Friday [1]



1. Steve’s four

    § Military For Deportations, 1,400 Acres Offered by Texas for Mass Deportation, China’s Intellectual Property Theft, Tucker on Biden ramping up, Threat on Poland

    § Gaetz and Hegseth, Watch Out for Mike Rogers, Neocon Nikki Haley Launches Bitter Attack, Susan Collins Throws a Wrench, Democrats Confirm Another Two Radical Judges

    § Doom’s Day Weapon In Action, storm shadow missiles attack Russia, Kursk, report from front

    § Murder by doctor has begun, NHS Will Misuse Assisted Suicide, extreme weather being due to “the climate crisis” is False, Uke war should never have happened, Reveal DOGE Blueprint, Blue-Collar America Went Red, Pro-Trump Mood In Greece

    One reply

    1. as a Texan
      I do not nor will agree to such stupidity!

      deport those mf’s straight from wherever they are!

      they’ve already harmed and my family and property for Decades!
      not to mention so many others in Texas ( and I am not even speaking murders/rapes/etc.)

      also, gov. a butt is not who most presume him to be.
      he is closer to girl george kama kama chameleon and SeeSee Pee
      than most Texans…

      even deceiving the very elect…

      my 0.02 worth


      JH: Absolutely.

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