Monday [10 to 17]

(0930) Hope you brekked well. (1045)(1110) New total: (1112)


17. Bert?

I keep seeing references to this “Bert”, whoever he is, plus some pics of flooded roads … not sure if it’s in Ireland or Britain or when. Certainly, we’ve had none of that in this part of Britain, our northwest micro-region … there was some drizzle, turning a bit heavy overnight … that was it.

Has something being happening in parts of Britain? I’d not know as I watch or listen to no MSM whatever. John Redwood seems to think something happened:

16. At 1001 (a.m.)

15. Red Cross terrorism … well, we knew that

… the ole Rosy Cross of the “illumined”.

14. IYE at 889

a. “Who is Scott Bessent Trump’s Pick For Treasury Secretary?”

b. Gen Flynn – good guy or bad guy? Bring receipts.

13. Just watching Alex C’s vlogcast


It opened with Gorka whom I think Trump has appointed:

12. Could not possibly comment on this Albertan lady’s take


Alleged mother was Marguerite Rodiere the family’s cook.
“A degree of mystery surrounds the birth of Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon. She was born on August 4, 1900, the ninth of ten children of Claude Bowes-Lyon and Cecilia Cavendish-Bentinck, but her father neglected or forgot to register her birth for six weeks. Officially the site of her birth is listed as the family home in St. Paul’s Walden Bury, in Hertfordshire, although it is now accepted that it more likely occurred somewhere in London. One story has it that she was born in the back seat of a horse-drawn ambulance.” Source : Donna Butler

“….outrageous claim that the Queen Mother (Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon as she was then) was conceived in a sort of Edwardian surrogate mother situation. The Queen Mum’s mother supposedly had a bit of a nervous breakdown after the death of her oldest child, and it was suggested that she not attempt to have any more children. According to Lady Colin, the couple desperately wanted to add to their already enormous brood, so the future Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne conceived not one but two children with the family cook. The author bases her evidence on the fact that the Duke and Duchess of Windsor used to call the Queen Mum ‘Cookie’ as a rather vicious nickname and the fact that there is some discrepancy about where the Queen was actually born. She also claims that the Earl, on his deathbed, confessed to his physician that the true story of the Queen’s origins as well as that of her baby brother David. Oh, and Elizabeth and David were referred to as the ‘Benjamins’ in the family, a reference to the biblical story of Jacob and Rachel (Rachel had offered her handmaiden to Jacob as a surrogate mother since she was unable to conceive)…….”

Q Mum’s full name – Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon

11. Certainly has its place in British folklore

10. Nice


“Now, doubtless only the necromancers who practise the dark arts of predictive economics are sufficiently well placed to spreadsheet the consequences of government reform in this area. And like Rachel Reeves, I am no economist. But the issues raised by this latest Treasury volte face are not so much economic as moral,and any discussion of them must therefore range beyond the specific case of farming.”

12 replies on “Monday [10 to 17]”

  1. 12. Alleged mother was Marguerite Rodiere the family’s cook.
    “A degree of mystery surrounds the birth of Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon. She was born on August 4, 1900, the ninth of ten children of Claude Bowes-Lyon and Cecilia Cavendish-Bentinck, but her father neglected or forgot to register her birth for six weeks. Officially the site of her birth is listed as the family home in St. Paul’s Walden Bury, in Hertfordshire, although it is now accepted that it more likely occurred somewhere in London. One story has it that she was born in the back seat of a horse-drawn ambulance.” Source : Donna Butler

    “….outrageous claim that the Queen Mother (Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon as she was then) was conceived in a sort of Edwardian surrogate mother situation. The Queen Mum’s mother supposedly had a bit of a nervous breakdown after the death of her oldest child, and it was suggested that she not attempt to have any more children. According to Lady Colin, the couple desperately wanted to add to their already enormous brood, so the future Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne conceived not one but two children with the family cook. The author bases her evidence on the fact that the Duke and Duchess of Windsor used to call the Queen Mum ‘Cookie’ as a rather vicious nickname and the fact that there is some discrepancy about where the Queen was actually born. She also claims that the Earl, on his deathbed, confessed to his physician that the true story of the Queen’s origins as well as that of her baby brother David. Oh, and Elizabeth and David were referred to as the ‘Benjamins’ in the family, a reference to the biblical story of Jacob and Rachel (Rachel had offered her handmaiden to Jacob as a surrogate mother since she was unable to conceive)…….”

    Q Mum’s full name – Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon

  2. The Queen Mum story is strange in the sense that it can’t matter a hoot. She married a younger son of the King, said son eventually inheriting the throne. It doesn’t matter if she had been born to a beggar in Paris – it was her marriage that mattered not who her mother was.

    Whereas with La Markel’s children what matters is that they be Harry’s. Possibly also that they be his legitimate offspring. If they ain’t then they should be scrubbed from the line of succession. If they are Harry’s legitimate children then I don’t see why surrogacy would matter in the least.

    Is this some sort of pagan worship of natural births? Hell’s bells, are we to start fussing about caesarians? Induced births? Phooey!

    • I have a feeling when Wills ascends the throne his brother’s sprogs will indeed be scrubbed from the line of succession and his Dukedom revoked.

    • Don’t any sprogs in the LoS have to be born of the body? That’s why in days of yore senior politicians had to be present at the birth to ensure there were no switcheroos being made.

      Not any body, just the duchess’s? 🙂

      Charlie won’t do anything to revoke the LoS or the titles – he cares too much about his reputation and how history will treat him.

      • “Don’t any sprogs in the LoS have to be born of the body?” You’ve just made that up. If Harry-impregnated eggs from La Markel were implanted into some other wench to carry to term, then the children are Harry’s legit offspring, surely?

  3. I recall reading this in 2012-13 ish and feel its worthy of a slightly larger readership.

    The following was written in 2012 by the now deceased historian, T Stokes:

    The Queen’s cousin Nerissa was 22 and the Queen’s look-alike cousin Katherine was 15 when they were sent to the grim Royal Earlswood Mental Hospital. Both were severely handicapped and virtually unable to speak. They were said to have a mental age of six.

    Cousin Nerissa is now deceased but cousin Katherine, aged 86, is still alive as of 2012, although severely mentally retarded. She is neglected and never visited.

    Burke’s Peerage which records the “who’s who” lineage of the British aristocracy, recorded false information that the first cousins of Queen Elizabeth II died in 1940 and 1961.

    Despite the Queen’s fabulous wealth, she spent not one penny on cousin Nerissa’s burial. Nerissa was buried like a pauper in an unceremonious grave marked by a 6-inch-high plastic tag bearing a serial number and the name ”Bowes-Lyon”.

    Cousin Katherine who spent decades in the Royal Earlswood Asylum, was moved to Ketwin House for the mentally disabled. Following allegations that male staff members were washing female patients, Ketwin House was forced to shut down. Witnesses found bruises on Katherine’s hand and hip.

    Despite the Queen’s fabulous wealth, she spent not one penny to keep her cousin Katherine at Ketwin House. The cost ? About 770 pounds per patient per year. According to a former staff member, Katherine is alert, understands what she’s being told and communicates by pointing and smiling. Not one member of the Royal family has visited her in 60 years.

    It turns out that the Queen’s mother also had cousins who were locked away in the same mental institution on the same day in 1941 as Nerissa and Katherine.

    An ‘out of sight, out of mind’ approach to family members with “embarrassing” problems like mental illness and epilepsy is nothing new in the royal household.

    In 1905, George V (Of name change fame) and Queen Mary had a son, Prince John. Until the age of four, Prince John was just as much in the spotlight then as Prince William was in 1986 at the age of four.

    When Prince John suffered his first epileptic fit, his royal parents excluded him from official family photographs. He wasn’t even allowed to attend his own father’s coronation as King of England in 1911. In 1917, the King hid his epileptic son by sending him to die in an isolated farmhouse. John never saw his parents again. He died two years later – reportedly in his sleep.

    Another propaganda Oscar winner, The King’s Speech, focused on the Queen’s father and his speech impediment. There was no mention in the movie that the cause may have been from generations of royal inbreeding.

    Monarchy blockbusters are designed to sell the image of the filthy rich royals as sensitive, caring, human and deserving of adoration and taxpayer support. No one would dare make a Hollywood movie about the King’s nazi brother, Edward VIII who abdicated.


    JH: All fascinating, gentlemen.

    • I remember that. There was a documentary where they visited one of the sisters in her care home. She seemed all there with the gum drops though slightly childlike and knew exactly who Queenie was. Divine right of kings etc sucks.

  4. Anotyher tidbit about… well read for yoursef.

    Anthony Blunt (1907-1983) was born the third cousin of Elizabeth
    Bowes-Lyon who became the wife of King George VI and is best known as
    the late Queen Mother – the woman that Princess Diana described as evil.
    This was a good description given that the lady they called ‘The
    Nation’s Grandmother’ was one of highest satanic witches in Europe (see
    The Biggest Secret).

    Blunt’s mother was the second cousin of the black witch’s father Claude
    Bowes-Lyon, the 14th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne. Blunt and his
    brothers would go for afternoon tea with the Bowes-Lyons at their London
    home in Mayfair and he was in the royal, political and Intelligence loop
    almost from the start.

    There is another highly significant aspect of the Blunt story according
    to the London Daily Mail. The paper reported that he told colleagues
    that he was actually the secret son of King George V, the brother of
    Bowes-Lyon’s spouse, George VI. This would put what was to happen later
    in a much clearer context.

    Blunt was educated at the elite Marlborough College where he was a
    member of the Honourable Fraternity of the Amici. This is a
    rarely-mentioned secret society based at Marlborough but also operating
    at other elite colleges including Eton, Radley and Wellington.

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