some comparative clash thing? Even in comments under the youtube, commenters just had to form bleedin’ camps again, didn’t they? Always bleedin’ camps … why can’t people just appreciate both … or not.
Buddy Holly was another Titan, Dion, Eddy Cochrane had faded by then, Ricky Nelson made the girls swoon but not us. The rest of the “British Invasion” followed in the States … now here’s the thing … I wasn’t all that crazy for those plaintive voices such as Gerry Marsden, I liked Bus Stop and I’m Onto Something Good but there was a sameness to them, even Dave Clark … Spencer Davis’s singer was a bit different. Dave Dee, Dozy etc. … nice but there was a sameness.
Depends where you were at the time … my three places were mainly England, Oz, the US. In Oz, with its beach culture, summers were very much the Beach Boys, Jan and Dean, The Ventures, the Tornadoes. England did not have that culture, it was seaside, amusement parlours, the piers … a bit different, musically. Put them all together and music was everywhere.
One song very special to me was I Wanna Hold Your Hand, plus Last Time … yes, the Stones were mega too … endless comparisons again on radio … which was “better” … I was sick of it then, I’m sick of it now.
Not much later, at the beach, my mate said this girl wants to ask you something about my boat. Girl? As in female? I’d forgotten what they were. Yeah, all right.
I was knocked out, that moment approached that evening … I really did ask do you wanna hold my hand and she said yes. Yes? To me? But she was a total honey. Became my sailing crewgirl.
There were so many great bands at the time, great songs.
Now, not wishing to labour this too much, given that y’all have your own pasts, your own faves, plus much of mine would not make a lot of sense unless you knew my age and which country I was in at the time … I’ll still give it a try.
In primary school, we as boys were primarily into kicking balls around, being obnoxious spotty herberts etc. etc. … cheeky faces. Girls really were girls, a different species. What wrecked the scene from Grease where one set stood en masse in front of the other set, all posing and being cool … was that that had never been my set of experiences … my first gf was from 4 to 8 and so there was no great hunger that all the love songs went on about … I’d always had mates who were male, some who were female.
True, the females had some strange ideas of fun but basically, we were mates, plus I was never effeminate, I was a spotty herbert with grazed knees, into everything going. The girl was often quite feminine but I really liked her all the same. So I Wanna Hold Your Hand was really my growing up point where it did become needing more from her. Hence coming onto those two nineteen year olds on the overnight bus when I was fourteen, with not the slightest reticence.
The Beach Boys could not write any song without that girls motif and we knew all the songs by heart. Thus (see Wiki link), when Do It Again came out in 1968, it resonated in Britain, going n1 on the charts, not so in the States. The Beach Boys were stunned.
So, at a much later date (going coy here), during my decade and a half of flying London, LA, Melbourne every year, at one point, my American host and I were in Del Mar, just past Oceanside and he wanted a shot of me with those famous California girls. So there’s me in the beach shirt I’d borrowed from my Vancouver mate and mine host had coopted half a dozen California beach babes to surround me for the shot, not wearing a lot in their case. All one’s birthdays?
Listening to this again just now 👇🏻 brought it back … that California beach was almost a nostalgia trip, though in 1968 it was within the songs alone, wasn’t it, how many thousands of miles away?
And in the past ten minutes now, a girl from t’other side of the country and another from Germany have just written while I was listening to Do It Again.
(1014) Cunning plan is to run IYE’s Christmas music now, but as it’s nearly three hours long, it might be one you’d keep coming back to or view on YT.
An interview follows at … let’s see … 1115 or so … with one of the Beach Boys about those times, which broadens into other thoughts about the time.
I was going to post one on the meaning of Richard Thompson’s Farewell Farewell but as it’s too close to my own life, too close to the bone, plus that of various friends now … best not to, too chilling.
There’s a film in the afternoon … let’s say 1245?
All good here, hope all good there this morning. Merry Christmas one more time! (1015)
(0600) A baby is born. The very idea of Christmas morn without children just does not compute in the soul … they are our future, the future, if any, of the world … let the bells ring out! (0912)
(1719) Sorry, chaps and chapesses, we hit the vodka a bit this afternoon … blogging is going to be most interesting … enjoy today and tomorrow. (0212) Plus DAD (0838)
14. DAD at 919 but also here as the last words in this post
25th – whatever that day is [Wednesday?]
[Very Churchillian today. Health is either the end of the beginning or the begining of the end. I’ll keep buggering along.]
Bayrou presents his “New” government. Much the same as the old one, plus old pals appointed. It won’t last.
13. The danger of ice
I can assure you we used no ice last evening … nor water.
12. It can wait till Friday
11. Woke mind virus
10. It’s a thought
9. Panama … yes … why Greenland?
China on North America’s doorstep? Just like NATO/CIA on Russia’s?
8. Steve at 918
Four: Meloni on the wrong side of history, tranny horror, cold weather deaths, Fauci, Christmas tree in Syria, more…
Three: 37 death row prisoners, Johnson out of favour, Homan Hochul, Scaramucci Musk, Tucker Teamsters’ President, much more…..
Two: West Is ‘Completely Delusional’ Over [The] Ukraine, much more…..
One: How sunlight and vitamin D can help with mental illness … maybe the West can do with some … much more…..