Saturday [6 to 11]

(1043) A bit gloomy out there, the sky. (1131)


11. Bill makes a good point if I understand correctly

… when he asks, “Where’s the evidence?” Anything whatever involving reading, watching or listening relies on the bona fides of the bringer of the item and even yesterday, at NOWP, that sort of question cropped up.

We do assemble sources we learn to trust … and those on certain topics only, understanding their prejudices and hobbyhorses. It’s painstaking getting iffy sources listed and why … the bane of the pundit.

In our circle, which garnered 4m votes for Reform and which put the Donald in, we’d say NYT, WaPo, CNN, MSNBC, Guardian, Independent are pretty rubbish, the Wail iffy but sometimes ok, the Express good on one or two things. Obviously, anyone quoting Snopes or Politico is laughed out of the room.

A fave trick of the combined globopsychos/msm/Wokerati is that they first go to extraordinary lengths to suppress, censor, mock, attack and too many of us latch onto the mood of a statement without sufficiently checking its build up, raison d’etre … the lengths gone to to suppress … the trap in other words … e.g. on the deathjab. There’s plenty on toxic effects, even in the last few days but they rely on single word “refutations”, e.g. “Source?” A fave of globopsycho and the Wokerati, that.

We do have material on it, saved but how can anyone expect the average normie to have ferreted and archived? If for some reason a sourced reply is given, the next step in their playbook is: “Well that’s been debunked, hasn’t it.”

Er no. Your source? They drop in their approved graphs and battery of doctors … which is only that … their approved graphs and battery of doctors and so there’s a standoff, isn’t there, in the normies’ eyes … the globopsycho troll or Wokeratist will take that result.

With the State on their side, law enforcement, if we publish, they send Plod. If they publish, our reply is censored … that’s how they like the game to be.

10. Remember some days back

… I told the tale of my M25 breakdown? A reminder:

9. They’re psychos, Jen … zero conscience, zero ethics

8. Going to take the first item up again later

7. Boilers are good

I’ll never willingly and knowingly changeover.

6. Orban, part of his statement

One reply

  1. “…It’s painstaking getting iffy sources listed and why … the bane of the pundit.”

    Bl33ding tedious and this punter is sick to the back teeth with it.

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