Thursday [15 till close of play]

(1542) Evening all … all done here, printer’s working.


24. Candace speaks of Ballerina Farm

Trad wife being a wife and mother … you can imagine the feminazi harpy screaming and pushback.

23. Hmmmmm

Epoch says:

“Former Florida congressman Matt Gaetz wrote Thursday he is withdrawing himself from consideration as President-elect Donald Trump’s choice for U.S. attorney general.

“It is clear that my confirmation was unfairly becoming a distraction to the critical work” of the Trump administration, Gaetz wrote in a statement posted to social media platform X.

Gaetz said he met with senators a day earlier and had “thoughtful feedback” and received “incredible support” from many of them.”

You wot? What did they have on him? I smell McCarthy behind this … he seems to have influence over DJT.

Further delving shows that Murky, Collins, McSenile and one from Utah opposed, rest were with Gaetz.

Nick Sortor: Matt Gaetz only resigned his seat from the 118th Congress. But he was just elected to serve in the 119th Congress, which begins in January. Matt Gaetz is *still* a Representative-elect.

22. Inevitable

21. Steve and war room at 885

a. Andrew & Katie Cherkasky Discuss Streamlining The Military’s True Goals Under Pete Hegseth

b. Sen. Tommy Tuberville On The RINOs Still In Congress

c. Dave Bossie Discusses Matt Gaetz Nomination And President Trump’s Other Top-Tier Nominations

d. Mike Davis: Dems Are Doing Everything They Can To Jam In These Radical Left Wing Judges

Two extra, one from Nigel and one from Ben:

e. Nigel Farage: “Boris Johnson Would Rather See Ukraine Annihilated Than Admit He Was Wrong”

f. Ben Harnwell: Thanks to Trump, EU leaders got some ‘splainin’ to do to their own peoples over Ukraine

20. Downunder for a change

19. John Betts and Elon

18. The stylish diplomacy of Two Tier Stalin

17. Lord T on HR

16. Steve at 885

a. First time that an ICBM has been used in the history of human conflict

b. This is what socialism does to a society

15. Nice bloggers

“Reeves’ inheritance tax raid on farmers was a live issue. The Lib Dem’s Daisy Cooper cited a constituent’s family who, if forced to sell land to meet the charge, would find their food production economically unviable. Replying to a Midlands MP on the same problem, Rayner repeated Starmer’s claim that ‘the vast majority of farms will not pay any inheritance tax’; yet Burghart had earlier quoted the NFU’s estimate that ‘75% of all commercial farms will fall above the threshold.’ Yesterday Badenoch got a great cheer when she told the farmers’ rally in London that Conservatives would cancel that tax at the first opportunity.

Lovely chap, Rolf, fair to all sides, even the LibDems, unlike us … pack of right bstds that we are. 😎

8 replies on “Thursday [15 till close of play]”

  1. 17. I remember many years ago when I was unemployed, the job centre insisted I apply for the job as HR Manager at a local firm. I had been a clerical assistant and at one point my job required me to shove blank application forms into envelopes to send to those interested in a job. It wasn’t in an HR department or anything, it was just something for me to fill my time with while they found something else for me to type. But the job centre folk called this “HR experience” and the local firm was obliged to put me on the interview list because the job centre had sent me.

    The interview came and consisted in them asking me questions and me answering “I don’t know” to most of them. Some questions I didn’t even understand what they were asking me. At the end of the interview, the interviewer explained that they’d had several other good applicants for the job, and could I tell them why they should give the job to me. I almost said, “Out of pity?” but I was so overwhelmed I just looked at him. I was so surprised when I didn’t get the job…….


    JH: Thanks, Isilme.

  2. 23. Seems Gaetz caved under pressure? If that is so then better that he quit now. “Can’t stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.”


    JH: I’m seeing the name Ashley Moody a bit, De Santis involved.

    • My comment before last whooshed.
      Here’s the comment quoted
      “consider that Gaetz was maybe always a sacrificial pawn … by pushing him out there the left and RINO’s showed their cards … things need to play out … if Trump wanted him to fight it out then Gaetz would have … it may be some 3D chess stuff but confident Trump has a plan …”

      “The IC/Blob and their “six ways from Sunday” efforts to give a “character flaw” excuse for the F-rated “Republicans” in the Senate who don’t want to vote for these major boat rockers anyway. All they need is four nays.

      “Three of Trump’s Cabinet selections face allegations of sexual misconduct
      Matt Gaetz, Pete Hegseth and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. face questions about their personal actions as well as their professional qualifications ahead of the Senate confirmation process.
      20 Nov 2024”

  3. Numero vingt-deux
    I find it amusing, ironic, that all mention of Essex Police comes out sounding like “ethics police”.
    But then I am from North of Watford Gap.


    JH: Ah, important distinction … The Gap.

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