Sunday [1 and 2]

(0139) What better day to start with a rant or even a ramble. Second sleep coming up. (0250)


2. Toodles oft drops long trains of thinking on me

… long after my bedtime … and thank goodness she does because there are always morsels of perspective in there … this time about hidden worlds of various so-called paragons who are anything but … not for printing in full but some snippets do set the picture … plus there are triggers every so often, e.g.

Eve of destruction

You, who are on the road
Must have a code that you can live by
And so become yourself
Because the past is just a goodbye

The best code by far is the one which underpinned the west, along with enlightened (not hijacked) thinking which was not, in itself, unbeknowns to those who pride themselves on their all-knowingness, a satanic road to hell, which scientism opens itself to.

At the same time, questioning and thinking is vital, learning, knowing … to a point. Experience helps but naivety is nicer for mental health … as long as the orcs don’t make it to the streets of Hobbiton, slaughtering out of nowhere. Nobody warned the hobbits it was coming … Strider failed to tell them, to prepare them.

There’s also the little question of heaven and hell … is that the model, along with Judgement Day later, that the spirit or soul does not die but goes on, that we are eventually called to account … in detail … is that the truth, the true model …

… or is the model that Man is perfectable by himself, the summum bonum of existence, climbing that ziggurat to the stars, that tower of Babel, that BIS HQ, that he needs no living God except his own fabulous power, a really clever, clever clogs like a Woke left liberal? No humility, just pride, not libertarian but licentious, without ever realising you’ve just started playing your role for the other side, the dark side … just look at Two Tier and sicko Biden/Obama.

These people who bestride TV land too … Opera and Swift, the satanists … and two I’ve not known about but are quite a read, all the same:

“Spence’s name came to national prominence in the aftermath of a June 29, 1989, front-page headline article in The Washington Times identifying Spence as a major customer of a homosexual escort service which had been raided in February and was now under investigation by the Secret Service, the District of Columbia Police and the United States Attorney’s Office for suspected credit card fraud. The ring was being operated by a man named Henry Vinson who had been using a funeral parlor to launder the money being made. Clients included ‘key officials of the Reagan and Bush administrations’ and Spence was mentioned by name. The newspaper said he spent as much as $20,000 a month on the service.”

Reminds me of Heidi Fleiss.

“The controversy over Gannon’s background started after President George W. Bush‘s January 26, 2005, press conference, at which Gannon asked the president the following question:

Senate Democratic leaders have painted a very bleak picture of the U.S. economy. (Senate Minority LeaderHarry Reid was talking about soup lines. And (Senator) Hillary Clinton was talking about the economy being on the verge of collapse. Yet in the same breath they say that Social Security is rock solid and there’s no crisis there. How are you going to work – you’ve said you are going to reach out to these people – how are you going to work with people who seem to have divorced themselves from reality?[5]

Gannon’s question was ridiculed on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart enquiring, “Who is this muckraking Jeff Gannon, who is holding the president’s feet to the fire so that he can more easily give him a reach-around?”[14] The question was also derided by a number of bloggers who considered it an excessively deferential question for a reporter to ask at a presidential press conference.”

Reminds me of Swalwell and Fang Fang, also the creature now WHPS and the deferential questions and dismissal of same.

As for Stasiland here and the Beloved Question Avoider … what a wooden-headed creep.

Going personal now … no gang ever really accepted me as a full member, as there was always a suspicion I believed too much in the first model or code above. Has anyone ever considered it might be a sigma’s best defence, with a living conscience and helper inside, without which I am a monster? In a lesser way, I run two ipads as a tag team … why? Coz they work … simple as that, without probs … and continue to work for the job I do as soc-med pundit. MMUTR revamped the laptop with Linux Mint too, works a treat. HQ’s doing nicely at this moment … it’s his backend and my frontend.

So … no gang ever accepted me as a full member … yet I’ve hobnobbed with many gangs around the world, inc. being part of the nightlife of the runners of a major city … it all adds to the experience … they were slaves to the sleaze, I’m no saint but there is a time to make oneself scarce. You could call that drifting, being “on the road” in the CSN&Y song, “running on empty” in the Jackson Brown song, very Boomer … yet I’ve been drifting in the same place here now for sixteen years, twelve before that.

You have a code yourself, I have a code … that’s our political side. The other political side are the type in the Jaguar ad. In that world, we get the discussion we had last evening in the sidebar about what exactly is trusted news? I trust Steve on that missile, I trust Bill’s scepticism too … IYE was keeping an eye on it too, so were others. I’d say to both keep the mind open, trust very little but do trust something or someone in the end, otherwise we’re just human flotsam.

I don’t trust those who play the saint, are too slick, too perfect, too managed … I’d say many of us believe that … it’s a very War Gen plus Gen X thing … Boomers and Millennials were too easily gulled. Overall.

Yet War Gen and Boomers overall had good educations … both parental and in school. Interesting mix.

There’s nowt new in the 20 minute to London ICBM … hell, we were talking about that decades ago … MAD … remember it? That’s not changed … the western world’s sanity has though … for the worse. Here endeth the rant, time for the second attempt at sleep, chaps and chapesses, at 0252.

1. Evets summary at 887

§ Jack Smith out, Mace on fire, Musk and MSNBC, Demonrats disrespected working class, Gates/Bezos climate vaxx for cows, maniac mother castrating son with court’s blessing.

§ Gorka as Deputy Assistant to the President, Key Square Capitol Group CEO Scott Bessent as Treasury Secretary, Former Florida Rep. Dr Dave Weldon as CDC Director, more on Pam Bondi, Megyn Kelly Obliterates Pete Hegseth Accuser, approval of DJT program overall.

§ Russia’s Final Warning To NATO – You’ll Get Your War, But It’ll Be Over In 15 Minutes, West/Kiev learn nothing, don’t give a damn about us.

§ 8 million people in England are still prepared to risk their lives by having another Covid injection … the stupidity of normies, Covid mask, millions of Americans are now mentally and physically impaired, Midazolam Matt admits DNR notices were abused, other items on what we’re currently dealing with.

One reply

  1. “I’d say to both keep the mind open, trust very little but do trust something or someone in the end, otherwise we’re just human flotsam…”

    Keep an open mind but not so open the brains fall out and flaky stuff gets in and not a closed mind to keep the possibility of good stuff out. Just know that Them keep the psy-ops going because confusion, division and fear keep their control going and once they’ve lost control Them are sunk. We are human flotsam to Them.
    Finally, I do trust something unequivocally. Just not humans.


    JH: 💯

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