(1337) Afternoon all … took a little snooze. (1413)
21. Mauritius and the Chagos Islands

20. Murky Murkowski

19. Loeffler

18. Reader Bob comes through
… with an interesting What’s App vid:
… which I also screenshot as:

A further screenshot shows it’s a church service in the States from decades ago perhaps:

The gist was that they were gathered and tasked with finding the places in the body where the skin temperature variation was greatest in order to insert the subcutaneous device … they found the best two were forehead and right back of the hand, not wrist … right hand being most used.
Anyone knowing Revelation, Daniel and Isaiah is aware that that’s the mark of the beast, without which no one can either buy or sell … many more mainstream know of Verizon … and those today know of digital ID.
Does that take us any for’arder? Who knows? I’m deliberately not supplying the verse in Revelation … that’s for you to explore.