Sunday [1 to 5]

(0522) Morning everyone. (0850)


5. For Waitrose customers

4. IYE at 894:9

a. France. No-confidence vote looming {again!}

b. DJT appoints Jared’s father as US Ambassador to France. Nepotism much?

c. A couple of things

3. Julia on X

You may have missed this last night … American football all in brawl between both teams after some team beat touted Ohio for a big game, then tried to plant their flag in the middle of the Ohio pitch, causing the rumble.

What did plod do? Stepped in and peppersprayed. Just let the boys sort it out themselves, they’ll tire of it after fifteen minutes.

2. Andy at 895

Meanwhile, in Australia:

1. It’s right there in front of us

… for those who have eyes to see.

Being too clever for oneself is an expression which Ian Dury might have said was “not all that clever”. Thus the quotes I wanted to drop in here are distributed off-abode right now and will take some getting back. Therefore, the least bad option at this point is just to paraphrase.

Add to that that many of us are approaching “a ripe old age” and a ripe old age is precisely what govt stasis are targetting wirh diabolical cleverness … also the disabled and incompetent, which we eventually become anyway … anno domini plus adulterated air, water, food … thus losing rude health to a gathering multitude of niggling ailments … the worst of them all being accelerating loss of memory and intelligence … diabolically cleverly planned of course.

We don’t see it for a variety of reasons … for a start, we’re always looking the other way, distracted, we’re into bread and circuses which have nowt to do with owt important or at least are not the highest priority, we’re manipulated to go down certain paths and as Stanley Milgram pointed out … 80% of humans ordered to do something quite out of order have neither the moral code, connection with their Maker nor the resources of courage nor morality to say no … to just walk away.

Particularly when you’ve seen something quite early on, coz you’ve either been there, observing, or else you’ve strung together seemingly random snippets picked up over time and if clever … you’ve saved em … off-abode so the bstds can never get at them. And all your bleedin’ adult life, you’ve had prats like Chris Snowdon of the ignorati waltz in at will, declaring you some species of conspiracy theorist idiot … a whack job.

That happened to this girl … screenshot first, explanation second:

She’s referring to being a registered nurse, having done all the training and having slowly seen administrators coming in on obscene salaries, ordering complicit doctors to do dastardly deeds … just as Two Tier has just rammed through, giving carte blanche to the privatised NHS to now legally do the killing off they’ve been doing by stealth till now. Sophia watched complicit nurses too … were they morally bankrupt or naive and jobsworth?

She went out of her mind by her own admission and retreated to her riverboat (her brother is visiting today, staying overnight):

Hers is a tale reported on X around the world … Mary Tally-Bowden, Judy Mikovits, plenty of other women who said no no no, this is wrong, this is evil, plenty of men too, whistleblowers. Vilified by search engines, trolls, the MSM … only right bstds like myself care little enough to laugh it off, whilst still remembering all the same or else it’s the courage given by our Maker … not thinking further on’t, things to do, blogposts to write.

One motivation for the complicit, the monstrous corps of karens, came out in Agatha Christie’s 1941 novel N or M, in which one of the high-up monsters had been stopped by the good Inspector Grant and his gallant gang. Tommy and Tuppence were astounded how easily such people as the perp had fallen into evil … gassing washrooms of innocents … just observe the deathcult today pouring in … already more than the standing armed forces.

Grant made the point that this one was not just a karen but a henchman, a myrmidon, possessed by the thought of how superior he was, how righteously correct to pursue the New Society in which all the unwanted dross of humanity … useless eaters in their eyes … us … could be cleared away and a brand new, beautiful utopia could be installed over the dead bodies, including those poisoned by the milk:

Grant had answered Tommy and Tuppence that it was Pride and the desperate need to make their own mark … it was all about what they, themselves, were going to achieve … the Pride of Luc**er. It was the Great Lie through and through … always had been … and multitudes had been duped into doing the dastardly to other humans, in every way.

Watch the issues and groups which govt, agents, karens, thugs, crack down hardest on, conversely the ones they extol and protect, watch the stealth tactics, e.g. the milk, the way Gates, for example, can order cloud seeding or vaxxes or adulterating food and water in how many countries? How can he do it with such impunity? In the same way the high Templars of yore did, until stopped in the C14th.

Who was the ultimate mastermind behind the complete masterplan to destroy? You might almost call him, from his methodology, the Father of Lies. And his henchwomen like Swift.

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