(1447) Afternoon all. (2003) Oops, evening all … time got away, slightly ill patch.
18. We know about Grifty and her world-weary manner
… well this is the other gal, Shonna, who reacts to Columbo episodes. I’ve gone a bit off Peter Falk since discovering he was neither the nice man nor cool dude some of us thought … plus how many times can we watch Columbo?
On the other hand, I’ve not seen this episode, this strange plot but Shonna carries us through with way too much detail … not a bad way to spend the remaining time before fireworks.
17. IYE says happy new year in comments
… and I should at least write something I suppose, as well as thanks-heaps to all patrons for sticking with nourishing, then unherdables … it warr a rough year, all considered.
This is going to be my NYE greeting across the sites where I write … hoping and praying this coming year will not be a washout for all those of good will … there are some good signs in America, none yet in Europe or in the southern hemisphere … but miracles do occur.

16. Steve
Nigel Farage’s New Year Message |
15. Andy at 925
Tory ex-mayor died in a crack den …
14. Swindon Town
13. Voting and other solutions

12. They never rest, they work to destroy

I’ll just put this here, oh and do read the comments:
King Charles Christmas Speech – A Declaration of Civil War | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2bYUIJ9wTA
From Blenheim Palace no less:
Nigel Farage’s New Year Message | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KyAUSqqmZY
Signing off for 2024. See yous on the other side (DV)
Wishing all the Unherdables Peace, Prosperity and Health in Mind and Body in 2025 🥂
The Liberty Equation
December 31, 2024 | Sundance | 206 Comments
At the core of our great American experiment is liberty.
Freedom is a proximity issue; liberty is about how we engage life. I would argue, the issue of liberty is perhaps the single most consequential facet of the next several years that few people are discussing.
The Tech Bros as they are now colloquially called, are building the tools for rapid expansion of the surveillance state.
Palantir (Peter Thiel) is leading the way to connect Real ID with facial recognition; the system has both military and domestic application. Oracle (Larry Ellison) is building out cloud storage and data processing with speeds to capture massive data and link the tools. xAI (Elon Musk) is building the refinement system for specifically directed targeting. In whole these networks are creating the tools for the Surveillance State.
As we learned with the Obama administration. Every tool within this process is but one election away from being a weapon. However, the fully engaged AI surveillance system has some very predictable probabilities.
Within the AI surveillance system, which I continually assert is not compatible with liberty, the tools are being designed to avoid certain outcomes.
A nuclear weapon kills everyone within the same proximity. AI used as a weapon has the ability to skip certain targets as defined by the people who deploy the detonation.
While the future forecast says that everyone remains essentially “free,” the same cannot be predicted for “liberty.” Some people will be more equal to constitutional protections than others. This is the baseline for my opposition to the specific AI weapon being created by the Tech Bros.
At a certain point this weaponized AI conversation gets very alarming. Using a reference that some might remember, essentially capability shifts from Truckers being debanked for opposing government, to Truckers being de-personed for opposing government. The Truck is disabled before the Trucker arrives at the protest point, and the Trucker is identified and warned proactively. Phones stop working, credit cards and atm’s are moot, GPS is disabled, and the Trucker encounters a place where every tech interface rejects his/her transactional intent.
Now, insert “Politically Exposed Persons” (PEP) as defined by the political control operators wherever you see the word Trucker to expand the point. The PEP might be “free,” but does the PEP have liberty.
In building the system there are going to be key inflection points where an American engineer on the process might take exception with the contracted tool being built. How do the Tech Bros avoid that problem, H1Bs.
Posted in Big Stupid Government, USA
Happy New Year to all you cats, man! Also, a belated Merry Christmas 🙏.
So much I have wanted to say over the last few weeks…and aren’t you glad I am keeping mum🤫?!
Although you Kool katz are unherdable your diligence and earnestness sprinkled with a bit of levity is appreciated. Thank you and bless you all for keeping us aware of so many things the world tries to keep obscure…down right tries to hide from us. Thank you for helping us…well me…to stretch my little grey muscle matter. It is an ordeal but I try. Thank you for the giggles, the music and art too…not so much for the gals that show up at lunch time🤭!
Again, Happy New Year. May God bless you,
Oh dear my email is broken!😠
Awwwww, thanks.
personally Miss Toodles,
I jave missed you.
Though no one can fault you at all.
G-d’s best to you and your’n
Happy New Year. Wet and windy here, but not sorry to see the back of 2024.
Greetings all greetings-droppers here … best to you for 2025.
Happy New Year in 2025, James – ditto to all the other souls that gather here. There’s a wind outside my door tonight: a wind of change maybe. Take care.
Thanks a bunch Juan. It hasn’t been for the lack of trying.
AKH…you ain’t the only one glad to see it leave!
The dropper heroes who run back and forth from NOWP to here …wow! Take care…Andy, Steve, MftWC, Dear ole Dad. Then there is Dearieme of course, Microdave and Doonhamer. Some of those who have popped in I don’t know yet…several others like Lord T… .as if I could forget him!! And Ripper if you are still with us the best to you!
Our resident artist and gardener, Isilme and Reader Bob…what a team! So many others but the clock is ticking! Amfortas way down yonder!
I save the best for last…the man who runs the joint here and who has been my friend or several years now and a blessing to me..and my family am I addressing him…James.
Oh dear…one of the koolest katz….In YourEar….how did you avoid getting in the group above? Unherdable….sho nuff you are! 😉
Truly, warmest regards to you all. ☺️