Sunday [3 to 7]

(0652) Morning all … bleah out there. (0805)


7. Moosh corner

Time waits for no woman.

6. Quiz answers

Last two were yellow and Stevenage.

5. Govt flatly lying to voters before a GE … major issue

There were many calling for this online … here are two:

4. I smell Kushner behind this choice

… using daughter dearest … the Donald is a quite poor reader of people’s character, he’s susceptible to being flattered, to the other speaking in “expert-speak”, oozing “sincerity”. There are dozens of “no” calls online … here are a few:

3. DAD drop summary at 888

a) Rennes: Two men were reportedly “wounded by a bladed weapon” before being treated by emergency services and taken to hospital.

b) An elected official from the municipal majority, Samir Hajije, was violently attacked Friday, at the Bourse du Travail conference on the Sahrawi people’s struggle for self-determination ….

c) The French media regulator has fined the conservative channel CNews €100,000 for, during a Catholic programme, saying that abortion is the world’s leading cause of death.

A lighter note:

d) The Jaguar advertisement fixed by Marcus Byrne.

3 replies on “Sunday [3 to 7]”

  1. 4. Maybe DJT is just another puppet leading people up the garden path. Many 🚩🚩 so far.

    “Don’t put your confidence in powerful people; there is no help for you there.” Psalm 146.

    The only thing worth noting so far is if he restores the gas, oil coal industries over there as he says he will then petrol prices over here will drop. 😀

  2. 5. Shock horror people employed in government flatly lying! Who would have thought it in this day and age?

    The Labour Government is a misnomer. It is in reality His Majesty’s Government.
    A manifesto is a compilation of aims and possibilities not a list of things that are going to be done.
    To petition is beg. Begging someone else to change the way they are doing something or are employing people to do to other people.

    Seems people at large will do anything but stop complying.

  3. 5. re the petition it’s gone through the million mark now – it was just short of 300,000 when I signed this morning. If as it states it has 6 months to run then you could see more signatures than Labour got votes in the GE 🙂

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