(1325) Afternoon all. Only one good image of a lady at lunchtime so far (Alex Phillips), no good quiz questions yet apres-Christmas, no film good enough yet … thinking maybe one last Saint episode later for now. (1350)
20. Advice from another land
19. Wise words
18. Badenoch’s mentally like a teen girl
… certainly not up to running a country.
17. Them’s gameplan
16. I pinned this to my profile on X
… after having blocked two supposed MAGAs posting vile rainbow and tranny bilge:
15. Jacqui Deevoy on X
“There was an NHS protocol implemented in April 2020 – NG163. The name was changed to NG191 in March 2021. I called it the ‘Covid Death Pathway’. It killed thousands by putting people with respiratory issues on ‘end of life’ pathways. Benzodiazepines and opioids (usually midazolam and morphine) were used concomitantly to hasten death and end lives. These deaths were recorded as ‘Covid’ deaths, used to spread fear and boost the Covid death toll. The mainstream media didn’t want to know so I made a film about it. Link in comments below. You’re welcome.”
14. The MSM is sure not journalism
13. In comments under the Baroque Christmas
12. Mandelson
11. International Maritime Law
10. Upmarking
… to DAD and to our shy, withdrawn, outer perimeter watcher, plus to anyone liking such music (inc. me):
(0737) Morning all. Checked out Brit news … same old, pretty bad. Then went back to US news and there’s much, mainly around Cowboys and Indians. Health standard here … ups and downs, overall good. (0837)
9. We’ll soon know
8. Fauci
This is most serious, because if true, then it confirms different suspicions we’ve had … about virus, about Fauci, about the breeding of babies for experimentation. The thing difficult to ustd is why the hundreds of tiny coffin boxes in the mass grave? That bit, RFK Jnr must explain better.
7. Honeyocker on Gab
… part of our take it or leave it series.
6. Castro news
5. DAD’s plus a special guy’s bday today
Music a bit later, also our mystery guy. IYE wrote on’t at 921. Then again, Steve was on one cylinder last night too … hope they’re all ok.
4. Let’s just say it’s hitting the fan across the pond
There was my piece here in the wee hours, there is now Juan’s response in the sidebar:
As one who twice trained lesser skilled/educated/capable foreigners (h1b visa) ( I am married to one, so cool your jets. She even agrees with me), My oldest brother had the same experience, was then judged as overqualified and too expensive as well as too old (36 at the time), PLUS, the ever growing “quotas” Required to please the god governmeant, we both were forced out of the “american” workforce.
This is not some zero sum game. nor is it a fair game. kill gates kicked the gates open with this. Reagan expanded it.
I warned before of the “suspicious” influx of well positioned indians around citrus man ( ve vick, cash guy, vance’s precious bride, at the RNC for a few examples.
JH: Juan continues, then an interesting link:
… the indian attack on the cowboys.
Still JH: Roob is very much onside with us behind the scenes, though I’m not inner inner circle. Interesting that Juan, an American writes of “teal”, an Oz party term … intriguing, intriguing, ha ha … anyway, he highlights that this is high sensitivity stuff across the pond … big things are happening on X for a start:
Lil ole me clearly misread the room over there, the depth of feeling, and the very next question is where am I on all this, plus what does it matter to anyone?
Second first … by not coming out anti Elon and Vivek immediately, it might have bought me space, though I did post the 2016 DJT statement on it, which is pretty unequivocal. So, though already permashadowbanned, it hasn’t shifted all that much in 24 hours.
Not so with all the people losing blue ticks (paid subscriptions) … dozens complaining. I wrote never mind (again not reading the room) and some Americans responded positively, so 🍿🍿🍿. That’s all just now, am monitoring.
3. IYE at 920
2. Looking at Steve’s range of topics
Massive change coming up in America one way or the other … if they stop him … massive … if they don’t … massive … and look at all the miscreants have done to stop him so far, often illegally.
Now, MMUTR and I were discussing Trump and I’ll stake a claim here … many times in my own life, people above wanted to chat to find out what made JH tick … there was this wild, provocative, unpredictable streak … always was … I could honestly never tell because I never knew myself. There was an Oz rugby player like that … Campese … he could do things because they thought they’d summed him up and he’d do something completely unpredictable … in interview later, he said he had no clue how it had happened … I do understand that, truly I do.
Chaotic? The word’s been used for Trump quite often, esp. by Demrats and RINOs … I’d suggest it’s actually so, but in a very sound, organised way. There was no rhyme nor reason to how Unherdables evolved for example … there were logical ways it might … MMUTR latched onto what was required, there seemed to be a form it could take, he made a massive change with just a modest outlay by me (with his good grace) … and we have been under constant attack since … par for the course … good sign.
This blog post item right now was determined by how Steve felt last evening, I could no more have predicted that than what IYE would drop in or what I’d find on X or YT … I found Raheem on Bannon … called “crazy” by Raheem, but in a good way … it’s surfing the vibes, surfing the chaos but not blindly … there is a sound, unvariable heat-seeking missile structure beneath it all, an engine room with rules and requirements … it’s not unlike the Blues Bros “mission from God” … it’s a wild ride.
But there must be sound principles drummed in. I’ve seen MMUTR at work, watched what he typed in and why, how he got around this or that … always solid principles in a sort of chaotic way. Good? I’d say so … esp. if there seems a noble purpose to it all, pro-people, the unfortunate, the victims … there’s a strong sense of overcoming thwarted justice to it … whilst we ourselves are a bit at the outer limits … look how stable though Unherdables chaos has actually been so far. With the goodwill of quite a few … and that is returned to you.
There’s something at work for sure, not a clue what it is though, don’t even need to know … does it work? Yes. That’s all. Something happens untoward to stop it? Adjust.
Elon and Vivek upset many MAGAs by seemingly putting down the average American just now … but they’re right, those two … flabby, soft, dumbed down, the average Joe, having become complacent, caught up now in something requiring hardness.*
No way did those two say flood the country with imms … they said bring in the best few in the world, just a few, legal ones … to teach America how to effectively stand up again after decades of Obama and Clinton syndrome.
Meanwhile the Woke Mind Virus half of the country tries to tear it all down in horror, to block, confuse, confound, they need to be held at bay until they wake up to what incentive and industry can actually achieve.
And it’s exciting, innit, it becomes a tsunami, sweeping the west, inc. the UK … the miscreants who had us down now facing trial. After that, who knows?
(0208) I may have erred in that MAGA are talking H1a visas … foreigners to US jobs … whereas I was talking specialised temporary visas. In the current climate, that Elon point is easily lost. More later.
1. Steve at 920
Withdraw US from Globalist’ WHO on Day One, Most Expensive Inauguration in US History, Nevada Potential 2024 Election Fraud, Arizona woman won’t comply with deportations, O’Reilly to Cheney: ‘It’s Not Revenge, It’s Justice’…….much more…….
(1642) Auspicious number. Evening all.
19. Khao Lak, December 26th, 2004
18. Whispers?
I’d say far more than whispers … if there’ve been posts on The Hill article on Congress being able to stop DJT taking office, then it’s certainly one of the options they’ve looked at. Clear the mind of any concepts of law and order, constitutionality, legality, always remembering that they are perma-projecting just those things onto MAGA, the GOP, the Electoral College and SCOTUS … we need to ask ourselves what the Demonrat red line is.
It’s pretty simple, innit? Under NO circumstances can DJT start that programme, as names come out, charges are laid. They all go down. Therefore, whether legally, constitutionally or not … DJT must never take office … it’s the only reality they know, criminally insane as they are.
17. Steve at 920
Hearts of Oak: Brian T Kennedy – Securing America’s Future
16. War Room
(1135) Afternoon all. (1527)
15. Signs are there
14. It’s started
13. Whoever could she be referring to?
Total mystery to me. 😎.
12. It’s not just in the numbers
… it’s also in the fighting elan.
Now the maths … workout the total Brit forces numbers, set them against the gathering UN army up and down the country in hotels, old forces barracks etc, plus the thugs already in the major cities … interesting, eh?
11. ”Them” lie to you about everything
Antarctic sea ice extent is 17% higher today than it was in 1979. Ice doesn’t lie, but climate scientists do. https://noaadata.apps.nsidc.org/NOAA/G02135/south/daily/images/1979/12_Dec/S_19791224_extn_v3.0.png https://noaadata.apps.nsidc.org/NOAA/G02135/south/daily/images/2024/12_Dec/S_20241224_extn_v3.0.png
… or St Stephen’s Day:
We Three Kings would not embed but here tis:
Wenceslas did:
And here’s that strange Hallelujah … was it Steve, Andy, DAD? There’s a girl with satanic horns in the middle of it:
And my last is the Dame Kiri I keep referring to: