(1115) Happy elevenses, all. (1230)
14. Would you risk it?

13. Best days of our lives?

12. Lovely additives … get yours today

11. Brave but will the people forget too easily?

The problem there is how much support he gets … 500 people paying a fiver a month till he’s back on his feet would help, local businesses offering work too … danger is that the fifteen minutes passes, everyone forgets … young man is down the chute.
10. Sad day
9. Said it before, saying it again
… this chap’s sense of composition, light and colour is first rate:

Most people,would never know. I didn’t until I read the image.
Anything for profit. No cows, farm dogs, farm cats, rats, birds get PPE!
Its time Rockall was populated by all the people participating in this lunacy. Or give General Cheeseburger a new commission.