Monday [22 till close of play]

(1607) Evening all.


28. Andy on antimony at 889

27. Steve at 889

… with Trump War Room.

26. Andy on a vital topic

Not sure if I’m the only tavern regular concerned by this news.

25. Toodles on WH press room and other matters

Speaking of something else again. There is a fella on the Youtube. I have never listened to him before but it seems like he is in the know(I will keep my eyes and ears and discernment perked up regarding him…hopefully of every news distributor of info we are careful of). 

Around the 12 minute something mark, he starts talking about the White House News Association or whatever it is called…so…he starts giving information about the Press Corp…..history of the group. I find it interesting and quite intriguing. 

It makes me wonder not only about my country but the entire world, meaning about who and what they are…well… we know that already, do we not?

Also, what is all this about the UK allowing more trash over its borders? Ellen Degenerate and its wife? Oh my goodness…intentional pollution?! 

24. Have a close look at Reform policy on foreign crims

Rupert Lowe, of all people, very anti-im, said that on a second offence, they go. They can all have a first offence, no issue … just the second they go on.

23. Alex downunder

22. Dr. Janette

21. American Thinker has an interesting one

7 replies on “Monday [22 till close of play]”

    • Call me a cynic but Melania’s attire is designed to focus all eyes on “the girls” so no-one looks to closely at the man/actor alongside her as he isn’t who we are told to think he is.

  1. 25. Andy! Shame! 🤭 ☺️😄

    Are negligees appropriate attire for travel? I must say she has the best money can buy that are escaping! Also, is it true about men who appear with women who dress like that in public? Does he advertise her escaping products in order to cover-up self-perceived inadequacies or issues he may have?

    Do women appear with nearly naked men whose bulges are escaping? Oh dear! Instead, some women appear with Mister 💰s ( bulging bags of money). A way for them to advertise.

    The women in negligees; I am not speaking of a bit of décolletage, but really that woman and many are a bit much…says the one with a bit less!


    JH: I have a great reply to that and the other gal pics from Toodles but need her permission first … she’s asleep just now.

  2. Two Tier is going to totally fuck up the UK in the four and a half years he has left and there is nothing we can do.

    Destroying pensions, give away to his Communist friends, destroying the farmers and who will be next? Everyone who is not in the elite and we will follow meekly like the sheep we are.

    When everything is burnt to the ground then what does it matter who gets in next?


    JH: I’m thinking it will be forcefully resolved before then. US is interesting too.

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