Daily Archives: December 24, 2024

Christmas Eve [7 till close of play]

(1719) Sorry, chaps and chapesses, we hit the vodka a bit this afternoon … blogging is going to be most interesting … enjoy today and tomorrow. (0212) Plus DAD (0838)


14. DAD at 919 but also here as the last words in this post

25th – whatever that day is [Wednesday?]

[Very Churchillian today. Health is either the end of the beginning or the begining of the end. I’ll keep buggering along.]

Bayrou presents his “New” government. Much the same as the old one, plus old pals appointed. It won’t last.

13. The danger of ice

I can assure you we used no ice last evening … nor water.

12. It can wait till Friday

11. Woke mind virus

10. It’s a thought

9. Panama … yes … why Greenland?

China on North America’s doorstep? Just like NATO/CIA on Russia’s?

8. Steve at 918

Four: Meloni on the wrong side of history, tranny horror, cold weather deaths, Fauci, Christmas tree in Syria, more…

Three: 37 death row prisoners, Johnson out of favour, Homan Hochul, Scaramucci Musk, Tucker Teamsters’ President, much more…..

Two: West Is ‘Completely Delusional’ Over [The] Ukraine, much more…..

One: How sunlight and vitamin D can help with mental illness … maybe the West can do with some … much more…..

7. Steve and his war room at 918

a. “European Conservative” editor Ellen Fantini gives update on the AfD in Germany and FPÖ in Austria | “European Conservative” editor Ellen Fantini gives update on the AfD in Germany and FPÖ in Austria

b. Anja Hoffman talks about her recently-published annual report on persecution of Christians in Europe | Anja Hoffman talks about her recently-published annual report on persecution of Christians in Europe

Tuesday [5 and 6]


(0753) Cunning plan is to run this for half an hour as an “as and when” blog, including putting up the Unherdables Christmas wishes, plus I must write to some nearest and dearest outside us gangsters, plus prepare for some visitors today. Following this post will be a song from Woodsy … the carol for the day will be a late afternoon … it lends itself to approaching darkness. There’s a film ready for today too, plus one for tomorrow, not Christmas-specific in either case, yet still good filums. (0829)

6. Merry Christmas, all

Have to wish it sometime before tomorrow, so why not now? It’s been said elsewhere as well but to all not well, those we’ve lost, to those having a hard time, we of the praying type do pray for your best health and wish you a Merry Christmas after a rough year. There’ll be a more Nativity based tone later in the day, when the sidebar pic switches and the carol Stille Nacht goes up.

Plan tomorrow is to open with the bells, later the Bulgarian gals, plus one carol from King’s Bollege, Bambridge, plus later that French collection from IYE. The Baroque collection will go up on the 27th for DAD.

It’s actually been a very long time without Jago or Ruairidh but that will change soon. I’m thinking of closing off the Christmas period on the 27th … no later than the 28th, as I’ll be heading into Slavic NYE mode about then … at least, that’s the current cunning plan.

So again … Merry Crimbo, all (pls forgive the diminutive just this once). Two close people I can never send personal messages to are IYE and Steve but you know that you’re not forgotten in any way. Ta for all.

5. IYE adds

One of our aircraft is missing…. 😟

A bit of French news – nothing burger really. Just putting another sticking plaster on the wound.


Tuesday [1 to 4]

(0449) And so here we are … the day before. Had a good sleep. (0647)


4. Early roundup

Just a word about these “roundups” … they annoyed some of our readers as they did not link … they’re just screenshots with curtailed info, sometimes almost headlines.

My rationale, for better or worse, is that there’s so much incoming that to cover every single snippet in depth, as a post item, is a lot of work when I could be further reading and/or preparing ahead … so I bundle in disparate topics and warn readers that it’s a “roundup”.


3. Ginge and Whinge, obliquely

There’ll be much vocab coding in this below, probably pointlessly. There were two links sent to me HERE and HERE.

The first is a sort of thinly disguised animation by TRG and thus you already know its bias … the second is flying kites … maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. I went off exploring by myself after that and was soon into Quora, Reddit and Hello.

Right … my conclusion … it’s not unlike JFK where observers very quickly formed opposing Camps, as political parties do, with sets of planks in a thrashed out platform … collective responsibility pressure to conform to the Politburo’s, Caucus’s or Cabinet’s dictated positions on all matters relating to the topic.

Why? Why, after an incident, after a situation forms, do humans insist on forming adversarial groups instead of exploring and tabling as much data as possible? And naming those groups, e.g. Truthers? We’re seeing this with Reform … diversity of opinion does tend to happen when you gather unherdable cats … we can agree on many things, maybe even 80% of them if we’re lucky … but certainly not on all.

In this case, Ginge and Whinge, the Randy Andy factor comes in and suddenly … devotees, disciples, either pro Me Again or anti, nothing inbetween, put out the most scurrilous or devastating, depending on your camp, anti or pro Me again comment. If you’re in the pro Me Again, almost to the last pundit, they’ll attack Kate as being “just as bad” in her past.

My exploration turned up, along with my sailing past confirming, that Kate can indeed sail … she’s a sporty girl … was … she can (could) handle herself as a deck hand on the Solent on a rich man’s yacht. That does not translate into her having been a “yacht girl”, which Me Again has been accused of from 2002, when she was 19 to 24 years old, depending on which source you buy.

And yet Kate was less than careful in her attire on yachts, as was Princess Pippa … those shots did the rounds at the time. Every girl on earth, afaics*, positions herself for the Main Chance … it’s just what girls do, why not? Some stand on virtue and score a better type of man who is looking for a “keeper”, whilst some succumb to the Lily Phillips thing. Each has red lines beyond which she won’t go … they can be elastic, those lines at times, if necessary. And what? The world turns, no?

Back to Me Again and Randy Andy … why not? Remember Margaret? Remember Ann Boleyn’s sis? Diana and the redhead? Now, the record states that Ginge and Whinge met on a blind date in Aug, 2016. While it’s possible they did not know one another before, she’d certainly have known “of” Ginge, esp. if Randy was indeed a thing in 2002, maybe around St Barth’s. I can’t see why it could not have been, which is quite different to saying it 100% was. Any corroboration?

Well yes … by some not on the record, but also from one who did go on the record (you’ll need to enlarge the text):

Who’s this guy? Well detractors say he’s a James Bond wannabee … by the way, digressing, there was a certain cafe in Europe I was called that name JB by patrons, for the various girls I brought in and lunched, but that’s by the by, and I assure you I was no rent boy nor gigolo. So this CJ was after the Main Chance … and what? It’s how far you go which counts, n’est-ce-pas?

If I had to put money on an option, I’d opt for “quite possible” with Megs, gal had big aspirations so would choose carefully to a point … and then get it wrong, e.g. with Hal. No evidence, just my hunch.


*afaics: as far as I can see

2. Steve at 917

Five: Killer commuting, burning girl, Gaetz responds, three others.

Four: Pollster interference*, Elon funding moderate left, $1tn, leave WHO, more.

Three: Sit rep in the Uke, long range drones, more detail.

Two: Zgorithm, Salvini, much more.

One: How to cook the data, flu vaxx not, NZ council agin fluoridisation, much more.

1. DAD just in case at 918

Or if hibernating, a Christmas wish.

DAD appears to be not 💯and that’s not good … I’m sure all at Unherdables, either regular or now and then, would wish him a restful Christmas and good recovery … you’re on our minds, sir. I also intend to put a response at OoL to the Christmas wishes to readers.