(0737) Morning all. Checked out Brit news … same old, pretty bad. Then went back to US news and there’s much, mainly around Cowboys and Indians. Health standard here … ups and downs, overall good. (0837)
9. We’ll soon know

8. Fauci

This is most serious, because if true, then it confirms different suspicions we’ve had … about virus, about Fauci, about the breeding of babies for experimentation. The thing difficult to ustd is why the hundreds of tiny coffin boxes in the mass grave? That bit, RFK Jnr must explain better.
7. Honeyocker on Gab
… part of our take it or leave it series.

6. Castro news

5. DAD’s plus a special guy’s bday today
Music a bit later, also our mystery guy. IYE wrote on’t at 921. Then again, Steve was on one cylinder last night too … hope they’re all ok.
4. Let’s just say it’s hitting the fan across the pond
There was my piece here in the wee hours, there is now Juan’s response in the sidebar:
As one who twice trained lesser skilled/educated/capable foreigners (h1b visa) ( I am married to one, so cool your jets. She even agrees with me), My oldest brother had the same experience, was then judged as overqualified and too expensive as well as too old (36 at the time), PLUS, the ever growing “quotas” Required to please the god governmeant, we both were forced out of the “american” workforce.
This is not some zero sum game. nor is it a fair game. kill gates kicked the gates open with this. Reagan expanded it.
I warned before of the “suspicious” influx of well positioned indians around citrus man ( ve vick, cash guy, vance’s precious bride, at the RNC for a few examples.
JH: Juan continues, then an interesting link:
… the indian attack on the cowboys.
Still JH: Roob is very much onside with us behind the scenes, though I’m not inner inner circle. Interesting that Juan, an American writes of “teal”, an Oz party term … intriguing, intriguing, ha ha … anyway, he highlights that this is high sensitivity stuff across the pond … big things are happening on X for a start:

Lil ole me clearly misread the room over there, the depth of feeling, and the very next question is where am I on all this, plus what does it matter to anyone?
Second first … by not coming out anti Elon and Vivek immediately, it might have bought me space, though I did post the 2016 DJT statement on it, which is pretty unequivocal. So, though already permashadowbanned, it hasn’t shifted all that much in 24 hours.
Not so with all the people losing blue ticks (paid subscriptions) … dozens complaining. I wrote never mind (again not reading the room) and some Americans responded positively, so 🍿🍿🍿. That’s all just now, am monitoring.
4. Let’s just say it’s hitting the fan across the pond – this from The National Pulse:
Big Tech’s H1B Arguments Aren’t Just FALSE… They’re Also Immoral | https://thenationalpulse.com/analysis-post/big-techs-h1b-arguments-arent-just-false-theyre-also-immoral/
Mr. H.
I think I can safely say amongst UHC types and “normie” ‘muricans’ that you remain highly highly regarded. after all, consider all the insulting names/terms the normies have endured their entire life.
the shiva warriors won’t be the last to insult us.
TPTSB plan includes-
divide and conquer. just the “maga” version of what the demon rats currently doing.
I appreciate you sir!